Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

“Another member from a super empire…” Lin Dong was somewhat startled as he stared at that alluring figure dressed in white. This is indeed the Wanxiang City. It turns out that they could easily encounter a member of the super empire.

“The ones on the right are fairly particular. They are not from a single empire, but rather an alliance of various empires. Even though their empires are not famous, every one of them is quite powerful. In particular, that man dressed in black, it is reputed that he previously obtained an inheritance from an ancient sect. Furthermore, his strength is at the peak of the Three Yuan Nirvana stage. Previously, a man from a high-ranked empire who tried to oppose him was directly destroyed him alone…”


Lin Dong gently lifted his brows and glanced at that black clothed man, with his hands behind his back. It seems like he finally understood just how many hidden tigers and dragons they were in Wanxiang City.

“Since they are here, it is likely that they are gunning after the Nirvana Seal. I wonder what levels would these guys obtain…” Su Kui curiously asked.

Lin Dong gently nodded his head with a gentle curiously in his mind. He was also curious to find out how these powerful-looking individuals would fare in the face of the Nirvana Monument Test.

Right now, with the passage of time, there were more and more people gathering in front of the Nirvana Monument. Along the way, some individuals tried the test. However, most of them only obtained a human Nirvana Seal and it was hardly spectacular.

After observing for a while, Lin Dong realized that the people who could obtain a Nirvana Seal were mostly at the Two Yuan Nirvana Stage.

“Two Yuan Nirvana Stage will allow one to obtain a human Nirvana Seal. Typically speaking, once one advances to Three Yuan Nirvana Stage, one can barely obtain a earth Nirvana Seal. When I first took the test, I was only at Two Yuan Nirvana stage. Therefore, I could only obtain a human Nirvana Seal. Once I test myself again, I should be able to replace it with a earth Nirvana Seal. Of course, even after I obtain a Nirvana Seal, my ranking would be near the bottom.” Standing beside him, Su Kui said.

Lin Dong smiled, while his eyes focused on that large Nirvana monument. It seems like each time someone passed the test, their names would appear on the Nirvana monument. However, most of their names were at the bottom. It seems like the higher your name is, the more powerful you are.

When he thought of this point, Lin Dong’s attention involuntarily shifted up. Moments later, in the middle of that large monument, he saw two familiar names.

Zhu Tianhuo, Muhuang.

It seems like the two generals from Great Gan Empire were around the above average group in the earth level.

As Lin Dong stared at that Nirvana Monument, a commotion suddenly erupted in the arena. As he continued to observe, he saw Yin Sen, from the Yin Mu Empire, take charge and make the first move, before he stood arrogantly in front of the Nirvana Monument.

As the most outstanding existence in the arena, the appearance of Yin Mu immediately caused many people to turn their attention towards them. In fact, even that lady dressed in white, who had been generally ignoring her surroundings, shifted her attention.

Under the attention of the crowd, Yin Sen stood in front of that large Nirvana Monument, before he extended his palm and placed it gently above that icy-cold monument.

His figure stood still. In the next moment, an extremely powerful Yuan Power vibration violently gushed out from within Yin Sen’s body, and caused shock to surface on the onlooker’s faces.

Furthermore, as that powerful Yuan Power vibration gushed out, a golden glow erupted from the Nirvana Monument, which started from Yin Sen’s palm, before it quickly travelled upwards. In mere moments, he had directly exceeded the limits of human level and directly charged into earth level. Furthermore, it continued to charge upwards. Amidst the chorus of the crowd, it finally stopped.

Lin Dong saw that amidst that coursing golden glow, Yin Sen’s golden plated name finally surfaced. As he lifted up his head, he realized that there were only eight names in front of him.

That is to say, this Yin Sen, was actually ranked ninth amongst the earth level. This ranking was several times more powerful than the Zhu Tianhuo duo.

“Ninth ranking amongst earth category…”

Beside the Nirvana Monument, a series of chorus erupted. Evidently, this was a pretty high ranking.

“Mu Hanyue is about to make a move too…”

Just as the crowd were in awe over Yin Sen’s ranking, that beautiful snow colored figure, dressed in white finally stepped forward.

“Hehe, Beauty Lin, do you have the ability to surpass me?” As Yin Sen stared at Mu Hanyue’s beautiful and alluring figure, he involuntarily licked his lips before he asked.

That lady dressed in white casually glanced at him. However, she did not bother about him. Instead, she stopped right in front of the Nirvana Monument, before she extended her beautiful snow-white hands.


When he saw that Mu Hanyue did not even bother about her, Yin Sen immediately pursed his lips. Though he felt somewhat frustrated, he did not push his luck. After all, he knew who was backing Mu Hanyue.

While she was the focal point of the entire crowd, a golden glow extended from Mu Hanyue’s palm, before a golden glow swiftly coursed up the Nirvana Monument. Similarly, it successfully broke through to the earth level category before it continuously surpassed the names carved on it. Finally, while Yin Sen’s looked on hideously, it even surpassed his name.

“Eight in earth level! One rank higher than Yin Sen.”

Mu Hanyue’s results once again sparked a commotion. This result was pretty decent. At the very least, she could be considered as an elite member even in the entire Ancient Battlefield.

“Not simple individuals…”

Lin Dong softly chuckled. With regards to this Nirvana Monument, his interest in it was growing. Promptly, his attention turned towards that man dressed in black clothes, with his hands behind his back. This man had been silent since the start and he was not overly shocked by Yin Sen and Hanyue’s results.

“I wonder how high that guy will rank amongst the earth category…” Lin Dong somewhat curiously looked at him, while he muttered to himself.

After Lin Dong spoke, that man dressed in black clothes, slowly stepped forwards. Finally, under the attention of the entire crowd, he stood in front of the Nirvana Monument.

Chapter 561: Chang Ling

* * *

This black clothed man clearly possessed quite a strong reputation within the Wanxiang City. Hence, the countless number of gazes from around turned towards him when he appeared. Their eyes were filled with a curious expression.

Mu Hanyue’s pretty eyes also turned towards that black clothed man. She had heard of the latter’s reputation. However, she was unaware of just what kind of level this ruthless character, who had once destroy a high rank empire all by himself, would actually reach in this Nirvana Monument’s test…

Yin Sen narrowed his eyes slightly. The expressions in the eyes that he used to stare at the black clothed man, was a little unnatural. By relying on his sharp instinct, he was able to sense a kind of faint dangerous feeling from this black clothed man. This kind of feeling was something that he would only normally sense from the top five people of the earth-grade Nirvana Seal.

“Is that fellow really that strong?” This kind of feeling caused Yin Sen’s heart to feel a little displeased. Based on his domineering nature, he naturally did not like to see others surpassing him.

That black clothed man focused his eyes as he stood in front of the Nirvana Monument. He slowly extended his hand and made contact with the Nirvana Monument. After a brief deep silence, a bright golden light suddenly erupted from his palm.

The golden light this time around was actually much stronger than Yin Sen and Mu Hanyue earlier!

The golden glow appeared before it shot upwards at a shocking speed while numerous exclamations rushed out from the surroundings in a ripple like manner.