Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Joe glanced at his watch. “Where is that son of yours anyway?” He asked Deb. “I thought he was just dropping Ava off at the party and then coming over here.” He turned to Cara. “He’s bringing the bread.” He explained. The dire need for Luke’s attendance evident in his tone.

“That’s what he said, when I called him this morning.” Deb said as she moved towards the oven, opening it to check on the roast she was cooking.

Sam and Nick walked into the kitchen, hand in hand. “Ma, you need some help with dinner?” Sam asked, releasing Nick’s hand to peek into one of the pots that sat on top of the stove. “You made mashed potatoes?” She pulled open a drawer and took out a spoon to sample the buttery goodness that was Deb’s mashed potatoes.

“See! We’re all starving.” Joe said, throwing his hands in the air. The phone rang and Nick picked it up since he was leaning against the wall next to it.

“Deb’s Kitchen, Nick speaking, what can we get you?” He said into the phone, causing everyone to turn and look at him. He shrugged his shoulders and offered his best grin. The caller on the other end began to speak causing Nick to stand straight as he listened, the smile faltering from his face. “Is she alright?”

Cara lifted her head a sickening feeling claiming her. She swallowed hard as she stared at Nick expectantly. Silence washed over the kitchen and all eyes were on Nick as he spoke.

“Shit, alright. Go do your thing. We’re on our way.” He hung the phone back on the receiver as he turned to face the family. “Ava had an accident on the ice. Pipsqueak broke her wrist.”

Cara hurried out of the kitchen, not waiting for anyone to follow. She grabbed her coat from the hall closet, rushing to get her car keys that were buried in her pocket. “I’ll meet you guys over there.” She called behind her before hurrying out the door. She didn’t wait for anyone to answer or to follow suit, she didn’t offer to drive anyone or wait for them to drive her. She was only aware of the urgency she felt overcome her, the urgency to be with Ava and Luke. They needed her. She needed them. She needed to see that she was okay. She needed to stand beside Luke, and watch the doctor’s patch up their girl. He needed to know he wasn’t alone anymore.

Luke squeezed Ava’s good hand, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. “It’s going to be okay, Princess.” He promised her as she cried.

“It hurts so bad Daddy.” She sobbed.

Luke glanced over at the doctors as they prepared to set his little girl's wrist for her cast. He wished like hell he could take her place, but he was beginning to realize that never worked for him. He brushed another kiss to her head.

“It’ll be over soon. Grandma and Grandpa are on their way. So is Uncle Nick and Aunt Sam.”

Leah walked into the room, glancing at the doctor before making her way to Ava’s bedside. “Hey Ava, I have something for you…” She pulled rolls of stickers out of the pockets of her scrubs. “We can decorate your cast once Dr. Meyers is finished.” She pulled out a Sharpie. “And then you can ask everyone to sign it.” She lifted her head and her eyes met Luke’s.

“Look at that, Ava.” Luke said softly as she lifted her head from his chest to inspect the stickers that Leah was handing her. “She’s even got some Hello Kitty stickers.”

Ava sniffled and took the stickers that Leah offered her. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“Anytime,” Leah said with a smile. They stood silent for a moment as Ava seemed occupied with the browsing through the stickers. She looked at Luke. “Are you okay? You need anything?”

“I’m good.” He said quickly before sighing. “Thanks for getting her right in.”

“No problem.” She said softly. “Dr. Meyers is good. Her wrist will heal perfectly.” She said reassuringly to the nervous father standing before her. He looked so broken and torn. She wanted to help, even if it was the smallest way possible.

“Okay, where is our little patient?” Dr. Meyers asked, rolling beside Ava on a stool.

Ava whimpered and turned her face into her father’s chest. The attending nurse looked at Leah, holding the tray of utensils that the doctor needed for the tray.

“I’ll be right outside if you need anything, Luke.” Leah said softly and stepped aside so the nurse could do her job.

“Thank you.” He said as he smoothed back his daughter’s hair. He lifted her head from his chest gently. “I need you to listen to the doctor baby. It’ll be over soon, I promise.”

Ava squeezed his hand tightly with her good one, her eyes full of tears as she stared up at him, gutting him with her fearful eyes. Dr. Meyers positioned her bad arm.

“Okay, Ava, I need you to keep your arm still.” He said softly as he began to set her wrist and cast it. Ava kept her arm perfectly still as she stared into her dad’s eyes.

“I love you.” He whispered to her.


Cara rushed through the Emergency Room doors, and straight towards the reception desk.

“Excuse me, a little girl was brought in with a broken wrist. Her name is Ava Lanza. Can you tell me where she is?”