Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

Shangguan Longyin said passively: “The Tournament is fair, with rules set in place. Fighting is fighting, and anything can happen; you can kill, or you might be killed at any time. If you do not wish to continue the tournament, you can withdraw from it; otherwise, if you want to continue, you will have to follow the rules. In that fight, the Fei Li Battle Team has the victory. The current score is 2-0 in favour of the Fei Li Battle Team.”

Shen Little Demon took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She turned her hate-filled eyes back onto the Fei Li Battle Team members, and as she spoke through clenched teeth, the strain in her voice was clearly audible. “Let’s continue the fight. Everyone, return to the Rest House.”

This was the benefit of having the Heavenly Jewel Tournament held in the ZhongTian Empire. When it was necessary, they definitely had the power to dominate the scene. After all, no other Empire besides perhaps the WanShou Empire would dare to challenge the ZhongTian Empire, and even they might think twice.

As the Dan Dun Battle Team members returned to the Rest House, still constantly glancing at the Fei Li Battle Team with hate filled glares, the Fei Li Battle Team also returned to the Rest House.

Xiao Yan placed his hands on Little Four, pouring Fire Attribute Heavenly Energy into him to aid him in driving out the massive amount of cold in him. The colour slowly returned to his face, and he was soon finally able to speak. With a bitter smile, he said to his solemn companions: “I… I’m sorry… I didn’t know this would happen…”

Little Four was clear about the repercussions of his actions in killing Han Bing. There was no longer any hope of placating the Dan Dun Battle Team, and everything from now on would be a life and death battle, perhaps even more so than against the Bai Da Battle Team. Although they were now leading two to zero, it was still a fight to the death against a seeded team, backed by one of the Great Saint Lands! Also, this would totally ruin Zhou Weiqing’s plan, as the Dan Dun Battle Team would definitely give it their all from now on. More importantly, Han Bing’s death had also given the Fei Li Empire an unbelievably powerful enemy. Even though the Dan Dun Empire was very far from the Fei Li Empire, but even if they just gave the Bai Da Empire some support, it would cause huge problems for the Fei Li Empire.

Lin TianAo shook his head, saying: “It’s not your fault. He was the one who wanted to kill you first, and you were just retaliating the best you could. How could that be counted as an error? However, I think we should surrender now.”

“No!” Drunken Bao said agitatedly. “Leader, how can we give up like this? 2-0! That’s such a huge advantage! Next round, Xiao Yan and I will do our best, who knows we might actually be able to win this!”

“Shut up!” Lin TianAo snarled in a low tone, as if an enraged lion. Drunken Bao was instantly silenced.

Lin TianAo continued solemnly: “Things have already proceeded far beyond Weiqing’s plan. Without a doubt, a two to zero score is a huge advantage, and it is very tempting indeed as the match point. However, have you considered how dangerous the other fights will be? All of you can sense the killing intent from that young lady leader of the Dan Dun Battle Team, and the rest of their members as well. For her to be the leader, you can just think how powerful she will be… definitely much higher than Han Bing.”

As for Han Bing, I estimate that he had only broken through the six Jeweled cultivation level not long ago. That is to say, his Heavenly Energy was probably at the twenty fourth stage, just reaching the Heavenly Xu Energy Stage, but perhaps not fully mastering the power of the Heavenly Xu Stage yet. If not, Little Four could not have lasted as long as he did. However, the young lady leader is different; she has definitely mastered the profound secrets of the Heavenly Xu Energy. No matter which one of us has to face her, even myself at full power, we would definitely be killed. I am the Leader of this team, and having brought you all here, I have the duty to bring you all back intact. I do not want the same thing which happened to the Bai Da Battle Team to happen to us.”

As he spoke up to this point, an imposing aura extended from Lin TianAo’s body. “You all do not have to continue speaking. I have made up my mind. The honour of our Empire is important, but you are all my brothers and sisters… your lives are just as important in my heart.”

Drunken Bao, Xiao Yan, Little Four, even Crow and Ye Paopao, all lapsed into silence. They did not know how to rebut Lin TianAo. After all, what he said was true; the Dan Dun Battle Team were now filled with rage, hate and venom. What would occur next was not a tournament or competition, but a battle to the death!

The awkward silence lasted for a short time, then all of a sudden, Zhou Weiqing broke it. In a low tone, he said: “Leader. All of you should calm down a moment. In truth, things are not as bad as it seems.”

Everyone turned to him instantly, hope in the rest of the team members eyes, though Lin TianAo’s expression was unhappy. However, he was still Zhou Weiqing’s Follower after all; if it were any other person who had said that, perhaps he would have already struck out in anger.

Zhou Weiqing continued: “Wait… hear me out first. In the following fights, it is without question that Shen Little Demon will participate in the 2v2 match. In her enraged state now, perhaps even berserked state, she is definitely terrifying. As such, we will have definitely have to surrender for that fight, or whoever fights in that will definitely be wounded or killed. However, just like you said Leader, that Han Bing had only just broken through to the six-Jeweled cultivation level. Since he was most likely the second position in their entire team, and from their reaction, an important member of the Dan Dun Battle Team, that means that besides him and Shen Little Demon, all of the others will be of the Five-Jeweled cultivation level.”

After listening to Zhou Weiqing’s words, Lin TianAo’s face eased up a little, before furrowing in thought once more. Nodding to him, he motioned for Zhou Weiqing to continue.

Zhou Weiqing continued: “Besides the 2v2 match, there are still 2 more 1v1 fights. Their most powerful leader, Shen Little Demon, can only fight one of that. That means… in one of the 1v1 matches, the opponent will have to send a Five-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. Although they will be trying to kill us, and unleash their full powerful, at the same time, this means that their emotions will be out of control, and they will lack the calm and coolness… perhaps affecting their fight and giving us a chance.”

“As such, in my estimations, we still have a chance. In the next 2v2 fight, we should directly surrender, and for the upcoming two 1v1 fights, we will give up the Shen Little Demon fight, and focus on the other one. That will be the key to victory.”

When Zhou Weiqing spoke, he was calm and quiet, the cold intelligence in his eyes affecting all his companions, even Lin TianAo.

Drunken Bao was the first to approve. “Weiqing is right. We still have a chance! That Shen Little Demon might be extremely powerful, perhaps even more so than all of us combined… but this is a tournament with rules after all. She can only fight two of the next three rounds. When we meet her, we can just surrender before the fight, and she cannot do anything about it no matter how powerful she is.”

The rest of the team members also nodded in agreement. However, as for Lin TianAo, although he was moved by Zhou Weiqing’s argument, and everything about it was extremely logical, he still had a nagging feeling of uneasy worry.