Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“I made a promise.”

“And you kept it.” Nick sighed. “It’s time to stop living for the sake of the promise, and start living for the sake of your own happiness.”


“So after I woke up from the dream, everything was so much clearer to me. I don’t know why. I know it sounds silly, but having Jake visit me in my dream was the push I needed to know I was doing the right thing. I didn’t feel so guilty for following my heart. It felt right and I couldn’t wait to tell Luke. It didn’t matter to me who knew, it still doesn’t. I love Luke. I love him like I never thought I’d be capable of again.” She laughed sadly. “But it doesn’t matter because he ended things before I could tell him the truth, I thought he so badly wanted to hear.”

“So tell him!” Sam shouted.

Cara’s eyes widened at Sam’s tone. “He doesn’t want to hear it, Sam. He wants to be friends.”

“Oh come on! Luke doesn’t want to be your damn friend Cara. He wants you! He wants to love you and have you love him back. My brother is not a casual guy, he puts on a show, but deep down all he wants is to belong to someone. He wants the kind of love families are made of. He has the family. He and Ava, they are a family, maybe not the most conventional one, but still they are a family and they both are missing someone that completes their family.” She paused for a moment. “You both need to realize it’s not just the two of you who fell in love, but Ava did too. I picked her up from school today and she broke my heart. I know you love Luke and I know you love Ava too. What I can’t wrap my head around is why the girl, who wanted a family so bad, doesn’t go and claim the one she already has?”

Sam: How’s it going on your end?

Nick: I could really use a visual.

Sam: Make it work Nick!

Nick: We’re working on it.

Sam: We?

Nick: I needed back-up. Ava’s on board.

Sam: Did I mention I love you?

Nick: You can tell me later when you’re naked.

Sam: Deal.

Nick: You’re distracting me.


Cara crawled into her bed later that night with Benny tucked beside her. She petted her beloved pooch.

“You miss them too don’t you buddy?” She asked the beagle who stared up at her with sad eyes. “I know you do. Mommy’s going to make it better, I promise.” She vowed pressing a kiss to the pups head before leaning over and turning off her lamp. Tomorrow would come soon enough, she thought. A day to make amends. A day she’d make peace with her past, and focus on her future. She sighed heavily, hoping she wouldn’t be too late and closed her eyes letting sleep overcome her.

Luke leaned against the door of Ava’s room. He watched his little girl sleep for a few moments before he stepped closer and brushed away some of the hair that had fallen over her eyes, before gently kissing her forehead.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered to his sleeping princess. “Daddy’s going to make it better. I promise.” He rose to his full height and walked out of her bedroom, careful not to wake her. He padded down the hall to his bedroom and pulled his shirt over his head, chucking it to the side. He sat down on the edge of his bed and grabbed his phone. He found Cara’s number and debated on whether or not he should call. Could everything he had to say to her really be said over the phone?

The wedding march began and like many of the times before Cara descended down the aisle. It was the same dream she had since she was just a little girl. The dress, the same just like the chapel was. She held her bouquet and made her way down the aisle by herself. A smile spread across her beautiful face as she gazed lovingly at the man she was about to marry. There was something different this time, though. There was no faceless stranger at the altar waiting for her. No, her groom’s face was clear as day, as was the little persons who stood beside him. Tears filled her eyes as she looked into the eyes of the man she loved and the girl who would become her daughter. Her family waited at the altar for her. Luke and Ava stood smiling waiting for her, to claim them as her own.

Luke: I miss you

Chapter Twenty Six