Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Okay, sweetie, we’re ready.” Deb said from behind the curtain. She looked over at her husband that was chewing on a toothpick pacing the dress store. “Joe, you’re going to make her nervous.”

“Debra, leave me be.” He said roughly. After all, it wasn’t every day you saw your only daughter in a wedding gown. He had been mentally preparing himself for the big day, trying to convince himself he could walk her down the aisle. He could give her away. Christ, the thought shattered him. She was just a little girl in his eyes, alright so maybe she was a woman, and he had to come to terms with that, but when he looked at her, she was still just the little girl who danced in the living room to Rave On with him, promising she’d never leave him.

In just a few short days he’d walk her down that short aisle and place her hand in Nick’s watching as the little girl he read bedtime stories too vowed to love another man for the rest of her life. He lifted his head as she pulled back the curtain and the woman who stood before him in a wedding gown, wasn’t a little girl anymore.

Deb smiled through her tears as she watched Sam step out of the dressing room, her eyes focused on her father, seeking his approval.

“Dad?” Sam said as she spun around in her dress smiling. “What do you think?” She asked when she had made a complete circle. Her eyes found his and he couldn’t help the tears that slid down his cheek.

“You’re beautiful.” He whispered. “So incredibly beautiful.”

Sam smiled brightly as she watched her father stare at her in awe.

December 10

Cara climbed onto Luke’s bed. He was sprawled across the bed, his hands tucked under his head as he slept. She leaned over him and brushed the fallen strands of hair away from his face and dipped her head pressing her lips against his. Her fingers dug into the white T-shirt that he wore as she felt him return her kiss. He moaned slightly as her tongue ran along the seam of his mouth seeking entry. His lips parted and she slipped her tongue inside. She wrapped her arms around him as he took hold of her hips and flipped her over onto her back. He pulled back slightly and stared at her with a sleepy look. As groggy as he was though he was completely turned on. The evidence was pressed against her leg.

“Morning,” she purred as she stared at his mouth.

“Let it be noted, I’m all for you waking me up with your mouth.” He said in his gruff tone, which she now understood had nothing to do with Luke being tired and was more commonly ignited when he was turned on.

“Yeah, you like it when I use my mouth?” She asked as she licked her lips, feeling playful.

“You’re dipping into dangerous waters, Spunky.” He warned as his eyes darkened.

“As much as I’d like to give you my mouth… Ava’s downstairs waiting patiently.” She said, leaning forward and placing a quick kiss to his mouth. “You need to get up we have plans.”

He groaned and let his hands roam down the length of her body. He gripped her hips and pulled them to him as he buried his face in her neck and let his mouth leave a trail of open mouthed kisses.

“Luke…” She said weakly.

“What plans?” He murmured against her collarbone.

“We are picking out a Christmas tree.” She said, giving him a slight push. “Come on we have to get a move on, before all the good ones are gone!” She said and slipped out of the hold he had on her.

Luke dropped his head to the pillow with a groan. He learned a lot in the last month. A man didn’t combust from blue balls. They just were a painful fucking thing. Oh, and Cara loved Christmas. She really loved Christmas.

December 11