Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Little Witch vaulted up, jumping off the bed, looking at Zhou Weiqing suspiciously as she searched through her memory, straining to recall what had happened.

Last night, all the members of the Fei Li Battle Team had been just too excited in celebrating, and all of them had drank too much. Of course, they did not use their Heavenly Energy to resist the effects of alcohol, or that would have been pointless. At first, Little Witch had only been drinking in order to get closer to them, as a way to improve her relationship with them buy drinking together. However, as time went by, and the effects of alcohol kicked in, she slowly integrated into the lively atmosphere of their little party.

As the Holy Girl of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Little Witch had been given the most strictest education and upbringing since she was a little girl, and had never had the opportunity to surrender herself in such an indulgent abandon. Sensing the truly sincere joy from the other members of the Fei Li Battle Team, she slowly opened her heart and joined in the celebration, and at the end she had ended up being the one who drank the most, and even with the highest cultivation level, she had also ended up dead drunk. Her last memory was a blurry one of Zhou Weiqing telling her that he would send her back to her room.

Who knows what had happened after that, and she had ended up here and sleeping the night.

Quickly looking down at her clothes, they seemed messy but all in place, and she did not feel anything untoward in her body. Luckily, it looks like that little rascal did not try to take advantage of her.

Even so, Little Witch blushed deeply. No matter how much she had been flirting with Zhou Weiqing in the past, that had been mostly an act. She was after all still a young girl who had never been touched by another man before, let alone sleeping together with one, even if nothing had really happened between them. It was more than enough for her to be so embarrassed that she wished the floor would open up and swallow her right at that moment.


Zhou Weiqing looked at her shamelessly, grinning as he said: “My dear beautiful lady, you must take responsibility for the things you do!”

Little Witch grabbed a pillow from the side, throwing it savagely at Zhou Weiqing before fleeing the room at top speed.

Zhou Weiqing quickly caught the pillow, looking at her run out. Only when she disappeared did the shameless look on his face disappear. In truth, he had been extremely embarrassed as well, and had only used this method to hide it. At least, this way, it wouldn’t be so awkward.

Still, our Dear Little Fatty had an unbelievably thick skin, and his embarrassment lasted less than a few moments before he turned back into his usual self, muttering to himself: “Ahh, what have I done, I have truly lost out! Hugging a beautiful lady to sleep, and I actually didn’t do anything? I am worse than a beast! [1. This is a pun. Basically (beasts) and (worse than beasts) are insults. Recently, especially in internet culture, there’s been a joke/pun about the two. Can’t really describe it, so i’ll give an example: ‘Eg. If I have intimate relations with this girl while she’s drunk, I’ll be a beast. But if I don’t take this opportunity, then I’m even worse than a beast!’. Not the best example, but that’s why sometimes it’s awkward to actually translate the meaning of a phrase =p Just like how other cultures wouldn’t understand memes I guess? Hope you guys got the gist of what it means]” As he said that, he nabbed up Fat Cat, giving her bottom a little smack and saying with a humph: “Fat Cat, were you the one who ruined my chances last night?”

Fat Cat looked up, giving him the snub, a disdainful look in her eyes.

In fact, Zhou Weiqing’s little joke had been the fact! It was indeed Fat Cat who had ruined his ‘chances’ last night. Originally, Zhou Weiqing had topped onto the bed with Little Witch in his arms the night before, and with their bodies rubbing against each other and in an alcohol daze, perhaps something else might have happened last night. However, Fat Cat forcefully squeezed between the two of them, separating them, and without any further bodily contact, the two had quickly fallen into a deep sleep.

Ordinary people would have a hangover in the morning after such heavy drinking, with a headache and a dry mouth being the norm; some with weaker physiques might even take an entire day to recover. However, Heavenly Jewel Masters were much stronger, and just circulating their Heavenly Energy would allow them to recover swiftly, and the only detriment might just be an unusually deep sleep through the night.

Since Zhou Weiqing was awake, he naturally did not let the others sleep further. Moving to all the rooms, he woke them up bathe, dress up, have breakfast, and pack up.

Although all of them did not have sufficient sleep, none of them complained. After all, they were about to ascend the Heavenly Jewel Island, and no one wanted to be late for that!

The dark green colour of their Fei Li Battle Team uniform was rather conspicuous, after all they had made their name fighting in the preliminary heats of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. Even though it was still early in the morning when they left the hotel, the sun still rising in the morning sky, there were still passersby on the road who would gesticulate towards them, clearly having recognized them by their uniforms.

Before long, they had reached the ZhongTian Plaza. The Skill Storing Palace of the ZhongTian Empire was right beside the Plaza.

As they headed towards the Skill Storing Palace, they were suddenly blocked by a group of people.

Stopping, they saw some familiar faces. Shen Little Demon, Lan Feg, as well as the other Dan Dun Battle Team members.

Lin TianAo reacted quickly, taking a step forward ahead of the rest of the Fei Li Battle Team members. Looking at Shen Little Demon, he said solemnly: “Team Leader Shen, how may I help you?”

Shen Little Demon glanced at Lin TianAo, before turning to look at Zhou Weiqing. “Zhou Weiqing, the mountains stand motionless but the water will continue flowing, this is not the end of it. I will always remember the lesson you have ‘gifted’ me. Senior Shangguan can protect you for now, but he will not be able to protect you forever. With your age, I believe that you will definitely be joining the next Heavenly Jewel Tournament. At that time, I will be thirty… and we will meet again.”

From Shen Little Demon’s eyes, Zhou Weiqing could see the venom within. Smiling faintly, he said: “Miss Shen, do you really need to do that? Isn’t that just a loss? You seeded teams have occupied these positions for much too long, and change is always good right? What we have done is for your own good after all. Taking a fall is not a bad thing, and that will give you the drive to improve yourselves. Instead of thanking me, you are actually trying to take revenge? Do not worry, I will not hide away, and I will definitely be joining the next Heavenly Jewel Tournament. Next time, it will not be such a close shave anymore. I await our next fight.”

The Dan Dun Battle Team members glared angrily at Zhou Weiqing, almost on the verge of charging forth and brawling with him. Shen Little Demon lifted a hand to stop her companions, before saying coldly: “Zhou Weiqing, the next Heavenly Jewel Tournament is your death date. Let’s go.”

After saying that, she turned and left, leading her team members away.

As he watched their backs leaving, Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: “Whether or not it is my death date is not decided yet, but Shen Little Demon, at that time, you better not let me have to cure your poison once more, and letting me touch your chest again. Aiiiyahh, it is not easy to be a good person these days! My kindness is repaid with ingratitude!”