Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

Or more accurately, it was the cavern where Cobweb city once stood. During the battle before, Cobweb city had been destroyed, and the cavern had caved in before water flooded in. However, as time went on, the water receded once more, and the cavern stabilised again. Lolth returned here and turned it into her nest.

Li Qingshan arrived before Lolth in a flash and pushed her against the web. Laying on top of her, he smiled. “They say that a night together as husband and wife leads to a life of endless devotion. Have you been thinking of me?”

Lolth said coldly, “I’ve been thinking about killing you!”

“It’s best if you don’t try something like that again. I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold back my killing intent. It’ll be bad if we fall out completely.”

Li Qingshan touched her beautiful face, gently sliding down to her chest and grabbing a handful, fiddling around with it freely. Although it was still a little lacklustre compared to Qiu Haitang’s grandness, it was much firmer and more elastic, where it seemed to push back with a slight squeeze.

His desires were immediately set alit. His lust that had not been completely released with Han Qiongzhi, his drive that Qiu Haitang had roused, and his demonic nature and cruelty that the second senior sister had stirred all erupted in his body while he was drunk.

“Ah!” Lolth moaned gently as she felt her breast ache. Li Qingshan’s fingers dug in deeply. The strength of the fifth layer of the ox demon was so great that even her body struggled to endure it slightly, but he completely ignored it, using some more force.

When he embraced Han Qiongzhi intimately, he still had to be careful, afraid of hurting her, even when the spirit turtle had already suppressed most of his strength. That was even more significant when he made love to her, but he no longer had to worry about so much if he was with Lolth.

He lowered his head and kissed her scarlet lips as his hands explored every single part of her body. Every bit of contact would cause her pain, but lust gradually filled her eyes.

A while later, Li Qingshan raised his head and asked, “Do you want me to rip it apart, or are you going to take it off yourself?”

Lolth spread her arms, and the black tight suit she had woven together carefully unraveled like silk connected to a loom. Her white, smooth body was completely exposed to Li Qingshan. The two specks of red trembled slightly on the snowy peaks as her slender legs overlapped together, sitting in an extremely enchanting pose.

After Li Qingshan forcefully conquered her, she could no longer freely search for sacrificial offerings like in the past until she killed him. Her body had also become filled with lust. As a daemon, she was mostly unable to hold back on her desires, not to mention that yielding to the strong was a part of her nature.

Regardless of whether she still felt hatred or discontent, he had already demonstrated his great strength, so he possessed this right. Moreover, he was the only male that possessed the right to procreate with her right now.

“Northmoon, I will definitely kill you with my own hands. As for now… Ah!” Before Lolth could even finish, Li Qingshan had already struck her swiftly, beginning a new round of battle.

After going for a few times, Li Qingshan yawned in satisfaction. He had completely sobered up. Lolth slept soundly to his side.

I’ve found a moment of peace in my busy lifestyle for once, but while this place is nice, it’s not where I belong. Once I rest up, I can continue cultivating!

At this exact moment, he suddenly sensed a great danger and immediately raised his guard. It’s a warning from the spirit turtle. Someone is coming after me! Don’t tell me Lolth wants to use some sort of trick against me again? I can’t spare her this time.

Li Qingshan waited for a while, but nothing happened around him. No, this isn’t it. It’s the mirror clone!

In that moment, he devoted all of his attention to the mirror clone hundreds of kilometers away. His mirror clone was currently controlling the Water God Seal and refining a river.

Although he was still unable to see any trace of the enemy, he could vaguely sense an invisible net being cast around him. For the spirit turtle to sense such great danger, the enemy was definitely much greater than the three idiots of the school of Painting!

So it’s them!

Chapter 621: Talks of Peace | Legend of the Great Sage

It happened to be early in the morning. A thin mist floated above the surface of the water. The air was clear and fresh. Everything seemed so peaceful.

However, the sense of danger Li Qingshan experienced did not weaken at all. Instead, it grew stronger. The enemy must have used a method to conceal their figures and aura!

Li Qingshan made a prompt decision and stopped refining the river, erasing his aura completely before swimming upstream, changing his position. He was like a spirit turtle submerging into the sea abyss, completely vanishing without a trace. No matter how sensitive the enemy’s soul sense was, they would struggle to find him.

Afterwards, he used his six senses to search for the enemy. Sure enough, his sudden disappearance caused some confusion among the enemy. Although they still did not give off even a sliver of aura, their thought process wavered momentarily, which provided a direction for the spirit turtle’s senses.

The Spirit Turtle Suppresses the Seas, Foreboding Fate!

There are three enemies, and they’re people who I’ve associated with in the past. Yep, so it’s them. Sure enough, they couldn’t help themselves and have come to make trouble?

The corner of Li Qingshan’s lips curled into a smile, but his gaze was very solemn. The three people were Si Qing, E Dan, and Jia Zhen. They surrounded him from different directions.

Although they were only Golden Core cultivators, Li Qingshan dared not be careless. He did not forget how the Dark Queen had annihilated all the Golden Core cultivators back then on Burial Mound mountain.

To be able to stand out in the brutal selection of princes and rank eleventh, Si Qing was probably as powerful as the Dark Queen. Moreover, even Si Qing treated Jia Zhen and E Dan courteously, so their cultivations went without saying.

If the three of them struck together, it would definitely be devastating. They would not give up unless they reached their objective.

They’ve come for me, so I’ll play along and use the clone to probe them out! However, I need to wait for them to strike first and avoid the full brunt of the blow. The clone’s strength is still too weak after all. If I fail to recall the clone using the Watermirror’s Image and they kill it, I’ll lose the Water God Seal, and it won’t be worth it.

Si Qing constantly scanned the ground with his jackal-like eyes, but he was unable to find a single trace of Northmoon. He instead became even more excited and his lips curled into a smile. “This Northmoon really is as troublesome as the rumors have suggested!”

Aside from duels, the game he loved the most was hunting, but unfortunately, it was already very difficult for him to find suitable prey with his current strength, unless he underwent trials in the places of wilderness like the Mist province.

If there was no danger of being devoured by the prey, then hunting was merely boring slaughter. It would be completely pointless. Northmoon had reignited his passion. The craftier and more vicious the prey was, the more interesting the hunt would be.

Northmoon, I will definitely claim your head personally and treat it as my most prized collection!

Jia Zhen’s face sank. Ever since he had come to the Ruyi commandery, he had begun preparing for killing Northmoon, ranging from the innate abilities he used every battle and the speed limit of when he flapped his wings to his regular techniques when attacking and defending and an analysis of his disposition and so on…