Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “No problem, no problem at all. These few days, I have indeed accomplished much. Don’t stare at me like that, isn’t it all because of you all. Come come, it’s time to give out Scrolls, everyone has their own!” These few days, he had indeed accomplished a lot, and his personal gain was also huge. After the mutual learning with Yun Li, added on to his powerful Time Attribute, Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel that he had improved drastically. His Mid Level Consolidating Equipment Scrolls were almost in some ways equal to High Level Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, especially in terms of Consolidating success rate, improving from the usual 3 in a thousand chance to almost 7-8 in a thousand chance. As soon as he improved a little more, he was very close to breaking through to the High Level Consolidating Equipment Master rank!

Hearing that it was time to distribute Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, a spark grew in all the students’ eyes. This time, Zhou Weiqing gave out almost twenty sets of scrolls. Besides the few Elemental Jewel Masters, only Shangguan Bing’er, Yan Zhexi and Ma Qun, the three Heavenly Jewel Masters did not get Scrolls.

Yan Zhexi and Ma Qun did not question them. Both of them had easily guessed that Zhou Weiqing did not give them their scrolls now in order to create stronger ones for them in the future… perhaps even an entire Set!

Ming Hua had arrived midway when Zhou Weiqing was giving out the scrolls. Looking at him grinning away as he gave out the scrolls to the Physical Jewel Master students, Ming Hua suddenly felt a cold fear grip her heart. She could clearly see the fanaticism arise in the students’ eyes as they received their Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. It wasn’t a fanaticism towards the Scrolls in their hands, but towards Zhou Weiqing, their monitor! After all, they were all commoners! This was the first time that each and everyone of them had their own Consolidating Equipment Scroll. Just like how a girl’s first time was most memorable to her, without question, this class monitor Zhou Weiqing had branded a seal in each of his classmate’s hearts… an unbreakable seal!

Chapter 64 Fei Li Battle Team (1)

“When you all are about to Consolidate the Scrolls, I recommend that you should meditate for a few hours and bring yourself to top condition before you do so. You will want to be able to fully focus and concentrate when Consolidating, to feel the every change, flow and movement of your Heavenly Energy. Once you immerse your mind and soul into it, your chances of succeeding will be higher. You must remember, although there are a hundred scrolls in every Mid Level Consolidating Equipment Scroll set, it does not guarantee a hundred percent success. As such, you should treasure every scroll and try to ensure your success. When I return, I hope to see that everyone of you has their first Consolidated Equipment. At the same time, our class will soon have an assistant teacher, as I mentioned before. He is also a Consolidating Equipment Master, and if you all have any questions in this area, you can ask him. That fellow is sleeping right now, and I estimate that he’ll probably sleep for two days before he wakes up.”

Indeed, Yun Li was now in deep sleep in the dormitory, while Zhou Weiqing was standing here with dark circles around his eyes. After giving out all the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, he relaxed. With Ming Hua and Yun Li here, along with the protection from the Academy, the commoner students were not likely to suffer any bullying. Furthermore, their fighting spirit had been sparked, and anyone who tried to bully them would have a fight on their hands indeed.

“Bing’er, I’m heading back home to take a bath first. If the Principal sends someone to look for us, just get him to wait a while. Brothers and Sisters, I am heading off first. You all can wait for great news about your Class Monitor’s exploits on the field of the Grand Heavenly Jewel Master Tournament! Hahaha!” As he said that, Zhou Weiqing ran off quickly.

This time, Zhou Weiqing did not even bother leaping across the walls. With his current look, most people who weren’t familiar with him would not be able to recognize him.

Quickly rushing home, he took a cold bath before changing into a set of clean clothes. However, this time, he did not wear his school uniform. After that, he headed back to the academy, vaulting over the wall once more. These few days, the Little White Tiger Fat Cat had always been together with him, and was currently sleeping in his bosom.

As they leaving today, Shangguan Bing’er also brought Da Huang and Er Huang together.

Perhaps it was because of constant exposure to Little Fat Cat, these two large fellows also loved sleeping. Each time they slept, it was almost for several days, and because they ate so much, they grew extremely quickly.

By the time Zhou Weiqing returned to the Academy, he saw Shangguan Bing’er and Ye Paopao waiting t the front gate. Beside them stood the Dean of Students, Dean Xiao. Ye Paopao was still dressed in his school uniform, and was not carrying bag, clearly equipped with a Spatial Item. Zhou Weiqing had heard from Kou Rui that Ye Paopao was actually the eldest grandson of the Prime Minister of the Fei Li Empire. He was considered and being groomed to be the successor of the Ye Family, and was definitely the most promising and outstanding amongst the youths of the Ye Family. This was also one of the reasons why he had such a status in the Fei Li Military Academy.

By now, it had just entered the autumn season; although it was still relatively hot, it was already starting to cool down. At such an early hour of the morning, the air was clear and fresh, especially with the close proximity to the Fei Li Lake, causing the air to be damp and cooling, giving them a refreshing feeling.

“Dean Xiao, good morning.” Zhou Weiqing went forward and bowed to Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi smiled faintly and said: “This time, the three of you will be representing our academy to attend the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. Although you are only substitutes, you are still representing our academy, and more importantly, representing the entire Fei Li Empire. All of you are intelligent young kids, so I will not emphasize any further. Amongst the three of you, Ye Paopao is the eldest, so he will be your leader during this period. At the same time, you all must maintain good relations with the members of the main team from the Heavenly Jewel Master Academy; do not clash with them and try to coordinate well with them.”

The three of them exchanged glances, before nodding to Xiao Shi, who then took out a card and handed it to Ye Paopao. “He is two thousand gold coins, meant for emergency funds for during your three months. It isn’t much, but it’s just a token from the Academy. The team uniform will be given out at the Heavenly Jewel Master Academy later. Alright, that’s it, let’s head out.”

The Heavenly Jewel Master Academy was very close to the Fei Li Military Academy, barely a few walls apart. Although the entire student population of the Heavenly Jewel Master Academy barely numbered more than a hundred, the size of their academy was no smaller than the Fei Li Military Academy. Heavenly Jewel Masters were after all considered the cream of the crop amongst Jewel Masters, and not only did their Academy not have any school fees, their students actually received some form of pocket money. Some especially talented and outstanding students actually got their Consolidating Equipment and Skill Storing paid for and handled by the academy. Even the living accommodations of the dorms were much better, with each student have their own large personal room, unlike the shared living accommodations of the Fei Li Military Academy.

After Xiao Shi led the three of them over to the Heavenly Jewel Master Academy, they saw a teacher standing outside the gate waiting for them.

The waiting teacher looked to be about forty years of age, a stable solid countenance with a dependable air about him. When he spotted Xiao Shi, he headed forward with a big smile on his face; at the same time, his gaze swept across the three young students.

Although he did not particularly reveal his aura of power, but when his gaze swept past them, Zhou Weiqing and the others could feel a sense of pressure, proving how powerful that teacher was.

“Dean Xiao, good to see you, we have troubled you to escort your students over.” The teacher said politely to Xiao Shi.