Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

When the Samsara pill entered its mouth, a terrifying wave of energy gushed out from Little Marten’s body abruptly and swept up perilous torrents in the Pill River

Traces of the black and white Samsara Qi were seeping out from Little Marten’s body and extended outward gradually. Finally, they formed a black and white energy cocoon that engulfed Little Marten’s body entirely.

Lin Dong looked at the black and white cocoon that was hovering in the Pill River. Indistinctly, he could sense the frantic energy waves that were emitting from the cocoon. Clearly, the inside of the cocoon was not as peaceful as it seemed on the outside.

Apparently, the formation of a physical body was not an easy task and came along with significant risk as well. However, with regards to this issue, there was nothing much that Lin Dong could do about it. This matter depended only on Little Marten and Lin Dong could not interfere. Hence, the only thing that he could do was to pray at one side for Little Marten to complete this task successfully.

“Seems like it’s my turn now….”

After staring at the black and white cocoon for nearly half an hour and realizing that there was nothing much he could do to interfere, Lin Dong finally gave up. Then, he took in a deep breath of air. With a jolt of his body, he landed on the only training platform on the Pill River.

He was not Little Marten and he could not directly absorbed such thick Nirvana Qi. Therefore, he needed the training platform to filter the Nirvana Qi. Luckily, he possessed the Devouring Ancestral Symbol and his absorption speed of the Nirvana Qi would not be too slow.

“The second Nirvana Tribulation….”

As Lin Dong sat on the training platform, his eyes were filled with eagerness. After this half a month of training in the electric sea and with the newly-formed ‘Green Dragon Skin’, his physical body was far more superior than even the bodies of those practitioners who had passed through the second Nirvana Tribulation. Thus, he was rather confident in passing through the Nirvana Tribulation.

As Lin Dong closed his eyes and prepared to enter the training mental state, a thought flashed across his mind.

“ I wonder how Little Flame is doing now….”


This place was a battlefield that was reeking of blood. Numerous blood-reeking figures flew back and forth within this battlefield. The sound of fightings and killings resounded through the battlefield while devastation pervaded the area.

These figures were emotionless and their bodies were skinny and dried up like mummified corpses. Their eyes filled with killer intent and were blood-red in colour.

This place was just like hell.

“Bang bang!”

Deep and low voices came through the devastated battlefield. More than ten figures exploded after being struck by the shadow of a rod. Then, an extremely dreadful aura of brutality swept across the battlefield like an ancient Demonic Beast.

As the aura of brutality swept across the place, a muscular, giant-like figure walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of blood with a heavy footstep while dragging along an enormous black-colored metal rod by his side. At this moment, the figure’s seemingly dull face became Asura-like, which was filled with malevolence and viciousness!

Upon facing such malevolence, even the surrounding blood-eyed and mindless mummified corpses did not dare to go near it. They allowed the figure, whose entire body was covered in blood, to walk through them slowly and all the way till the end of this battlefield.

That kind of malevolence could not even be stopped by this devastation-filled and blood-reeking place.

Chapter 539: The Third Nirvana Tribulation

* * *

While Lin Dong sealed himself within the inner sanctum of the Green Dragon Palace to cultivate, as anticipated, the endless Ancient Battlefield fell into a period of fighting and extreme chaos.

Various treasure troves were gradually excavated and precious Soul Treasures, pills and even martial arts started to circulate. Within the Ancient Battlefield, the demand for these items exceeded the supply. Hence, they inevitably drew many coveting gazes. Thus, fights for these items were difficult to avoid.

The various empires similarly invested a great deal of effort due to the appearance of these treasures. The fragile alliances between different groups were practically worthless under the allure of such treasures.

Everyone wanted to obtain treasures because every person who was able to reach the Ancient Battlefield, was not an ordinary individual. Likewise, their ambitions could not be compared to any ordinary folk. Each person desired to distinguish themselves in the Hundred Empire War, in hopes of catching the eye of the super sects, allowing oneself to be akin to the carp that jumps through the dragon gate and completely change one’s life.

It is clear that these treasures that had originated from the treasure troves, were a rather good shortcut to becoming even more powerful, and many did not plan on giving up on such a seemingly easily obtainable shortcut.

And so, fights for these treasures were inevitable.

As the various empires fiercely contested for these treasures, the entire Ancient Battlefield was filled with smoke. In the presence of this practically explosive atmosphere, more and more practitioners started to emerge and reveal their prowess.

Amongst them, there were no lack of renowned practitioners from the high ranked Empires. Of course, there were also quite a few characters that had suddenly appeared from nowhere. These characters mostly consisted of the type who had by some stroke of luck obtained the inheritances of the treasure troves, and were all rather powerful. Hence, they could be regarded as sparkling dark horses.

Chaos and struggles would eventually result in elimination. Likewise, they would also cause those remarkable characters to reveal their strength.

The current Ancient Battlefield has truly reached its climax!

After half a year of silence, every practitioner started to utilise all kinds of means to become people that were the focus of everyone’s attention…

While the entire Ancient Battlefield turned incomparably chaotic and explosive, a dazzling pill river quietly flowed in the space within the depths of the Ancient Treasure Trove, endlessly emitting an astonishing Nirvana Qi.

An alternating black and white striped light cocoon surrounded by black and white halos floated in the pill river. Not even the slightest bit of Nirvana Qi existed within a hundred meter radius of the halos. It was as if the Nirvana Qi here was extremely fearful of that particular area.

Two completely different scenes appeared within the halos. One was full of life and vitality, while the other was shrouded in a thick aura of death, so much so that even space itself had become dull and grey.

Life and death. Two unique energies that controlled the cycle of heaven and earth continuously produced various marvellous sights.

Within the light cocoon was naturally Little Marten, who was in the process of creating a flesh and blood body. Ever since it had swallowed the Samsara pill, it had spent an entire three months inside the light cocoon.

In these three months, besides the light cocoon growing larger and larger, nothing else had occurred. No one knew what was happening within it due to the Life and Death Qi lingering around the cocoon.

However, the increasingly potent Life and Death Qi around the light cocoon indicated that there was nothing to worry about.

All in all, things were going rather smoothly for Little Marten.

On a cultivation platform several hundred feet from the black and white light cocoon, a figure silently sat like a meditating old monk. Waves of enormous Devouring Power continuously spread forth from his body. In the face of this Devouring Power, the surrounding vigorous Nirvana Qi endlessly poured into Lin Dong’s body. This speed would cause onlookers to feel completely amazed.