Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 55-Chapter 105)

The explosion was just too violent, the resulting shockwaves still reverberating across the plaza, almost breaking the various Rest Houses as the wave passed them.

Although Xu Chuan’s cultivation level was only four-Jeweled, such a strike with his ignited Flames of Life behind it, even a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master would not want to take such a blow easily.

It took the time of several breaths before the intense heat in the air dissipated, though the air was still dusty. At that point, another dark red light lit up, flying forward with a *wuuu* sound. “WE SURRENDER!!” Lang Xie shouted out immediately. Alas… he was too late.

One of Crow’s Legendary Axes, weighing over six hundred jin, spun in the air with a deatly air, burying itself deep into Xu Chuan’s chest. Already weak from burning up his Flame of Life, Xu Chuan was smashed to the ground by it.

With its weight and Crow’s strength, such a blow was at least three thousand jin or more, let alone the fact that it was the axe blade that bit into his body.

Not even mentioning the fact that Xu Chuan was an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master; even if he were a Gold Crow Tribe member like Crow, their reinforced skin and bones would not be able to take such a blow. His entire chest caved in and split apart, every single rib and lungs smashed into bits. Before he could even cry out, Xu Chuan’s life had been swiftly taken by the flying axe.

Crow stood up from the other side of the stage, looking at the judge innocently: “Aiiii, he was so fierce, I thought he still had the fight in him. Leader Lang Xie, you should have surrendered for him earlier, look, making me feel so bad… sigh… to have a life just gone like this. I didn’t do this on purpose, alas you were too slow in admitting defeat.”

“You….!” Lang Xie almost spat out a mouthful of blood in rage as he glared at Crow, the flames in his eyes. The other Bai Da Battle Team Members were also enraged, almost charging forward towards Crow.

Right at that moment, several ZhongTian officials from the Skill Storing Palace appeared, blocking their path.

When they released their six sets of Heavenly Jewels, no matter how angry the Bai Da Battle Team members were, they had no choice but to hold themselves back.

Even the judge on the stage couldn’t bear to look at the mangled corpse of Xu Chuan. Crow walked over, pulling her axe from his body, a sorrowful look on her face as she mourned: “Aiii, I did not want to kill you… Why did you have to be born in the Bai Da Empire? Alas, you shouldn’t have called yourself a Secret Arts Fire Warrior; without learning their secrets properly, you dared come on the stage to play around, sigh… dying in my hands, it was not unjust after all.”

After the judge proclaimed the Fei Li Battle Team victory, Crow walked down the stage.

Such a bloody scene caused the entire audience to lapse into silence. They had originally been looking forward to an exciting fight, but only then did they realise that the hate between the two empires were to such a degree. This was truly a fight to the death for both sides.

As the officials once again cleared up the stage, the members of the Bai Da Battle Team all had bloodshot eyes. Under such a circumstance of certain victory, Crow had still finished off Xu Chuan; this had definitely angered all of them.

Chapter 80 Battle to the death! Bai Da Battle Team! (3)

As Crow returned to their Rest House, all the Fei Li Team Members gave her a big thumbs up.

Zhou Weiqing couldn’t help but say: “Too cunning, that shorty did not die in vain!” No matter who, if he or she made the mistake of underestimating Crow and thinking she was all brawn and no brain, then they would definitely perish in her hands.

Crow said innocently: “I didn’t say that I would clash recklessly with him to the end. Alas, his cultivation level wasn’t strong enough to properly control his Flame of Life, and he could only strike down hard. Why wouldn’t I dodge it? Alas, he wasn’t thinking clearly at the end, so I had no choice but to help him go to his second life…”

Lin TianAo laughed and said: “You, your bloodlust is too strong. However, well done! Every powerful Bai Da Empire Heavenly Jewel Master we kill will save hundreds and thousands of our Fei Li soldiers. Alright, enough about that. Weiqing, who are you assigning to the next fight?”

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment before saying: “Originally, I wanted to have Crow join me for this upcoming fight. However, she is pretty drained from her previous fight, and this is a critical fight for us. To be safe, Leader, you and I should take this one.”

Lin TianAo nodded and said: “Alright.” Even a person with usually as safe and stable a character like him was stirred up by the previous fight, and there was a brilliant gleam in his eyes.

Zhou Weiqing lowered his voice and whispered in his ears, and Lin TianAo nodded. It was time for their 2v2 fight!

In the first two fights, both sides had each scored a victory. Without question, this third fight was now an extremely critical one. Whoever won this would not only gain a huge upper hand, but also match point, possibly leading to victory!

Zhou Weiqing’s plan was actually very simple. In the first round, his motive for sending Ye Paopao was because he had expected the opponent to send out one of their top two players, and using Ye Paopao with a strategy to drain the opponent’s Heavenly Energy before surrendering, allowing them to ‘take out’ a powerhouse without any loss to their own main strength. Since they had expended one of their top members in the first round, and would likely reserve their best member or leader to the last few rounds, that meant their member in the second fight was probably not too powerful. Sending Crow, one of their strongest few, would allow them to defeat that opponent and bring them to a draw.

As long as they could achieve victory in the third fight, then the Fei Li Battle Team would be able to win the entire match with the lowest possible cost. Of course, the lynchpin of this entire strategy was Zhou Weiqing himself, as he would be the mainstay in both the third and fourth fights.

Very quickly, the stage was repaired. From the start of the entire Heavenly Jewel Tournament, the only two times the stage had to be repaired was for the Fei Li Battle Team’s fights; and more amusingly so, both times the one who destroyed the stage was their opponent!

As Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo ascended the stage, the opposing leader Lang Xie and the Darkness Heavenly Jewel Master who had fought in the first fight, Qing Qian, also ascended the stage. Without a doubt, Lang Xie was also determined to take this important third fight. Both he and Qing Qian were the strongest two in the entire Bai Da Battle Team, and in their entire team, only the two of them were at the Five-Jeweled cultivation level.

Although Qing Qian had expended a lot of Heavenly Energy in the first fight, she was still in relatively decent shape. More importantly, since she had already fought in a 1v1 fight, and if the team wanted to utilise her power, the only was for her to fight in this 2v2 battle as well.

Looking at the anger in Lang Xie and Qing Qian’s eyes, Zhou Weiqing smiled: “Hello, you two. Do not worry, both Leader and I are much kinder, and not as violent as Crow. Sigh… such a shame… Such a four-Jeweled Secret Arts Fire Warrior, it must have been tough to cultivate him up right?”

Qing Qian exclaimed angrily: “Stop acting and shedding crocodile tears. I’ll definitely kill you later!”

Seeing that the animosity between both sides were so strong, the judge quickly interrupted: “Both sides, report your names. Fight, Start.” He totally skipped over all the formalities, and after saying that retreated swiftly to the corner of the stage.

After both sides had introduced themselves, Zhou Weiqing swiftly released his Overlord Bow.

This critical 2v2 match had finally begun.