Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Sam smiled. “Get to it than, girlfriend.”

Cara laughed slightly before turning around and following Deb into the kitchen.

“What was that all about?” Nick asked, reaching for his beer.

“Oh, nothing…” Sam said innocently leaning against the cushions of the couch with a broad smile on her face.

Joe turned around and looked at his daughter for a moment. “You know too don’t you?”

“Know what?” Sam asked not meeting his stare.

“Nothing.” Joe said with a hint of a smile before turning his attention back to the TV. It was pretty comical to him that his whole family thought the wool was pulled over his eyes most of the time.


Cara followed Deb into the kitchen, the scent of whatever she was cooking, assaulted her senses, causing her to remember she hadn’t eaten since early that morning when she scarfed down a bagel in the car driving to see her long lost father. What a day, she thought, knowing it was nowhere near over either. She took a seat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and watched on as Deb worked the espresso machine.

“Is everything okay?” Deb asked as she measured out the black coffee.

Cara tapped her nails on the counter trying to figure the best way to discuss what she was about to, with the mother of the two men she loved. She shrugged her shoulders and decided the blunt truth would have to do because she was exhausted of running in circles.

“I need you to know that I am so unbelievably grateful for everything you and Joe have ever done for me. From the moment I became Jake’s friend you have done nothing but greet me with open arms. You’ve been my family. You swept in and without so much as a question, you took me in and became like a mother to me.” Deb placed the measuring spoon down on the counter and braced her hands along the edge. Cara watched her cautiously, but continued. “I don’t remember much of my mother, and it’s always made me sad, but the one thing that breaks me away from that sadness, has been knowing that I have you. I’ve never felt like just a friend in this house and it’s important for me to know that you now know, how very much you all mean to me. How much Jake meant to me.”

“Cara…” Deb said softly interrupting her as she turned around, her eyes meeting hers. “I’ve always known that.”

“Yes, maybe you have, but for my own sound mind, I need to reiterate it.” Cara swallowed. “I loved Jake for the friend he was to me and for the man he grew to be. I would’ve loved to have been his wife. I would’ve loved to have grown old with him.” She heard her voice catch and forced a smile. Her words rang true to her heart, a bittersweet revelation. “He’ll always have a special place in my heart until this heart of mine doesn’t beat anymore.”

Deb wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes, but did not look away from the young woman before her. “I know, sweetheart.” She whispered hoarsely.

“I’m in love with Luke.” Cara said firmly before releasing a breath. She let the words that escaped linger in the room. The silence gave her a moment to relish in the truth. She felt free and she waited for the shame to engulf her, but it never came. It was okay to love him. It was natural. It was part of life. Cara was now a firm believer that one couldn’t control who the heart fell in love with. It was destiny.

“I know that too.” Deb said and leaned over the counter and took her hands in hers. “I’ve known that for a while too.”

“You have?” Cara asked surprised.

“Yes. I know you’ve been struggling with your feelings too.”