Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Alas, her judgement had been awry. Who could have expected that Little Witch had been so surprised about Zhou Weiqing’s final attack that she had slowed her attack for a split second. That had resulted her in being able to witness the start of the God Protective Auras. As such, she continued holding back her attack for a better time.

This time, a dark gold armored shoulder pauldrons extended from her shoulders, with its beautiful overhanging protrusions, forming a beautiful pattern. The shoulder pauldrons extended from the shoulder all the way down the back, covering most of her back, and a pair of hue gold wings spread out from the back, with the outer side of the wings being a dark gold colour, filled with lines of tattoos, and its underside a pure brilliant gold, the contrasting forming an astonish beauty.

A six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master having four God Tier Consolidated Equipment, looking to be part of a Legendary Set. That in itself was a huge statement. This young lady was definitely one of the young powerhouses that the Heaven’s Expanse Palace had spent much time, effort and resources in developing!

Furthermore, her four God Tier Consolidated Equipment were very different from other Consolidated Equipments. It was not just the fact that they were part of a Legendary Set, but more so that her Physical Jewels were mutated duo Jewels. As such, each piece of Consolidated Equipment was a lot larger… and correspondingly more powerful as well. This was a massive advantage to her indeed, allowing her to cover a much greater surface area.

Generally speaking, if a Heavenly Jewel Master wanted an entire set of armour to cover his whole body, it would require at least ten pieces before being able to do so. However, from the look of her, it would probably only require eight pieces to complete cover her, and that was considering the pair of terrifying claws and the huge wings on her back!

In the instant that the Consolidated Equipment God Protective Aura disappeared, Little Witch finally launched her attack.

A deep blue light, as if crossing the ages, floating towards her opponent, brushing against her as if a light kiss from a lover, yet also seeming like the rain that had been swept along by the winds, soft, gentle, but incessant and pervasive.

The female ZhongTian Battle Team member had a very serious look on her face. The two seconds of recovery had bought her time, and also allowed the effects of the Absolute Delay and other Control Skills to vanish, but the Curse of Doom was still in effect, and she did not have the time to dispel it. Furthermore, she was still off balance, and Little Witch was using her full power in the Demonic Change State. As such, she could only react hastily.

As the blue light struck the interlocked claws… this time, there was no violent clash or explosions, just a soft buzzing sound.

Little Witch stood still, her body swaying slightly from the impact. The blue light surrounding her vanished, along with the tattoos. After unleashing this blow, she was unable to continue maintaining the Demonic Change State.

At the same time, a grey-blue light flashed in the female ZhongTian Battle Team member’s eyes. She staggered back seven steps, but it was not as simple as that. Each step she took back, her body seemed to sway a little, as if she was flowing along in a strong current. In this way, with each step, she was able to neutralise the power of Little Witch’s attack, bit by bit. As such, seven steps later, she was finally able to stand upright. Even so, she couldn’t help but cry out, spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood.

The strange thing was that as soon as the mouthful of blood was spat out, it warped into a blue-grey light, and vanished into the air. At the same time, the blue-grey in her eyes also slowly dissipated.

Panting sounds issued out from both Little Witch and her opponent. In this strike, Little Witch had depleted a large amount of Heavenly Energy, and similarly her opponent. At the same time, even though this female ZhongTian Battle Team member had made use of her four God Tier Legendary Set Consolidated Equipment to withstand the flurry of attacks, she had still finally been injured.

The entire fight had not been long, but both sides were already exhausted. Even with Zhou Weiqing and Little Witch working today with all their might, they had only gained the advantage on this female ZhongTian Battle Team member, and had not defeated her totally!

Little Witch smiled faintly, saying: “If you had just one more God Tier Consolidated Equipment, then we would have lost by now. Unfortunately, you just have the four. If I have not guessed wrongly, this Legendary Set should be specially designed and crafted for you by the God Tier Consolidating Equipment Masters of the Heaven’s Expanse Palace right?”

Her meaning was extremely clear. That earlier strike of hers had used up a large portion of her Heavenly Energy. If the female ZhongTian Battle Team member had another God Tier Consolidated Equipment, just the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura would have allowed her to block it, instead of being forced to take the blow, and thus would have undoubtedly give her the upper hand.

There was a complicated look in the female ZhongTian Battle Team member. All this while, she had never harboured the thought that she might lose, as she had utmost confidence in her own power and abilities. In the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, even Zhan LingTian who was at a higher cultivation level than her could not take her down easily. Yet… at this current moment, she was feeling the fatigue of fighting the two.

It wasn’t exactly because of Little Witch in front of her, but more because of the hidden archer behind - Zhou Weiqing, or rather the combination of the two. With Little Witch there, even if she wanted to attack Zhou Weiqing, it was rather out of the question. Yet, with Zhou Weiqing at the side, she was highly restricted, having to constantly be on the lookout for his supporting attacks. Currently, she had already used all four of her God Tier Legendary Set Consolidated Equipment, but at the same time it was also a huge drain on her Heavenly Energy.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing slowly walked out from his cover behind the trees. After Devouring Heavenly Energy from Da Huang and Er Huang, he had recovered his Heavenly Energy back to his maximum. Of course, that was not his own Heavenly Energy, and he had to use it very soon, or assimilate it as his own; otherwise it would be lost. However, no matter what, with the help of his Devour Skill once more, he had regained his fighting capabilities.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing, the female ZhongTian Battle Team member’s reaction was immense, as she stared at him in shock, exclaiming: “What? It’s actually you?!”

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: “Heh, Little Witch and I are teammates, how could it not be me? Didn’t you say my arrows weren’t up to speed? How is it? How does my Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon feel?”

Chapter 102 Shangguan Fei’er - Master of Close Combat! (1)

As he said that, he slowly walked closer to the center of the battlefield. He did not continue using his Overlord Bow. After all, she was wearing four God Tier Consolidated Equipment. Added on to the fact that their Heavenly Energy levels were just so far apart, and her Equipment covered most of her upper body, he knew that he would not be able to continue doing much with just archery. As such, he decided he might as well just walk out, to fight together with Little Witch. After all, in melee combat, he was better able to use more Skills without expending as much Heavenly Energy, to support Little Witch at the same time.

The female ZhongTian Battle Team member glared savagely at Zhou Weiqing, and he couldn’t help but feel goosepimples rise from the glare. In her eyes, he sensed not just an ordinary enmity, but a faint hate, and a strange, almost unreadable, emotion as well.

“I’m going to beat you until all your teeth drop out!” Two rays of gold light exploded forth from her back, directly from her wings, pushing her forward like a bolt of gold lightning streaking through the skies as she charged towards Zhou Weiqing. Her speed was already more than double her previous.