Wu Dong Qian Kun (Chapter 501-Chapter 600)

“Such an arrogant fellow. It seems that a fierce battle is unavoidable….” Little Marten chuckled as he spiritedly watched the receding auction crowd.

“Let’s go, time to make some preparations when we’re back. Since the challenge has been issued, we shall naturally receive it.”

Lin Dong smiled. His face did not show any signs of fear at all. Even though Feng Cang had obtained the Heavenly Soul Treasure today and his fighting capabilities would be greatly increased, it was still too early to make a conclusion on who would emerge as the victor.

After saying these words, Lin Dong turned around and cupped his hands towards towards Song Tai. Even though Feng Cang had wanted to settle the matter on the spot and Lin Dong did not mind, he would be more than happy to accept another two days of preparation. Therefore, he appreciated Song Tai’s favor.

With regards to Lin Dong’s respectful gesture, Song Tai merely waved his hand. Soon after, he turned around as a voice that was audible to only Lin Dong silently rang across the place, “Lin Dong, this is all I can do. The battle two days later will depend on your capabilities. At least, Feng Cang and his counterparts will not dare to do anything to you within these two days. You can make your preparations peacefully….”

Upon hearing this voice, Lin Dong grinned and lightly nodded. Without saying anything else, he left the auction market with Little Flame and the rest.

Mu Lin watched the figures that had captivated everyone’s attention leave and could not help but lament as he softly remarked, “I had initially believed that our Lone Moon Empire and the Wind Cloud Empire would fight over this auction. I never expect us to become spectators in the end. Lin Dong truly knows how to seize the limelight….”

“I’m afraid they will be in troubles two days later,” Mu Hanyue slightly furrowed her umber-black eyebrows and said. She knew that Lin Dong and his counterparts were quite capable, but the Wind Cloud Empire’s were exceptionally ferocious and tough. Furthermore, they had obtained a Heavenly Soul Treasure today. Even the Lone Moon Empire did not dare to provoke them, yet Lin Dong and his counterparts…

“It’s indeed troublesome.”

With regards to this fact, even Mu Lin who usually had high expectation of Lin Dong nodded his head solemnly. He then sighed, “Right now, we can only wait and see. Sigh, the Wind Cloud Empire is so powerful, I don’t even know if Lin Dong and his party can pass this ordeal.”

After saying this, Mu Lin clearly did not wish to speak anymore. With a wave of his hand, he left the auction with his men.

Even though Wanxiang City was extremely huge, the news of what happened in the auction spread throughout the city within half an hour. Immediately, the atmosphere of the entire city began to boil.

Who were the Wind Cloud Empire? They were the super empire that dominated Wanxiang City. Although the fighting amongst the four great super empires never ceased in Wanxiang City, everyone knew that the Wind Cloud Empire were the most powerful.

The Wind Cloud Empire might have an impressive reputation, but at the same time, Lin Dong who had barged into the scene was also no nameless individual. Though he was from a low rank empire, he was still able to defeat numerous high rank empires. In fact, he had even single-handedly defeated the combined forces of the Northwest Region’s three overlords. Next, he had also dominated two of the four mysterious sects’ inheritance and even suppressed the two elite practitioners of the Great Gan Empire!

Three of the four top ranks on the Nirvana Monument in the Wanxiang City were monopolized by Lin Dong and his friends. In one day, Lin Dong had legitimately obtained the first rank of the Earth category by defeating Luo Tong, the Four Yuan Nirvana stage former number one ranker in the Earth Category!

These numerous achievements of his were enough to make anyone forget about his low rank empire identity. Thus, when everyone knew of the battle between Lin Dong and Feng Cang, they did not think that Lin Dong and his counterparts were overestimating their capabilities. Instead, the people were in anticipation, the kind of anticipation that normally arose due to an evenly matched situation.

It was evident that in many people’s eyes, the low rank empire Lin Dong already possessed a reputation on equal footing with these super empires!

Naturally, this reputation would have to be justified by the result of the intense battle in two days.

If Lin Dong claimed victory, his name would cause boom throughout the Ancient Battlefield. If he lost, his miraculous reputation would come to an end….

Moreover, this battle would be the first battle in the Hundred Empire War that was between a super empire and a rising dark horse. Its result was definitely highly anticipated.

Under the people’s anticipation, two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 576: Hundred Empire War, Begin!

* * *

The morning sunlight contained a trace of coolness as it scattered down from all over the sky, wrapping the entire Wanxiang City within it.

The fiery heat within the Wanxiang City had already reached at extreme level after having been brewed for two days. Everyone’s eyes were wildly hot with anticipation. They had left their various empires and arrived at this Ancient Battlefield, where the competition was extremely intense. All of them trained bitterly in this place for a year just in order to be able to obtain a good result in the Hundred Empire War. This was in hopes of finally catching the eye of a super sect and allow the value of one’s empire to soar.

That big battle which they had all waited for one year had finally begun!

The various talents or monsters that had come from countless number of empires were finally going to fight in this place and determine the winner. The true leaders of the younger generation within these Eastern Xuan Region empire would also appear in this place!

While the entire city was heated up, a couple of figures were slowly walking out from a small yard in the south-eastern corner of the city. It was Lin Dong’s group.

Lin Dong raised his head and watched the hot sun in the sky. A smile surfaced on his face. He had also waited one year for this day.

Little Flame was carrying a black coloured metal rod behind Lin Dong. The shadow that was created from his muscular body had covered most of Lin Dong’s body. At a glance, he gave one a kind of intense and powerful pressure.

Standing beside, Little Marten still had a lazy attitude, appearing completely different from the intense pressure that Little Flame emitted. His handsome face appeared a little demon like under the shine of the sunlight. However, Su Kui and the rest were aware that this person, whom they had witnessed fighting once before, was the most unfathomable one amongst the three of them.

Su Kui gave an inexplicable emotional sigh within his heart when he saw Lin Dong’s group. From the first impression one got by looking at them, Lin Dong was inferior to Little Flame in his size and strength and was inferior to Little Marten in terms of appearance. Moreover, his strength might not even be the strongest amongst the three. Yet, the one who truly made the decision amongst them was him.

After having lived together for a period of time, Su Kui was also aware of some of the matters regarding Lin Dong within this Ancient Battlefield. From the occasional conversation, he was aware that Little Flame and Little Marten were not as outstanding as they were current at the beginning. At that time, all the battles in the outside world were personally bone by Lin Dong, who appeared to be the most ordinary amongst the three.

Su Kui looked at Lin Dong who had raised his head and looked at the sun. The latter suddenly opened his arms and the sunlight shone onto his body, emitting a kind of uncontrolled heat.

His glow was actually even more dazzling that Little Marten or Little Flame by his side at this moment.