Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Wow, seems like it was just yesterday.” He said nostalgic and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What made you go through these albums?” He asked.

Deb removed her glasses and placed the photo back under the clear paper. “I went into the attic to get the stockings for the mantle and I came across the box of Christmas albums.”

“I thought you didn’t want to decorate this year.”

“I just wanted to hang the stockings.” She said not sure why she wanted her mantle full of the stockings she had for her children since they were babies. She lifted the red and white stocking that had Jake’s name written in gold glitter along the white cuff. She remembered carefully writing his name in Elmer’s glue and sprinkling the glitter on, when he was just a child.

“Maybe we should call the grief counselor if you’re having a rough time.” He said softly reminding her that they weren’t alone in their grief for their son. They had been going to grief counseling for months now and to Joe’s surprise, it helped. There were other people just like them grieving for a child, whether that child was younger or older, together they found a way to heal.

“No, no… I’m fine. It’s just there are days… you know.” She looked at her husband. “I’ll always miss my son Joe, especially around the holidays.”

“I know, dear. I know.” He said and pulled out a chair to sit beside her. He looked at the stocking she held in her hands. “I miss him too.” He said hoarsely as Deb reached out and covered his hand with hers. They had their days.

December 7

Cara was sitting on her couch, most of her boxes were unpacked and she and Benny had settled into their new home. He was sitting on the rug chewing on a new rawhide while she attacked a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. It was Friday night and she was settling in with her remote for the night, flicking through the movie channels. She licked the ice cream off the back of her spoon when her phone rang beside her. She glanced down sticking the spoon back in the container and saw Luke and Ava’s picture on her home screen. She smiled and answered the call.


“Hi, Cara! It’s me Ava.” She said excitedly into the phone.

“Hey baby. What’s going on?” Cara said with a smile, digging back into the ice cream.

“Daddy said you should open your door.” Ava said with a giggle.

Cara instantly turned her gaze to her closed door with her curiosity spiked. She unraveled her legs and stood up. “Why?” She asked inquisitively unable to contain her smile.

“She asked why, Dad.” Ava whispered to Luke.

Cara swung open the door with her free hand, holding her tub of ice cream in the other. A smile spread across her face when she set her eyes on Ava, who was holding Luke’s phone to her ear, giggling. She lifted her head and her eyes met Luke’s. He was holding a pizza box in his hand.

“Didn’t think we’d let you miss date night with us, did you?” He said with a smile.

Ava closed the door and ran underneath Cara’s arm, making a beeline for the dog.

“Benny, it’s pizza night!!” She said as she ran into the apartment. Cara glanced over her shoulder watching Ava throw herself on the floor while Benny tackled her with kisses. She turned around and saw Luke eyeing the tub of ice cream she was still holding.

She bit her lip and scrunched her face. “It’s dinner time.”

“Then we came just in time.” He said with a wink. “Save the ice cream for dessert, Baby.”

“You called me Baby.” She smiled.

“Would you rather Spunky?” He asked and then was treated to her wrapping her free arm around his neck. She pulled him down to meet her waiting mouth. Her lips pressed perfectly to his.

“You can call me anything you want.” She said between the kisses she peppered over his smiling mouth.

December 8

Luke laid along the length of his couch with Cara laying over him. He ran his fingers through her hair as she snored against his chest. He tilted his head up a bit and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

“I’m pretty sure I love you.” He whispered to the sleeping beauty nestled in the crook of his arm. He laid his head back against the arm of the couch and stared up at the ceiling wide awake.

December 9

“Okay, I think I’m ready.” Sam said, taking a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror of the dressing room she stood in. It was her final fitting for her wedding dress and outside behind the curtain, her father paced.