Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

December 2

Luke looked over at Sam clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” His eyes turned back to the instructors that were spinning their students along the wooden floor. He ran his hands along his thighs and shook his head. He couldn’t believe he had agreed to his sister’s ridiculous idea, in fact he wasn’t sure he actually did agree to it, but here he was waiting for his turn.

“Would you just relax?” Sam said, rubbing her hand along his back, trying to ease his nerves.

“Remind me again why I let you talk me into this?” He mumbled miserably. The song ended, signaling that another set of student’s would be selected for their lesson. Luke prayed they didn’t call his name.

“Luke Lanza?” The brunette called, eyeing the few people that sat waiting for their turn. Luke grimaced, naturally, they’d call him next. He glanced at Sam, who smiled at him encouragingly before he drew in a deep breath and rose to his feet.

The instructor’s eyes glided up and down sizing him up and then smiled at him. Luke wondered if she could tell by just glancing at him that he was blessed with two left feet. He stood in front of her, feeling like an imbecile.

“It says here, we’re going to teach you how to Salsa.” She said looking over the form Sam filled out when he registered for ten lessons. His eyes widened and he looked over his shoulder at his sister who was sitting down giving him the thumbs up.

“Salsa?!” He whispered harshly. He thought he was there to learn how to twirl Cara around the dance floor without stepping on her toes.

“Shall we begin?” The instructor asked, nodding to her assistant to cue the music. The music cued and Luke turned around suddenly when he felt the instructor place her hands on his hips. “Let’s loosen those hips!” She said enthusiastically.

Luke felt his cheeks redden instantly. The things you do when you’re in love…

December 3

Luke walked alongside his father and the contractor, he hired. The contractor held the blueprints in his hand and pointed to the open space in which cement foundation was being laid. He pointed to the construction site and then to the blueprints, explaining step by step how this bare area would transform into Jake’s Custom Bike Shop. Luke watched as his father absorbed everything the contractor was saying and couldn’t help but wonder what his father was thinking. He took a chance on the design of the garage they were building, hoping it would eventually be the place his brother dreamed of.

Joe shook the contractors hand and watched him walk back to the site where his crew was diligently working despite the cold weather conditions. He turned back to face his son, draping his arm around Luke’s shoulders.

“What do you think?” Luke asked, shoving his hands into his pockets, walking alongside his father back to the truck. He couldn’t explain why, but this project he was embarking on was so incredibly important to him. He wanted every last detail to be perfect. Maybe it was his desire to finally succeed in being able to give something to Jake. He needed to make peace with the fact that he couldn’t save him, but here and now, he could honor him.

“I think your brother would be so damn proud.” Joe said, his voice thick with emotion. He turned around once they reached the truck and patted Luke’s cheek. “You did good Luke. You did real good.” He nodded over Luke’s shoulder towards the site. “It’s going to be a dream come true.”

He stared into his father’s eyes and swallowed hard against the lump in his throat.

December 4

Sam and Nick climbed the steep hill that was covered with a fresh blanket of snow. He held her hand tightly, careful that she wouldn’t slip as they made their way to Jake’s place of rest. Sam looked down at the stone, not really believing that she was standing in a cemetery looking at her brother’s headstone.

“Hey Jake.” She said softly, taking in all the flowers and trinkets that decorated the area in front of the stone. There was a porcelain crucifix, a bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear and small toy motorcycle.

“Hi Buddy.” Nick said as he wrapped an arm loosely around Sam. “We came to pay our respects to our biggest fan and share some news with you.”