Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“I don’t like you very much anymore.” Luke said as a matter of fact. “In fact, you’re becoming one of my least favorite people.”

“I love you too schnookums!” Nick said, unfazed by Luke. “I like peppers and onions on my pizza, and a little crumbled sausage.” He shoved the drinks into Luke’s arms. “Put these in the fridge will you? Thanks you’re a gem! I’m gonna get the movie started.”

“I’m not watching Dirty Dancing.” Luke said with his arms full. After all, a man had to draw the line somewhere, didn’t he?

“Too many memories?” Nick patted him on the shoulder. “Poor guy, you miss her don’t you?”

Luke’s eyebrows drew together as he peered at Nick trying to figure whether or not he was serious or busting his balls as usual. “I already told you this morning at the garage I don’t want to talk about it.” With that being said, he turned around and left Nick in the living room.

Nick watched him until he was out of sight before he pulled out his phone and quickly typed a text to his wife.

Nick: I’m in! Operation Your Brother Is A Jerk in full effect!

He waited for Sam’s response while keeping one eye on the kitchen where Luke was.

Sam: Cara just got here. Good luck, eye on the prize.

Nick: Remind me of the prize again.

Sam: Me… naked.

Nick: Visuals would help. Just saying a picture would probably keep me focused.

Nick looked up from his phone when he heard the sound of footsteps bounding down the stairs. Ava looked up at him, surprised, her face softening when his eyes met hers.

“Uncle Nick, what are you doing here?” She asked as she sat down on the couch, her big blue eyes happy to see him. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and grinned at her.

“Hey, Pipsqueak. I missed you.” He sat down beside her and tousled her hair.

“I missed you too. Thank you for my souvenir, Aunt Sam gave it to me today when she took me home from school.”

“You’re welcome. Aunt Sam told me you were upset today. That’s really why I’m here. Want to talk about it?” Nick asked, remembering how Operation Your Brother Is A Jerk came about. When Nick arrived home from a grueling day of dealing with Luke at the garage, he found his wife pushing him back out the door, demanding he go talk to Luke. He had no desire to spend any more quality time with the grumpy bastard. He fought the good fight too, and told his wife that Luke was a self-declared master of women. He had them figured out what possibly could Nick say to remedy the situation? And then the little vixen he married, started to undress right before his very eyes. She pouted and told him she was worried about Ava, that, their niece seemed mad at the world since things with Luke and Cara had gone south.

Ava looked towards the hallway to see if her dad was anywhere in sight before she turned back to Nick. “My dad and Cara aren’t talking anymore.” She looked down at her hands. “It’s different than when Leah went away. I love Cara.” She whispered. “I thought she loved me too.”

“Did you tell your dad how you’re feeling?” Nick asked.

“No.” She sniffled. Christ up above, she was crying. Nick wasn’t prepared for this.

He blew out a breath and tried to formulate a plan to help a child understand that well, adults, are sometimes their own worst enemy. “Cara loves you Ava. Don’t you doubt that for one second. We all love you, more than you’ll ever know.”

“Then how come she doesn’t come around anymore? I haven’t seen Benny since Christmas.” She choked out.

“What if I told you that Cara and your dad are not the brightest crayons in the box?” That should work right? Crayons? Kids? They go hand in hand.

“I think my dad loves her, you know?” Ava whispered. “He was always smiling when she was around. And you know, she didn’t look so sad anymore, like she did when Uncle Jake went to heaven.”

Nick nodded. “They both smiled a lot more than usual around each other.”

“So what happened?” Ava asked as her shoulders slumped.

“I’m not sure, baby. But sometimes adults need a push in the right direction.”

“Will you help me push them?” Ava asked hopefully.

Nick wanted more than to push Luke, but didn’t tell Ava that.

“Who are you pushing?” Luke asked as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest as he peered at Nick and his daughter suspiciously. Ava looked up at her dad and then back to her uncle. Nick winked at her.

“It’s time you sat down, brother.” Nick said flatly. “Me and the Pipsqueak would like a word.” He eyed his friend. “Now.” He said firmly.


Sam reached for the pint of Lo-Mein, digging in with her chopsticks. She lifted her gaze to Cara, who was poking around another container with her own set of chopsticks, barely eating.

“There is an unspoken rule, that, you have to pig out with your pregnant friend.” Sam said as she filled her mouth with the noodles.