Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Claire!” Nancy cried out as Jim and Cara chuckled slightly.

“Totally fucking awesome.” Cara agreed and winked at Claire. She hadn’t really known what to expect coming there today. She had no idea if she would be accepted or if she even wanted to be. What she found though was a chance at a new beginning with a family she wanted to get to know and hopefully be a part of. A father who had flaws, but maybe even he deserved a second chance, a stepmother who welcomed her with no questions asked and a sister who she saw shreds of herself in. It got her thinking about the family she had back home, the little family, she was already a part of. The family she missed and needed to get back to. The family she needed to claim as her own, once and for all.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Joe Lanza walked into his living room carrying a full plate of cold antipasto, taking a seat alongside his son-in-law. He leaned forward, placing the plate overflowing with cold cuts and Italian cheeses on the coffee table, nudging Nick with his elbow before motioning to the feast before them.

“Did I miss anything?” Joe said, popping a thin slice of dry sausage into his mouth.

“Jet’s intercepted the ball.” Nick said, reaching for a piece of provolone cheese. “Does Deb know you raided the antipasto?”

Joe waved a hand, dismissing Nick’s question just as the doorbell rang. “Deb! Someone’s at the door.” He hollered as the Jet’s took control over the ball. There was no shot in hell he was getting off the couch and missing the game. He had struggled with the decision to make a plate, in the end his stomach won the war and he gave in, hence the little buffet he and Nick were indulging in.

Sam strolled into the living room wearing a Jets jersey, flipping through “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. She eyed the food on the table, snatching a piece of pepperoni before sitting down. “Mom’s going to kill you guys for eating in the living room.”

“What do you call what you’re doing?” Joe asked amused.

“She won’t care about me, I’ve got a grandbaby to grow.” She said with a smirk, laying one hand over her protruding stomach. The doorbell sounded again.


“I’m coming! I’m coming!” She hollered wiping her hands along a dishtowel. She stopped short in her living room and took in the three of them sitting on the couch, munching away. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” She said in disbelief.

“What?” Joe asked innocently. “You’re being very rude to the person on the other side of the door, dear.” He said as a matter of fact. “It’s not like you to keep company waiting.”

“We’re not expecting company and I don’t see you getting up to answer the door.” Deb said, putting her hands on her hips to emphasize her point.

“That’s because I’m busy helping the cause.”

“And which cause might that be?” She asked, her eyebrows drawing together in suspicion.

Joe lifted a piece of salami wrapped around a mozzarella ball to his daughter, elbowing her to take a bite. “I’m just helping grow the grandchild.”

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” Deb shook her head and walked into the entryway. She pulled open the door and smiled. “Cara! Oh, honey, I’m sorry for keeping you out here. Come inside, you must be freezing.” She said, moving aside to let Cara walk in.

“I hope it’s not a bad time.” Cara said and then heard the cheering from the living room, causing her to laugh.

“Football,” Deb explained with a roll of her eyes.

“Is everyone here?’ Cara asked nervously as she hung her leather jacket up in the coat closet. She tried to listen to the sound of the voices, trying to make out who was in the living room.

“Luke isn’t here yet. He had to take Ava to an ice-skating party.” Deb replied watching Cara’s body language intently. She watched her shoulders slump before she turned to face her, smiling. “But he’ll be here afterwards.” Deb added.

“Well I um…actually came to talk to you and Joe. If now isn’t a good time, I can come back.” Cara offered as she shoved her hands into her back pockets.

“I’m pretty sure a bomb wouldn’t get Joe off the couch right now, but I’m all ears.” Deb smiled and nodded towards the kitchen. “Come on, I’ll make you an espresso.”

Cara smiled in return and started to follow Deb.

“Deb, who was it?” Joe called out.

Cara stuck her head into the living room and waved at the three amigos stuffing their faces on the couch. “It’s just me.”

“We’ll be in the kitchen, having some girl talk.” Deb said over Cara’s shoulder.

Sam met Cara’s gaze and received a wink in return. “How’d everything go?” Sam asked concerned.

“It went well, surprisingly. I’m working on what we discussed the other night.” Cara told her with a smile playing on her face. “I’ll tell you all about it later, but right now I’ve kind of got to get something off my chest and see someone I’ve sort of left hanging.”