Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Jake?” Cara asked wondering why this was the first time she was ever hearing about Jake meeting her father after all the years that had passed.

“It’s as if it was just yesterday when the police showed up here.” Nancy looked down as if the memories were too painful. “They were very vague and when I arrived at the hospital, I wasn’t even sure he was alive. They finally let me see Jim. He was so badly beaten that his face was swollen and unrecognizable.”

“I’m sorry but are you saying that Jake beat him up?” Cara asked, holding up a hand to stop Nancy from continuing until she answered her question.

“Nancy…” Jim raised his voice in a warning tone causing both women to turn and look at him.

“Is that true?” Cara asked not willing to retract her question.

Nancy cocked an eyebrow at her husband as if to question if he was serious speaking in that tone towards her.“I thought she knew at first.” Nancy said firmly meeting Jim’s gaze with a steady glare.

Jim swiped a hand down his face, sighing heavily, he took a seat beside Cara. “I was at a truckers stop right outside Riverdale one night.” He began. “I was on my way to the Bronx and decided to stop off and get a coffee before the drive. I was making my way back to the truck when he stepped out from the shadows.” Jim looked at Cara. “That boy set a man like me straight and I don’t just mean with his fists but also with his words, and that takes guts”

“I didn’t know anything about that.” Cara said hoarsely before nodding towards his face dragging her finger along the side of her own face. “Is that how you got that?”

Jim looked down for a moment as if he was contemplating his words and his actions that would follow. “Cara, I look at this scar every day when I glance in the mirror and it reminds me of you. It reminds me of all the wrongs I made in my life and most of all it reminded me that somewhere there was someone who loved you fiercely.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers. “I’d look at this scar and think, there is someone out there taking better care of her than I ever could. He made me wish I was a better man.” He reached out, with a hesitant hand, but quickly took her hand in his. “I’m sorry you lost him. I’m sorry that I was never there for you when you needed me. I’m so sorry.”

Cara wiped away the tears from her cheeks with the back of her free hand. “I don’t know what to say…” She said through a sob.

Jim squeezed her hand, his own eyes full of unshed tears, too proud to let them fall freely. “Don’t say anything. I owe you that apology, hell, I owe you a lot more, but that’s all I have. I can’t erase the past, but I’d like to be a part of your life. I’d like to know who you’ve become.”

“I’d like that too.” Cara whispered. She turned to face Nancy. “I’d like to know you too.”

Nancy smiled widely. “I think that would be wonderful.” She looked at her husband and nodded reassuring him that she was happy he could finally make peace with his first born. The front door opened and then slammed as a young boisterous voice called out into the house.

“Parental units, I’m home! Hello?” Claire said as she hung her coat in the hall. Cara went to pull her hand back from her father’s but he held onto it as he turned around. Claire walked into the living room, stopping short in the entryway.

“Claire.” Nancy said, rising to her feet.

The young girl looked back and forth between her parents before her eyes settled confusingly on Cara.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” Clair asked, cocking her head to the side trying to place Cara.

Cara took a deep breath and looked directly into the eyes that were so familiar to her. She smiled slightly. ‘We’ve met before. You held a gift for me on hold at the hobby shop you work in.”

“I remember.” She raised an eyebrow. “Was it defected or something? We don’t own the shop or anything. I’m just an employee.” She looked at her parents confused.

“Claire, do you remember all the stories of the little girl with a curl in the middle of her forehead? The little girl with the eyes just like yours?” Jim asked his youngest daughter.

“Yeah…” Claire asked cautiously just as Nancy came to stand beside her.

“That little girls name was Cara.” Jim explained before pulling Cara closer to his side. “I’d like you to meet the girl from the story. I’d like you to meet your sister.”

Claire’s eyes widened at her father’s words before she turned and looked at Cara. There were no words spoken as Cara fell under the young girl’s scrutiny. She felt her palms begin to sweat and she released Jim’s hand so she could wipe them her denim cover thighs. If she could find the words, she was sure she’d be a rambling mess. This had to rate as the top awkward moment of her life.

“Sweetie?” Nancy urged, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“How weird is this?” Claire asked before slowly breaking out into a grin. “And totally fucking awesome!”