Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

The white clad man smiled faintly, saying: “Of course I can. First of all, congratulations to you all for entering the top four. It has been many decades since a non seeded team has actually accomplished that. Alas, I was on duty during that period on the Island and wasn’t able to watch all the matches.”

“As for our Heavenly Jewel Island, there are actually three places which are the most famous. The Heaven’s Expanse Palace, the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and the Skill Storing Palace. The Heaven’s Expanse Palace is usually not open to the public, and is considered sacred ground in our entire Island. As such, most of the guests on the Island will visit the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and the Skill Storing Palace; it can be said that both our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and the Skill Storing Palace are considered top notch in the entire continent, literally unmatched. Later, when we reach your accommodations, you will see that it is not far from those two famed areas, as it is all in the central zone of the Island. For all of you, the central zone of the Island is the only place open for access, and the other zones, especially the Wild Zone on the outside, are not to be accessed or you will be treated as hostile invaders.

Hearing their guide’s simple introduction, Zhou Weiqing had a rough picture of the entire Heavenly Jewel Island. Without question, the Wild Zone that was restricted to them definitely held many secrets. Perhaps the thirteen dragon caves or even other plant, animal treasures or rare ores could be found there. Of course, this Heavenly Jewel Island was the Heaven’s Expanse Palace’s, the heart of the ZhongTian Empire, and no one would mess around here for nothing.

As they walked deeper into the Island, the air became fresher, wetter, more comfortable; full of the faint fragrance of plants. Combined with the pure, soft rays of the sunshine bathing upon them, it was just like Little Witch had described previously -

Within the entire Fei Li Battle Team, the one who was the most intoxicated by the scene, almost deep in a reverie, was Little Witch. That was because she had the Life Attribute, and immersed in such a natural environment, she had a deep, profound sensation.

Led by the employee, they travelled almost for fifteen minutes before they reached the central zone that he had mentioned.

It was almost like a little ‘City’ in its own right, just without any city gates. After all, it was on the Heavenly Jewel Island, what need was there of tall walls and gates.

Along the broad lanes were shops lined on either side, and all the shopkeepers were dressed similarly to their guide. However, those shops were actually nothing to do with Heavenly Jewel Masters, either selling food, clothing or some necessities.

As per their guide’s introduction, the Fei Li Battle Team members realised that all those shops were actually not selling ordinary food or clothing, but actually rare treasures. For example, the food could be exotic Heavenly Beasts and/or rare plants, while the clothes were also made out of precious materials and unique handicraft. There were also specialised inns for those guests with the Heavenly Jewel Plaque. Of course, all those things were extremely expensive indeed.

According to their guide, even the cheapest inn would cost more than a thousand gold coins per night, and that wasn’t inclusive of meals. Of course, this time, as they were attending the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, their accommodations would be free, but that would only be during the period of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament.

As for the Heavenly Jewel Island, it was forbidden for anyone to spend the night in the streets, and they had to find some kind of accommodation, be it inns, hotels or whatnot. As such, if someone wanted to stay here for a long period of time to cultivate and make full use of their Skill Storing Palace and Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, they would have to prepare a colossal amount of gold coins first. This was one way for the Heavenly Jewel Island to restrict or limit their guests, at the same time a great way to profit greatly.

Very quickly, the members saw the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace in their sights, situated at the side of the zone, not far from each other. As for the other side of the central zone, it was covered with a cloudy mist, giving zero visibility. Clearly, that was the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, and they had some sort of unknown seal or protection which made use of the mist to hide themselves.

As compared to the ZhongTian City’s Skill Storing Palace and Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, the size of the ones on the Heavenly Jewel Island was much smaller, only about the size of the one that Zhou Weiqing had been to in the Flying Hill City. However, without a doubt, it was likely they were going for quality over quantity here.

The Fei Li Battle Team was housed in a nameless inn on the side, not far from the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace. It wasn’t particularly luxurious or grand, but was clean and neat. Even staying at such an inn alone cost at least a thousand gold coins per person per day, and that wasn’t even with individual rooms. The price was definitely insane.

Before the guide left, he told them that during the period of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, their stay would be free, but it would not include their meals. As for what they wanted to eat, that would be up to them to handle themselves.

As per usual, they gathered in Lin TianAo’s room. It had been early morning when they had set out from the ZhongTian City, and by now it was already in the afternoon, and they had to face the problem of lunch.

Ye Paopao couldn’t help but say: “Luckily we all won quite some money, otherwise we would have to starve all the way through this tournament. Earlier, when we were walking, I took a look at their prices and they were indeed terrifying.”

For Ye Paopao, a son of the Premier of the Fei Li Empire, to say that the food was expensive, and terrifyingly so, one could just imagine the sheer prices.

Drunken Bao patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder and grinned wickedly, saying: “No problem, we have our rich man here to treat us!”

Zhou Weiqing looked at him exasperatedly and said: “No way, I’m not treating you guys anymore.”

Chapter 93 Heavenly Jewel Island! (3)

Little Four grinned, saying: “Heh heh, Weiqing, you aren’t going to be so stingy right? During the tournament period, it’ll be at most a few tens of thousands of gold coins only, nothing much for you!”

Zhou Weiqing gave a humph, saying: “Keep dreaming, if you want me to feed you guys, that is no problem at all. I have loads of food in my Spatial Necklace to feed all of you for a month at least. I’m well prepared indeed. Heh heh.” As he said that, he quickly dug out a bunch of dry rations and fruits and placed them on the table.

“Ughh…. Weiqing, you are too sly!”

Zhou Weiqing laughed, saying: “Alright, everyone eat up quickly. After eating, we can head to the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. I’ll settle all your gifts first, lest some people keep complaining that I’m stingy!”

Hearing that they were about to purchase the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, everyone perked up, energized. They took barely half the time they usually took to eat, gorging everything down as they settled their lunch. After which, they rushed out of the inn and headed straight towards the Heavenly Jewel Island Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

To any Heavenly Jewel Master, the Heavenly Jewel Island’s Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace was considered a long cherished dream, perhaps even a place of legend. Here was where the true items of quality could be found.

From the outside, the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion in front of them looked so much smaller than the one in the ZhongTian City. Although it had four levels, they estimated that its total surface area was about a third of that of the ZhongTian City Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.