Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 601-Chapter 700)

A scarlet ball the size of a human head suddenly expanded by a hundred times, rising up from the mountains like a red sun. The scarlet light swallowed up all the beasts one by one. Before this violent power, the measly strength of early Foundation Establishment basically seemed insignificant. The impressive Hundred Beasts Formation Diagram lasted for a moment before being reduced to ashes.

The red sun shone brilliantly, illuminating the entire sky. Time seemed to come to a standstill in that moment. It felt like quite a long while had passed before they heard the thunderous boom.

A wave of air whistled past. The thick trees and shrubs were easily uprooted, torn apart in the air. The residual shockwave also bent and broke numerous trees, and many of the lush mountains seemed like they had been flattened.

Chu Danqing’s head rang, temporarily blinded in both eyes. As he waited for his vision to slowly recover, he discovered a portion of the mountain beneath him had been shaved off. The defensive techniques Li Qingshan had used, as well as his several defensive paintings, had all been reduced to ashes. He was shocked. This is the power of a violet talisman!

Talismans were divided into yellow, scarlet, and violet. Violet talismans were the most valuable, as only Soul Nascence cultivators could create them. Basically only Golden Core cultivators possessed them, and it was virtually impossible for Foundation Establishment cultivators to obtain them. It went without saying how precious they were.

The power they possessed was obviously extremely great. In the past, when Gu Yanying clashed with the Soaring Dragon Elder, they had each used a violet talisman. Li Qingshan had only managed to get his hands on a few after killing a swathe of Golden Core cultivators. He never had the opportunity to use them, so now that he casually used one, the effects were quite nice.

The greatest downside with talismans was they had no concept of friend or foe and were difficult to control. If it were not for the hundred beasts on them that served as meat shields, probably even Chu Danqing would have been injured.


Chu Danqing raised his head, searching for Li Qingshan’s trace. He happened to see Li Qingshan smash through the first senior brother’s panic-stricken face with a punch before flicking his finger and shooting a translucent bead of water, piercing the third senior brother’s round head.

Chapter 619: There's Alcohol Tonight | Legend of the Great Sage

Li Qingshan took action valiantly the moment the power of the explosion reached the limit. He used the blinding light to kill the first senior brother and third senior brother in a single stroke. The two of them had died without even knowing how they died. Their last thought was, “How can he possess a violet talisman!”

Even the several hundred paintings they had painted could not match a measly talisman. One was the handiwork of Foundation Establishment cultivators, while the other was the handiwork of a Soul Nascence cultivator. The two were basically worlds apart.

Li Qingshan turned around to search for the second senior sister, only to see a green streak of light rush off into the horizon, flying northward.

The second senior sister used a Fifty-kilometer Escape talisman and shot off into the distance quickly. Her ears continued to ring, and her mind had yet to settle down from the shock. No wonder he was so confident. The might of a violet talisman is far too terrifying.

If it were not for the fact that she was the furthest away from the mountain and had not been Li Qingshan’s first target, she probably would have been slain on the spot before she could even use the Escape talisman.

“You think you can leave?” Waves surged beneath Li Qingshan’s feet. With a gentle step, he shot off like an arrow, chasing right after her.

The second senior sister reached over fifty kilometers away immediately and violently coughed up a mouthful of blood. Although only the residual shockwave had reached her, the violet talisman still left her rather injured. Her entire body screamed in pain.

I can’t stop. I have to go. I have to change my location and hide, or death will still be awaiting me when he follows my tracks and catches up to me!

She erased her aura and did her best to prop herself up, choosing a random direction. She was just about to take off. She glanced backwards, and her eyes narrowed, paling in fright. “How’s that possible!?”

Li Qingshan’s figure suddenly leapt out from the horizon, charging over aggressively.

“How can he be so fast? Oh right, he even has a violet talisman, so how can he not possess Escape talismans? Dammit!”

But this time, the second senior sister was wrong. Li Qingshan did not go out of his way to collect Escape talismans. He only flapped his wings of wind and fire a few times once he left Chu Tian’s field of vision.

She gritted her teeth and took out another talisman, taking off as a streak of light.

“This bitch sure has a lot of Escape talismans. Hmm? Why’d she stop?” All Li Qingshan saw was before the streak of light had even vanished into the horizon, it had stopped.

As it turned out, Fifty-kilometer Escape talismans were quite rare after all. The second senior sister had only used a Five-kilometer Escape talisman, so it no longer bore any great significance in a battle at this level. The second senior sister remained where she was, without trying to escape as if she had accepted her fate.

Li Qingshan strode over on his waves and arrived before the second senior sister. “Why aren’t you escaping?”

“Li Qingshan, what do you want me to do to spare me?”

It was not that the second senior sister did not want to escape. She had used Escape talismans consecutively while injured, so her injuries acted up, and her spiritual qi was in a mess. She was basically on the verge of qi deviation.

“If you drop to your knees and give me a hundred bows, followed by a hundred slaps across your face, I can consider it.”

Although he had said he wanted to maintain a broad-mind, following the example of the boundless ocean, Li Qingshan could not help but admit his current nature was still very bad. He was very vengeful.


The second senior sister gazed at Li Qingshan. His face was not twisted at all. A battle like this where he trounced the weak was unable to rouse his enthusiasm and fighting spirit. As a matter of fact, he even found it rather boring.

“You what?”

Li Qingshan extended his hand and opened his hands, reaching towards her left chest. However, his desires obviously had not been roused, as in the next moment, his five fingers pierced her rather lacking chest and dug out a bloody heart.

The Tiger Demon Digs Out the Heart. This move had always been his favourite!

The second senior sister only saw his lips curl slightly. His eyes seemed to flash with red light as an aura of malice directly filled her heart. Then she remembered the scene of when her first senior brother and third junior brother had been killed. He really will kill me without batting an eye, like butchering a chicken!

Fear drowned out everything. Her legs softened, and she actually knelt down, bringing her head to the ground. She felt a deep sense of humiliation as she called out, “Don’t kill me!”

Li Qingshan’s hand hovered in the air. He was very surprised. Just a moment earlier, you still acted like you were welcoming death, so why have dissolved like a pile of mud in the blink of an eye? Can you show a little bit of a Foundation Establishment cultivator’s backbone? With how shrewd she seems, doesn’t she know I’m just enjoying myself?

When people faced death, there were not a lot who could actually welcome it. She clearly did not possess that kind of courage. Even if she knew Li Qingshan was just enjoying himself with what he said earlier, those who were about to drown would still desperately clutch at a straw. Even merely living a moment longer would be fine.

Li Qingshan smiled. “Since you’ve already expressed yourself through this gesture, I’ll consider it!”