Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Nick released his wife for a moment to take the scissors the doctor offered him. He snipped the cord in a daze. He was a father. His heart was full. The nurses cleaned their baby and wrapped her in a blanket. Nick moved to stand beside Sam, helping her sit up as the nurse placed her into the loving arms of her mother for the first time.

“Oh my God…” Sam said as the bundle of joy filled her arms. She didn’t know the meaning of unconditional love until that moment when she looked into her daughter’s eyes, the eyes of an angel. “Hi sweet girl, I’m your mommy.” She said against her forehead. She looked up at her husband. “She’s perfect.”

“Just like her mommy.” He said with a wink.


"Sons are the anchors of a mother's life." - Sophocles

Deb fastened the clasp of her necklace, taking one final look at herself in the mirror. It was the one Sunday of the year when her family insisted she didn’t cook. It was Mother’s day and Joe had pulled out all the stops, making reservations at the finest restaurant in Riverdale. It wasn’t everyday your daughter celebrated her first Mother’s day. She heard the bell sound downstairs and figured it was Luke and Cara there to pick them up. She grabbed her purse and headed out of her bedroom and down the stairs. She stopped midway when she noticed her husband carrying a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers.

A grin spread across her face. “Wow, I must’ve done something right as a mother, to deserve these.” She said kiddingly, making her way down the rest of the steps. “Which one of the kids sent them?” She said looking over the arrangement trying to find the card that was tucked away. She lifted her eyes and looked at her husband skeptically. “Or is it from the love of my life?”

“I should probably take credit for this, shouldn’t I?” Joe said, placing the glass vase on the foyer table. He smiled at his wife, handing her the card he already plucked from the bouquet. “Well, go on, let’s see who it’s from.”

She took one more sniff of the beautiful flowers before pulling the tiny card from the envelope. Her breath caught as she read the card.

Joe looked at his wife nervously, watching as she stared at the flowers in amazement, tears falling from her eyes. He took the card from her hands and looked down at the typed message…

Happy Mother’s Day!

Always with You, Always Loving You

All My Love,


“Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach shore.” ~Hindu Proverb

“My brother Jake had a profound love for motorcycles. He may have lost his battle with cancer, but his dream to deliver custom designed bikes to people who shared that love with him, can live on, today.” Luke said to the mass of people that crowded the parking lot in front of Jake’s Custom Bike Shop. Mostly familiar faces, old friends of Jake’s, some clients, all gathered around for the grand opening of Jake’s dream. “It is with a humble heart that I present to you, Jake’s Custom Bike Shop.” He glanced back at the building that started as just an empty lot of land, now standing before him was the vision his brother had left this earth with. His lime green custom bike displayed in the front window of the shop, a symbol of his fight and of the man he was. The mayor of Riverdale, presented Luke with a pair of oversized scissors, Luke took them in his hand, turning around to face his family. His parents stood proudly, Joe gave his son a thumb’s up, for extra measure. He glanced over at Sam, who was leaning over Nick’s shoulder cooing at their baby daughter Juliana. Nick lifted his head and met his friend’s gaze, smiling broadly. Without Nick’s push, Luke may have never had the will to move forward with this project.

As if she sensed his thoughts, and maybe she did, Cara, had begun to grow in sync with Luke, she stepped to Nick and held out her hands, offering to take Juliana from him.

“Come to Aunt Cara, my sweet angel.” She said as she cradled Juliana in her arms. Once the baby was settled in her arms, she lifted her head and winked at Luke.

“Nick, brother, can you give me a hand?” Luke asked into the microphone, forcing his best friend to turn around and face him. Nick pointed both his thumbs towards his body and raised a questioning eyebrow at him. Luke merely nodded in response with a smile on his face.

Nick walked to the front of the building slapping Luke affectionately on the back and together they reached for the scissors, cutting through the red ribbon, symbolizing that Jake’s dream was now a reality.


Ava crept into her father and Cara’s bedroom Christmas morning nervously, with Benny on her heels. The beagle jumped onto the bed and started to sniff through the comforter in search of Cara. Ava walked around to the side of the bed and gently shook Cara awake.

“Cara! Wake up! It’s Christmas morning! Hurry, come on! I think Santa came.” She said with another nudge to a stirring Cara. Benny began to lap kisses along Cara’s face, his best effort to help Ava in her struggle.