Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

Lin Dong’s feet landed onto the sea of lightning but did not sink into it. However, the electric liquid came swarming over. Immediately, an intense pain surged out from his feet. This kind of feeling was as though he had stepped into a pot of boiling oil.

The intense pain from under his feet also caused Lin Dong to swiftly recover. He hurriedly maneuvered his Yuan Power. A gold glow surged from under his skin. Within the blink of an eye, his entire body was covered by the golden glow. Clearly, he had activated the Nirvana Golden body.

Creak creak!

With the activation of the Nirvana Golden body, the intense pain had quickly weakened significantly. However, Lin Dong was still able to sense threads of wild and violent energy surging into his body from his feet. Even his veins became a little swollen wherever the energy passed, appearing as though it had been electrocuted.


The hair on Lin Dong’s head directly became vertical at this moment. He appeared just like a hedgehog and was extremely comical. His mouth widened and a thread of black smoke was emitted from it.


Lin Dong’s expression was a little black. He gritted his teeth and cursed. After the experiment from earlier, he discovered that it was actually impossible to fly over this sea of lightning. In other words, he could only transverse this endless sea of lightning by walking!

The wild and violent energy within the sea of lightning continued to invade into Lin Dong’s body. Only by continuously activating the Nirvana Golden body did he manage to barely resist it. However, activating the Nirvana Golden body required the support of a large amount of Yuan Power. The exhaustion of activating this Nirvana Golden body as though one was consuming a meal was something that even Lin Dong had difficulty enduring.

“I have even walked across the darkness world of the Devouring Ancestral Symbol. I don’t believe that I am unable to cross your sea of lightning!”

Lin Dong parted his mouth. A stubborness had been stirred in him by this sea of lightning. Immediately, a thought passed through his mind. Wisps of golden light surged out from under his skin. After which, they agglomerated under his feet. Golden light dissipated from it and blocked the pouncing electric liquid.


Lin Dong transformed his feet into a pair of golden feet. After which, he clenched his teeth, raised his foot and walked forward.

Sizzle sizzle.

Lin Dong’s foot landed on the sea of lightning. Even with the protection of the Nirvana Golden body, he still felt as if he was walking on countless steel needles. Cold sweat had already seeped out of Lin Dong’s forehead, after only talking a couple of steps.

The intense pain spread upwards from his feet. However, the stubborness in Lin Dong’s eyes became increasingly dense. His descending footsteps also became increasingly firmer.

Amidst the lighting curtain that filled the sky, a figure gradually walked into the distance under the protection of the faint golden glow.

Chapter 534: Second

* * *


Above the electric sea, a glaring lightning accompanied by an angry dragon roar-like thunder, streaked across the horizon and bombarded brutally onto the electric sea, creating sky-high tidal waves instantly.

The tidal waves that were formed by the electric liquid clashed against a flimsy figure who was engulfed by a golden light on the surface of the sea.


Deep and low clashing sounds were given off, while that figure was being knocked back by a few metres. As the violent electric liquid dripped down from his body and interweaved with the golden glow, popping sounds sounded off repeatedly.

This figure walking amid the electric sea was naturally Lin Dong, who was trying to crash his way through the Green Dragon Test.

At this moment, his body was slightly crooked after he was hit by the electric liquid-formed tidal wave. His facial expression was somewhat distorted and he appeared to be in pain.

These electric liquids contained a rather violent energy. Under such energy, even with the protection of the Nirvana Golden Body, the intense pain that was caused by that kind of corrosion could not be avoided. That feeling was as if steel rods were being thrusted into one’s body and pierced through one’s bones and heart.


Lin Dong’s mouth quickly gasped for two mouthful of breath before his tightly-clenched fists loosened up slowly.Then, he straightened his body, which was previously made crooked from the collision against the tidal wave.

After walking for nearly half a day, he had encountered such situation countless times. The pain caused by the electric liquids was rather torturing. If not for the Nirvana Golden Body, he would be corroded by the electric liquids until even his bones did not remain.

However, even though it was painful, Lin Dong discovered some loopholes while he was being struck continuously by the intense pain. It seemed that every time the level of pain reached its climax, the violent energy would release a form of weird energy. This energy was extremely weak. Every time it appeared, it would dissipate into Lin Dong’s body. If it was not for his sharp perception for Mental Energy , he would not have noticed it.

This weird energy that seeped out from the electric liquids did not boost Lin Dong’s Yuan Power. However, he could feel that he was unknowingly strengthened by that strange energy….

After he was being strengthened, it seemed that he gained a bit more resistance towards the corrosiveness of the electric liquids. Even though the pain remained excruciating, it was clearly better than the beginning. Should it continue to strengthen, perhaps Lin Dong would be able to disregard the raging electric sea one day.

Yet, in order to reach that stage, one may not realise the intensity of pain he has to endure. If one’s mind is not resilient or if he is pretty much a weakling, even if one realises this situation, one may not be able to survive…

“Considering this and its speed, to achieve the stage of disregard to the lighting…” Lin Dong wiped off the streak of electric liquid on his head, looked up at the silvery electric sea that still no end before he frowned slightly. Based on his conjecture, at this rate, it would take at least half a year’s time.

And obviously, Lin Dong cannot afford the time. Within half a year, the Hundred Empire War will begin. Before that begins, he must pass through the Green Dragon Trial and gain the Green Dragon Hall’s inheritance。

“It is not impossible to raise the speed…” While Lin Dong was agonizing over this, the voice of Little Marten rang inside him.

“Hmm? Do you have a solution?” Lin Dong was a little startled and asked Little Marten instead.

“These electric liquids indeed contain a kind of strengthening energy. It will only be released at the climax of your pain. However, the energy released automatically is only one-tenth of the total amount of energy that the electric liquids really contained. As long as you can keep the remaining ninety percent of the energy, the speed of your body strengthening will naturally be increased,” Little Marten explained nonchalantly.

“Then, what is next?” Lin Dong plainly asked. Upon hearing what was being said, Lin Dong did not lose control in ecstasy. Instead, his eyelids were drooping. He knew that there was no free lunch in this world.

“Hehe, there’s nothing much. It’s just that the pain that you have to endure will be ten times stronger than before,” Little Marten smirked.

“Ten times….”

The corners of Lin Dong’s eyes twitched. Even though he had made the mental preparations, his body still could not help but tremble. That kind of pain was not something that an ordinary human could endure.

“It’s indeed something unbearable. However, this is the only way to increase the speed of strengthening your body. Of course, it still depends on you whether or not you can do it,” Little Marten replied.

“What choice do I have?” Lin Dong seemed somewhat helpless. Then, he straightened his body and gazed into the distance and said, “It’s up to you to harvest the remaining energy. As for enduring the pain, leave it to me.”