Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

Long Big Fatty had been contemplating what sort of compensation he could give her.

However, at this current moment, he was extremely vexed indeed. Although the billowing smoke from the volcano covered him from seeing anything, but the loud hoarse cries of Zhou Weiqing and the sweet tender moans of Little Witch continuously clashed against his keen senses.

“Damn Little Fatty, don’t you have any conscience and humanity! Continuously provoking this hundred year old virgin… how can you bear to do it to your poor master! You little brat!” Long Shiya couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

After a while, he burst out laughing at himself, shaking his head helplessly. “Dann it, this little brat is vigorous indeed. He hasn’t even solved his problem in the Heavenly Snow Mountain, and now he is incurring a new problem with the Heavenly Demon Sect. Very good, very good, with another Heaven’s Expanse Palace one at home. Maybe this little brat can conquer the five Great Saint Lands and unite them as one with his crotch, hahahahahaha. Sigh… I have spent too much time with this little brat, even my mind and thinking have been contaminated by him. Tcheh Tcheh.”

If Zhou Weiqing was awake to hear Long Big Fatty’s mutterings, he would have immediately protested. How could he possibly have ‘contaminated’ others with dirty thoughts!

The ‘activity’ around the volcano entrance would continue on, abruptly loud and sonorous, suddenly soft moaning and whimpers… a perfect description of highs and lows, as if the billowing smoke of the volcano was following the rise and fall of the sounds.

An entire day and night. The activity at the top of the volcano did not cease for a long time, and this most primeval of sounds gave Long Big Fatty a bigger headache than even the thirty six days of constant watch and vigilance on Zhou Weiqing when he was fusing his bloodline powers.

Without knowing when, the huge wings had wrapped around both their bodies, the thick purple light pulsing rhythmically about them. Around the purple mist that formed around them, there were a faint layer of green, but it was clearly on the weaker side.

Little Witch’s nubile young body had turned a faint pink, wrapped in Zhou Weiqing’s embrace. She had not fully lost consciousness, as she reached her peak time after time, substantiated and satiation filling her time and time again; all of this far from what she had expected and feared. If she died like this now, perhaps it would not be a bad thing… or so she thought.

Chapter 169 Sacrifice! Wu Yuehan! (3)

At last, no one knew how many times they had reached the peak of bliss, but at last, the two of them slowly fell into the depths of slumber, still intertwined in an embrace.

At Zhou Weiqing’s chest area, a ball of gentle light rose slowly all the way up to his forehead before disappearing. At last, the entire area fell into a dead silence.

At this moment, a powerful ray of Light Attribute Energy suddenly descended from the skies, pushing Zhou Weiqing to the side and enveloping Little Witch’s body. At the same time, a long robe floated down, covering her naked body.

Only then did Long Big Fatty appear from outside the smoke. Naturally, it was his Light Attribute Healing Skills that fell upon Wu Yuehan, not holding back as he helped to heal her wounds and renourish her exhausted body. As he did so, there was a forced smile on his face. Up until now, he still did not know how he could compensate this young lady in front of him.

With the healing and aid of such powerful Light Attribute Healing Skills, it wasn’t long before Little Witch opened her eyes. No longer affected by the strange scent and aura that Zhou Weiqing previously had, she quickly regained full consciousness and awareness.

The first thing Little Witch felt was the the warm and comfortable Light Attribute Heavenly Energy enveloping her entire body. As a Life Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, the Heavenly Energy Attribute that they liked the most was definitely the Light Attribute, although the Demonic Attribute in her body was suppressed by the Light Attribute.

A feeling of heaviness soon followed, as if her limbs had been injected by lead, and even lifting her arm seemed so difficult. She felt like all the strength and energy had been drained out of her body.

As compared to the sheer fatigue and weakness in her physical body, her Heavenly Energy was a stark contrast. Little Witch was astonished to find that her Heavenly Energy was actually full and bountiful. More so, she had somehow actually broken through to the seven-Jeweled stage without knowing when!

Contrary to her expectations, her bottom was not hurting, instead feeling numb. After all, after an entire day and night, no matter how tough and flexible her body was, a young maiden like herself with no prior experience being sent to the peak over and over… it undoubtedly was a huge toll on her body.

Long Shiya looked at her with an apologetic expression on his face as he said: “Little girl, I’m sorry. If i did not do this, my disciple would have gone crazy and died. At that time, even if it were a female pig, I would have brought it back for him, but it is your misfortune that I stumbled across you at that particular time. Do you have any requests? As long as I can do it, I will fulfil any requests you have.”

Little Witch’s eyes were a little hollow, empty. Even though the entire ‘sacrifice’ process she did not feel any pain, in fact giving her a previously unknown, marvelous feeling, but she had lost her most precious virtue against her will after all! To any girl, this was a blow far worse than anything, perhaps even more than her own life itself.

Long Shiya’s mouth twitched slightly as he looked on helplessly. Finally, he waved his hand, and Zhou Weiqing, who had been lying at the side, was dragged into his hands. Currently, Zhou Weiqing had lost that purple hue, and the wings behind his back had disappeared into his body, and he had finally resumed his normal look and features. Of course, all of his hair that had been burnt away in the magma could not be regrown so quickly, and his features did contain some differences from his previous look. At this moment, his eyes were closed, sleeping peacefully with a satisfied look on his face.

“How about this, little lady, I have a proposition for you and you can see whether or not you want to accept it. Anyway, this little brat has already taken your body, how about you make do with him and marry him. If you want to take revenge for that one day and night and how roughly he treated you, you have a lifetime ahead of you to do so.”

Throughout his entire long life, Long Shiya had stood upright on his legs between heaven and earth, upstanding and dauntless, and though he might do things according to his own likes and dislikes, he could hold his head up high and say he had never done anything against his conscience. However, this time, catching Little Witch as a Sacrifice for Zhou Weiqing, he had been torn by both anxiety and worry and his conscience. Now that all of it was over, he felt an unprecedented apologetic feeling towards this young lady.