Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

Finally, he had come up with a perfect plan to hunt him down, but something had gone wrong right from the first step. He could not divine him, nor could he find his accurate location. Moon Court lake seemed to be his dwelling, but through his investigations, it was only a place a group of night roamers occupied. Many formations protected the area. It would be very difficult to achieve a surprise attack.

At their realm of cultivation, defeating an opponent was easy, but killing them was far too difficult. If they could not kill in a single strike, it would lead to endless trouble, such that they would be better off maintaining the current situation.

In the end, he used the great cauldron in the marquis’ estate and observed the real-time situation of the bodies of water being refined to find his location, yet his target seemed like he had sensed something, hiding away in the final moment.

“Old Jia, what do we do now?”

E Dan communicated to Jia Zhen from another side. The impression he had left in Li Qingshan and everyone else’s heart was that he was a brutal and restless person. Northmoon had a grievance of killing his disciples and stealing his woman from him. In particular, E Dan had personally nurtured E Feng, who even took on his surname. He was closer with him than an actual son. Such a great grievance was enough to drive a normal person crazy, such that they would do everything for revenge.

Right now, he actually behaved extraordinarily calmly. There was not a hint of restlessness in his eyes. His body was relaxed and at ease. His normal behaviour was merely an extremely good disguise. If anyone truly treated him as a brute, they would definitely pay a heavy price.

“Wait! Northmoon is rather arrogant. As long as we wait until he runs out of patience and comes out to provoke us first, we’ll strike together!”

“Alright!” Si Qing and E Dan nodded in agreement.

The sun rose up bit by bit. Unable to see one another, they fell into a silent stalemate, waiting for the other side to show an opening first. The sun rose to the zenith. The scorching sunlight scattered on the ground and water vapour rose up hazily.

Lolth woke up from her slumber and saw Northmoon sitting beside her, gazing right ahead as if he was looking at some extremely distant place.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re awake! The new Marquis of Ruyi is currently targeting my clone with his two lackeys. I’m taking them on in a battle of patience!”

Li Qingshan casually pulled Lolth into his arms. His lust had already faded away, but it was still a very pleasant sensation.

Having been so tenderly embraced by him, Lolth found it very difficult to grow accustomed to. She sneered and said, “What? There’s times when you’re afraid too?”

Smack! Li Qingshan slapped her on her plump bottom mercilessly. “This isn’t called being afraid. This is called temporary forbearance. After all, didn’t I call you ma’am Spider Queen in the past and serve as your amusement? Yet now, I’ve turned the tables and become your man.”

“You won’t be able to stay complacent for long!” Lolth’s eyes were filled with viciousness, and her voice seemed to be dripping with venom, enough to strike fear into the hearts of everyone.

Li Qingshan smiled gently and muttered to himself, “The new Marquis of Ruyi is a prince from the Dragon province. Standing behind him is a whole group of Soul Nascence cultivators, and I’ve fallen out with the Daemon race prince of the Green province, Mo Yu, so the Dragon King of Ink Sea probably won’t support me. If I want to kill him, not only will I require the strength to defeat him, but I also need to become unafraid of his background somehow.”

Lolth said maliciously, “If you can kill him, I’ll admit you’re my man!”

Li Qingshan laughed aloud and grabbed her by the chin. “It doesn’t matter whether you admit it or not. I just want your body anyway. I have no interest in your heart, so you better just keep it for yourself! Though, I have to say that I love it when you refuse to accept me, yet there’s also nothing you can do about it!” Afterwards, Lolth made the expression that he loved most again.

Time passed by slowly. Li Qingshan teased Lolth, so he did not feel bored. By wasting time with them using his clone, he was not afraid even if he lasted until the end of time. Suddenly, he came to a realisation. This was the way the spirit turtle fought!

Although it was holing up in his shell like a coward, no one could do anything to him, while he had a lengthy lifespan and could destroy all enemies through time.

The sun began to set in the west. Si Qing said, “Looks like he knows about our power and refuses to come out. E Dan said, “How about this? Why don’t we scare him? He’s right in this region anyway.”

Jia Zhen said, “Let’s retreat for now! We’ve already lost the optimal opportunity. If we take action right now, we’ll only alert him and scare him away. What do you think, your highness?”

“My imperial father has once told us that the most important property to hunting is not courage or intelligence, but patience.”

“As you say, your highness!”

The three of them then silently retreated as if they had never been here in the first place. However, they had wasted an entire day for nothing, so they could not help but feel rather vexed.

“You’ve come uninvited before leaving without bidding farewell. Just what has brought you here? You might as well tell me about it!”

Before the three of them could even travel far away, a voice rang out from afar. The bastard Northmoon flapped his wings and stared at them with his arms crossed, smiling.

Si Qing said, “I’ve long heard about your great name, Northmoon. Now that I’ve tried you, sure enough, you do live up to your reputation!” Jia Zhen and E Dan silently flanked around him again.

“Then I’d advise you to stop trying any further, just in case it leads to any misunderstandings, or do you insist on fighting until one of us dies?”

Li Qingshan flapped his wings and retreated to five kilometers away, maintaining his smile but raising his vigilance to the limit. He had already prepared the Watermirror’s Image, ready to recall his clone the moment they struck.

Jia Zhen’s heart skipped a beat. In the information he had collected, Northmoon possessed this special characteristic, which was that he rarely went out of his way to make trouble. He did not have much hostility towards humans either, devoting all of his focus to cultivation. Only when people came to stop him and deal with him would he strike valiantly and kill them all.

He had played a decisive role in ending the chess game that was the Clear River prefecture. Otherwise, with his actual strength, even uprooting the Academy of the Hundred Schools and the various sects would not be difficult. However, he was able to bide his time again and again, even sparing the people of the academy and letting them leave peacefully at Bronze Cauldron mountain. Beneath his arrogant and flagrant appearance, he was rather prudent and knew when to advance or retreat.

This was his virtue, but not something they could not use!

“We’ve come today because we want you as a friend.”

“Heh, the way you humans make friends sure is special!” Li Qingshan mocked.

“We were just confirming whether you had the right or not. If you didn’t live up to your reputation, then you would have deserved it even if you were killed off. The strong never makes friends with the weak,” Si Qing said indifferently, vaguely understanding Jia Zhen’s intentions. By saying that, it did not go against his identity, and it made perfect sense. It was convincing.

“That is true, but don’t the Human race and the Daemon race oppose one another?”