Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“And you might want to reach out to your father. If you resolve the issue, it can’t tear you down anymore.” The minister offered.

Cara took in their words of advice and listened on as they encouraged her to fight for her sobriety. She was her own hero, now, had it inked to her skin and all. She just needed to believe those words. The hour flew by and before she knew it, she had exchanged phone numbers with Cynthia and her sponsor, he had someone for her to meet who may be interesting in being a sponsor. To her surprise as the meeting broke, she began to feel better. She would make it through she just needed to focus on the positive things in her life and learn to stop letting her shitty past drag her down. She was going to hook up with a sponsor and maybe make a call to her therapist at Lakeview in the morning. She stepped out into the blistering cold. It was really coming down, making it barely visible to see three feet in front of her, yet there was no mistaking the figure that leaned against the railing of the church steps.

Luke glanced upward and pushed off the bannister. He stood straight and she watched his shoulders slump in relief the minute his eyes found hers. She broke their stare when someone called goodbye to her. She returned the gesture and then walked down the steps to Luke. When she approached the last step she was eye level with him and went to open her mouth to speak but he cut her off immediately.

“You ever do that to me again, I’m done, Cara, just done.” He said his eyes locking onto hers, his lips a thin line and his voice gruff and struggling for control. He was at his limit.

“Luke…” She started not sure what to say.

“Get in the car and for the love of God, do not fight with me. We’ll get your car tomorrow.” He turned around not waiting for her and started for his truck.

She chose not to argue and followed him down the path to his truck. He didn’t bother to open the door for her, and that was completely not in his character. She knew then he was pissed and seriously pissed at her. He shook the snow off himself before he climbed into his truck. The engine purred to life and he pulled out of the spot. They were about two blocks down when she found her voice.

“Okay, I get your mad, but…” She said with a sigh. She should’ve called when she got to the church.

“Mad? You think I’m mad?” He shifted the car into park in the middle of the snowy road and turned to face her. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. “Three hours.” He gripped the steering wheel before he slammed his fist into it. “Three hours.” He growled.


“No Cara, you don’t get it.” He turned and pierced her with a steady look. “I understand this is your battle with addiction and not mine. But I have seen you through every step of your recovery. You don’t get to tell me you need a pill and then I don’t hear from you for three hours. You might not like what I’m about to say and you might not be ready to listen to it, but it’s high time I said it. You became my responsibility the moment I peeled you off of Jake’s lifeless body. You became my second chance the day you asked me for help. You became mine the day you made amends at Lakeview. You became mine to love the night you kissed me in my truck. You became mine, Cara. I look after what’s mine. I worry about what’s mine. I love what’s mine. I cherish what is mine with every fiber of my being.” He swallowed and watched as she absorbed his words. “The last three hours have been the longest three hours of my fucking life.” He said hoarsely. “Now I’m taking you home to my house and I don’t care if you don’t say a word to me all night. You are staying with me. You’re sleeping in my bed, with my arms wrapped around you, and for completely selfish reasons. So that I know you’re safe and that you’re mine.”

Cara stared at him. Her voice unfounded as she reeled from his words. She was his, his to love. Luke loved her? He cherished her? A sad reality loomed over her. Everyone who loved her, she lost. Everything she loved died.

Chapter Eighteen

Luke pulled into his snow covered driveway and shifted the car into park, turning it off, he glanced at Cara. They hadn’t uttered a word to one another on the drive back to his house. He blew out a breath when she pushed open her door and climbed out of the truck, slamming the door behind her. It was safe to say that his little show outside the church ticked her off. Rightfully so, after the day she had. He sighed and got out of his truck. She was waiting at the door for him and he wondered for a moment, why she didn’t use her own key.

He went to shove his key into the lock when the door swung open by Nick who was chomping away on an apple.

“Look babe, the snow bunnies are home safe and sound.” He said as he chewed. Cara rolled her eyes and brushed past Nick. He turned and watched as Luke took off his coat. “Was it something I said?”

“More like something I said.” Luke replied and looked at his friend. “Don’t ask.”