Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Luke opened the door to his house, stepping back, to let Ava and Cara inside. After Ava’s arm was properly set, she had been discharged from the hospital, being told to follow up with the doctor six to eight weeks later to remove her cast. They had made a pit stop at Cara’s apartment to grab Benny. Both girls missed the little beagle and if he was being completely honest, he had missed the annoying pup too. Luke didn’t ask questions, he didn’t even care why she was there, he was just happy to have Cara by his side. He could tell his daughter was too by the way she stuck to Cara like glue since they stepped outside the emergency room.

The Lanza clan had met them at the hospital. Deb and Sam both flocked to Ava to offer her comforting words, but she never left Cara’s side. Luke figured his daughter was just as scared of blinking and she’d be gone, as he was. He assured his family, he could manage and that they could go home. He didn’t doubt that he could handle this mishap with Ava, but more than that, he wanted to be alone with Cara. He wanted to take her home with them and confess to her what an ass he had been. He had come to realize he could live without her, but that he just didn’t want to. He didn’t want to be alone anymore. He wanted to be with Cara, heart, body and soul.

Luke closed the door quietly behind him, turning around to face his girls. “Are you guy’s hungry? I can order something.”

“I’m just tired.” Ava said as she looked down as Benny circled her legs. She lifted her head and glanced between her dad and Cara. “Can Benny sleep with me tonight?”

Cara looked over her shoulder at Luke, watching as he shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled. “Sure sweetie.” Cara pointed to Benny. “You better be a good boy and take care of your sissy.” Benny barked happily in response.

“Give me a minute and I’ll be right there to tuck you in.” Luke said.

“Can Cara tuck me in, just tonight? Please?” Ava’s eyes pleaded with her dad’s. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before rising to meet Cara’s gaze, questioningly. He didn’t want to presume anything, but she had come running when she heard of Ava’s accident. That had to mean something, didn’t it? He swallowed, hating the idea of being so out of the loop when it came to Cara.

“Is that okay with you?” He asked.

“Of course it is.” Cara said softly and took Ava’s good hand in hers. “Give daddy a kiss.” She told Ava, watching as she rose on her tip toes, to kiss Luke goodnight. He crouched down and enveloped his little girl in a big hug, careful of her cast. He feathered both her cheeks with kisses.

“I love you.” He said quietly into her ear. “I’ll check on you in a little while, okay?”

“Okay. I love you too.” She said with a smile, before turning to face Cara. “Will you help me get into my Frozen pajamas?”

“Of course.” Cara said with a laugh and then slapped her hand against her thigh. “Come on Benny, time for bed.” Benny barked, eagerly running up the stairs ahead of them.

“I’m coming Benny!” Ava cheerfully said as she began to climb the steps after her puppy. Cara watched Ava and Benny with a small smile playing across her lips before she turned around and faced Luke.

He stared into her eyes, longingly, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Thank you.” He muttered gruffly. “She’s missed you.” He swallowed and broke the stare between them.

“I missed her too.” She gripped the bannister as she chewed on her lip nervously. “Luke…”

“Cara…” They said at the same time.

“When Ava is asleep, we need to talk.” She said firmly finding the courage within her to take charge of her heart. She watched him, waiting for him to say something, but he didn’t. He merely nodded after a moment and she turned, leaving him at the bottom of the stairs and went to tuck in Ava, and make things right with the little girl who obviously had felt her absence the last few weeks. She shook her head, disgusted with herself, that she had even let it get this far.

Cara reached the doorway of Ava’s bedroom, pausing slightly to listen to Ava talk sweetly to Benny.

“I missed you and Cara so much. Now that you both are, here I’m going to do whatever it takes to make you both stay. If I have to call Uncle Nick for back up I will. He owes me one.” She said as she rubbed the soft fur between Benny’s floppy ears.

Cara knocked softly on the door before poking her head inside. Ava lifted her head and smiled at Cara. “Am I interrupting quality Benny time?” She asked with a wink before walking into the room.

“I was just telling Benny how much I missed him.” Ava said, holding up her nightgown. “I’ve got my pajamas ready.”

“Okay.” Cara took a seat on the edge of her bed. “How about we have a talk before we put it on?”