Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Cara crossed the living room, slipping her phone from her back pocket. He watched her quietly as she plugged her phone into the docking station on top of the cable box. He wasn’t sure what she was up to, nor did he care, he was just happy to have her in front of him. His eyes wandered the length of her body while she played with her phone. He cocked his head to the side, drawing his eyebrows together, trying to figure her out. He probably should say something, he thought, yet couldn’t find his voice.

She set the phone onto the docking station, turning around to face him as music sounded softly from his speakers. She moved to stand before him and remained silent for a moment. He stared up at her, wishing he had turned on a light, so that he could see all her beautiful features perfectly. She slowly held out a hand towards him.

“Dance with me?” She whispered.

Luke took a moment to process her request and listen to the song she had chosen for them to dance to. The beat was slow as the singer belted out profound words, professing that the person she was singing to was, her world, her home, her dreams and her heart. He leaned forward and placed his hand in hers. She took a step back, allowing him room to stand.

He rose to his full height and looked down at her as she led him to the center of the living room. She reached up and wrapped one hand around his neck, still holding onto his other, lacing their fingers together and bringing it to rest over her chest. Luke closed his eyes, breathing in her scent as he laid his free hand on the small of her back. Slowly they began to sway in sync with one another. Cara leaned her head against his chest, relishing in the closeness of him.

You’re my savior. You’re my center. My beginning and my end…

“Who sings this?” He whispered into her ear, his voice barely recognizable to his own ears.

“Carrie Underwood. It’s called Who Are You.” She spoke softly, lifting her head to search his eyes. “I figured we needed a song.”

“Why?” He asked, careful not to read too much into her actions or her words.

“Well,” She stopped swaying and untangled their hands so both of hers could slip around his neck. She looked up at him. “Every couple needs a song. This is my song to you, this is our song.”

Luke froze as he stared at her warily. “Are you trying to telling me something, Spunky?”

She nodded slowly before letting the hands that hung loosely around his neck cup his face, her thumbs caressing the stubble that lined his jaw.

“I love you, Luke.” She smiled up at him as she spoke the words of her heart.

He swallowed hard, just staring at her for a moment as the song began to taper off. He felt as if he had been waiting an eternity for her to say those words. He imagined what it would feel like to hear them come from her sweet mouth.

“Luke? Say something…” She whispered, breaking his train of thought. “Tell me I’m not too late. I’ve made a lot of promises tonight. Promises to myself, promises to your mother, baby, I made promises to Ava. I probably should’ve talked to you first, but I figured since you’re so good at keeping promises you’d help me keep mine.” She rambled on until he brought his finger to her lips to silence her.

“You love me?” He asked roughly.

“I love you with everything I am.” She said against his fingertip. “The pieces of me that are whole and the pieces of me that are broken, they all belong to you, that’s if you still want them…”Her voice trailing off, uncertain of his response to her declaration. “You’re the missing the piece, you and Ava. It may have taken me a while to figure it all out, but I know for certain that I want to move on with my life. I want to dream again, and I want my dreams to be with you. I want my future to be with you.”

Luke cupped her face in his hands. “Tell me your dreams.” He requested.

She swallowed, drawing in a deep breath. “I have one dream, and I’ve had it since I was a little girl. It’s my wedding day. It’s been the same dream since I can remember. The dress is always the same, so is the chapel. I walk down the aisle by myself, to my groom, only I never can see who it is, that waits for me at the altar. Until the other night… I was able to see who was waiting for me. It was you, Luke. You and Ava were at the other end of the aisle.”

“You want to get married?”

“Well, not tomorrow, but one day.” She said with a shrug. “I mean, if you want to, otherwise…”

“Tell me more.” He interrupted.

“I’d like to have a baby.” She shook her head. “That’s a lie. I’d like more than one.”

“Babies, got it.” He said. “What else?”

“I want you to kiss me… like right now and every night after.”

“Where do I sign?” He asked gruffly as he leaned closer, his breath lingering over her lips.

“Sign?” She asked in a trance her eyes focused on his lips. All she had to do was lean in the slightest bit and she’d feel them against hers.