Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

She seemed to understand something. As she sat on the nose of the boat, she closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, letting the fragrance permeate her lungs.

Beside her, lotus flowers began to wither and fall away. She allowed the lotus pods to fall into the deep, dark water before extending out of the mud and blooming once again, multiplying and multiplying, filling the surface of the lake, clustering around the skiff, piling on top of one another, and completely swallowing her.

Vaguely, the sound of sniffling appeared before turning into hysterical, painful sobbing.

On the terrace, Gu Yanying sensed something, and her lips curled into a faint smile. At this very moment, a great gust of wind arrived on the terrace, making her clothes and long hair flutter. All the cultivators present, even including the buddhist monks, could not help but be touched by her beauty. They all secretly praised that she truly was the daughter of the Hawk God.

Si Qing said, “Yanying, I’ve heard lately that your subordinate, Li Qingshan, accomplished something great yet again. He flaunted his strength by killing three Foundation Establishment cultivators of the school of Painting.”

Gu Yanying nodded. “I’ve heard about it too, but apparently the three of them had arranged an ambush beforehand and wanted to catch him in a deathtrap, but they were not strong enough and were killed by him instead.”

Si Qing said, “Then you might as well have him explain everything clearly. This occurred in the Ruyi commandery. As the Marquis of Ruyi, I can’t just turn a blind eye to something like this.”

Gu Yanying exhaled. “Sure!” Afterwards, she said, “Li Qingshan, get over here! His highness the prince wishes to see you!” Her voice was not very loud, but it moved with the wind, reaching the ears of the cultivators, which made them all look at one another.

A while later, they did not see Li Qingshan appear. Jia Zhan said, “Looks like just the two of you are unable to demand his presence! Speaking of which, if he even refuses to show up on a day like today, that’ll be disrespectful of him.”

E Dan said, “I think he has already fled to avoid punishment because he knows he has already commited a great crime. Commander Gu, you better send out a warrant for his arrest right now!”

Before he could even finish, a streak of blue light shot over. Li Qingshan yelled, “You’re the one who has fled to avoid punishment. Your whole family has fled to avoid punishment!”

Chapter 624: The Soaring Cloud Terrace | Legend of the Great Sage

E Dan’s expression changed. “Li Qingshan!”

The cultivators on the ground all stared at the figure in the sky with differing expressions.

Caretaker Zheng flew up and blocked Li Qingshan. “Flying is forbidden above the marquis’ estate!”

“Didn’t you hear that the marquis wishes to see me?” Li Qingshan did not stop.

“Then please land on the ground and walk over to the Soaring Clouds terrace to be called in.”

Caretaker Zheng was frosty, completely behaving like he was handling official business with absolutely no room for negotiation. It formed quite a contrast with his humility when he received Gu Yanying that night.

Before Li Qingshan could even turn around, caretaker Zheng parted his hands and yellow light flooded out, draping down over Li Qingshan.

He thought, I only showed you some respect for the sake of Gu Yanying that day, but are you really going to look down on a mighty Golden Core cultivator like me? I’ll show you what’s what today!

Among the cultivators below who had come to partake in the celebration, most of the cultivators from other prefectures had heard about Li Qingshan too. When they saw this, they all shook their heads inside. This Li Qingshan is far too arrogant. No matter how powerful he is, he can’t be stronger than a Golden Core cultivator. Being suddenly slammed against the ground in front of all these people will be humiliating!

Li Qingshan did not stop at all. He raised the corner of his lips and lifted his hands, pushing them forwards. A great wave surged, growing an inch taller with each inch covered. In the end, it turned into a huge tsunami over thirty meters tall, colliding viciously with the yellow light.


The tsunami surged and was smashed to pieces, scattering as light. At the end of the day, it was still a little tough for him to take on a Golden Core cultivator with a cultivation at Foundation Establishment, but Li Qingshan’s objective was not to defeat caretaker Zheng, nor did he have any plans to confront him directly. The moment the two forces collided, he pulled back his hand and stepped down with both feet, making waves surge.

Caretaker Zheng shuddered. The force behind the tsunami was surprisingly great. The yellow light had dimmed slightly, and its advance had been momentarily halted.

A figure suddenly rose up, breaking free from the range of the yellow light and making a quick turn in the air, shooting towards the Soaring Clouds pavilion like an arrow.

“Oh no!”

Caretaker Zheng pivoted himself suddenly and launched a violent palm strike. In the moment earlier, he had taken him lightly, and he had held back slightly for the sake of Gu Yanying. He no longer held back now. If Li Qingshan made it to the Soaring Clouds pavilion, he would be completely humiliated. He poured all of his strength into this strike.

Li Qingshan glanced at it, and the yellow light whistled over.

From the ground, the yellow light seemed like a huge fly-swatter, while Li Qingshan was the tiny fly. The cultivators from the Clear River prefecture all cried out, “Dodge it!”

If that landed on him, he would definitely be heavily injured. If he were a regular Foundation Establishment cultivator, it was even possible for him to be killed on the spot. Golden Establishment cultivators had always possessed crushing strength before Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Li Qingshan turned in the air and spread his arms, unleashing the Turbulent Flow Form. The region within several meters of him turned into turbulent rapids, but the power behind the yellow light was far too great. All of the turbulent flow dispersed wherever it passed by, unable to change the trajectory of the attack at all.

“Mere tricks!” Caretaker Zheng sneered and pushed a little harder.

With a thunk, Li Qingshan was sent flying.

“What!” Caretaker Zheng’s face immediately changed instead, as Li Qingshan had not been launched away, instead flying right in the direction of the Soaring Clouds pavilion. He was even smiling.

Although he could not change the trajectory of the attack and avoid injury, he could redirect where it struck him. Using this force, Li Qingshan’s flying speed suddenly doubled.

Caretaker Zheng was unable to catch up anymore either. All he could do was watch helplessly as Li Qingshan flew towards the Soaring Clouds pavilion. Right when was about to collide with the pavilion, he gently waved his hands like willow branches in the height of spring, producing an extremely gentle force and drifting upwards. Then he leapt over the railing and slid to the centre of the terrace. After that, he turned around and gained his footing before facing Gu Yanying and Si Qing and exhaling deeply. He folded his hands.

“Greetings to commander Gu and your highness. May I ask why you have summoned me in such a hurry?”

A series of cheers rang out far away from the terrace. For the sake of Si Qing’s dignity, the Golden Core cultivators did not say anything, but they were all secretly amazed. Those were some impressive moves. He managed to achieve his objective under the obstruction of a Golden Core cultivator, and he even managed to do so so easily. It’s no wonder he’s gained commander Gu’s trust at such a young age!

“Your highness!” Caretaker Zheng made his way to the terrace too. His gentle face now seemed rather exasperated.

“Old Zheng, you better go receive the guests first!”