Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

In the Seventh Legion, the Heavy Infantry Regiment was considered one of the top elites, and their treatment was definitely the best amongst the entire Legion, and their food was also top quality, considering. However, when it was compared with the Peerless Battalion, the Heavy Infantry soldiers almost wanted to cry.

On the side of the Heavy Infantry Regiment side, for their three meals a day, one was at least with meat. This was already considered an extremely good treatment in the army, and it was to ensure their combat effectiveness.

Yet, what were the Peerless Battalion soldiers eating?!

For them, each and every one of their soldiers ate six meals everyday. That was right. Six meals.

Their schedule was as such. Early in the morning, they would awake and gather before having their breakfast. This would be the first meal, usually milk or soya bean milk, with each drinking a large bowl of it. Next,, each would have four eggs, green vegetables and lean meat, sometimes even a bit of cheese.

After their meal, they would rest for an hour before their vigorous training would start, lasting an hour. Another hour of rest before another snack. Although it was just a small snack, it was usually with meat… sometimes even with expensive Heavenly Beast meat.

When it came to lunch, this third ‘meal’ of the day was the most substantial and sumptuous one. All of them got at least six dishes, with meat, meat soup or at least stewed with bones; with all six meals being relatively different everyday.

With the two troops camped so close to one another, just the sweet fragrance of meat almost covered the entire Heavy Infantry Regiment. As the Heavy Infantry soldiers ate their simple and homogeneous food, that feeling was as if they were chewing on wax.

For the afternoon training, the Peerless Battalion soldier’s fourth afternoon snack was mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, for convenience sake, it was just barrels and barrels of fresh fruit juice, warm and delicious.

Dinner was simpler than lunch, but it was still meat soup, but mostly with medicines and herbs, filled with ginseng, deer horn and various other tonics, herbs good for the body, and the smell of this was even more temptingly delicious.

Every night, an hour before they slept, the Peerless Battalion would have their sixth meal of the day, supper. After that, they would chat a while between themselves before they had a good sleep. Their tents were all lined with beast leather and furs, and inside their armour, they would always have fresh and clean cotton inline clothes.

When some of the Heavy Infantry soldiers inquired more into the matter about how the Peerless Battalion were getting so much good food, they realised that every day, the Peerless Battalion had specialised people purchasing large amount of supplies from the TianBei City, with at least a thousand people hired to support them. They did not even eat any of the supplies from the Seventh Legion.

Seventh Legion Army Headquarters.

“Boss… this will not do… if this continues, I will not have any men left to lead…. What kind of lives are those Peerless Battalion punks living?! The food you eat, it’s lots better than even what you eat! Ordinary soldiers… having six meals a day! How do you think my brothers feel when they see that!”

Oni exclaimed huffily towards Shen Ji.

Shen Ji looked at him exasperatedly and said: “What do you want me to do? Get your boys the same food as them? Do you know how much money the Peerless Battalion spends every day? I dispatched some men to investigate previously… and they spend around ten thousand gold a day just on their food alone. That is to say… almost two gold coins or more for a single soldier. How can we compare to that? You know how much our pay and provisions are every month…”

Oni gave a helpless look and said: “Boss… how about recalling us from that duty then… I…”

“No.” Shen Ji said firmly. We already lost the fight and the bet, we cannot lose our honour and integrity as well. Ask your brothers to endure for a while more… the war will be starting soon, and once the fighting starts, I expect that they will not be able to enjoy themselves and eat like that any longer. Once the annual fight against the WanShou Empire is over, I will be able to recall your Regiment from this duty. During this period of time, I can only trouble you to help persuade them and work on their ideology…”

Oni gave a deep sigh and said: “Alright, I guess that is the only choice now. However, those Peerless Battalion bastards are just too shameless. Everyday, they have remnant food and they actually feed it to their horses instead, hmph, not even thinking about giving us some of it. And they dare give the excuse that they do not want to humiliate their allies. Dammit I feel like slapping them hard!”

Shen Ji said solemnly: “Don’t just look at their benefits and how well they are eating. Haven’t you observed their training at all? Every day, their training is like pitting their hearts and lives. It is as if they do not care about exhaustion, and even their sparring within their own ranks is going all out. Their training is more than three times that of our elite forces…”

Oni gave a bitter smile and said: “How could I not know that? But… look at what they are eating! In the evening, they even have medicinal soups and tonics, all their energy expenditure will be easily replenished. Damn, Boss, do you know what I was thinking? I was thinking why I didn’t commit any mistakes in the past and never got sent to the Ruffian Battalions. Their lives are just too good, better than even nobles! Furthermore, the money they are spending… splurging on… it is the money they have won from us!!”

Chapter 166 Peerless Battalion in war! (2)

Just like that, ten more days passed. The Heavy Infantry Regiment soldiers could only grudgingly suppress their envy and jealousy towards the Peerless Battalion, while continuing their training regiment.

However, besides eating and drinking, during the minimal leisure time between their training, the Peerless Battalion soldiers managed to chit chat with the Heavy Infantry soldiers.

The Peerless Battalion rules, pay, treatment… their unbelievable amount of Jewel Masters and Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, titanium mail and high quality equipment… all of that was slowly known to the Heavy Infantry Regiment soldiers, causing no small amount of ruckuss. In fact, some of the Peerless Battalion soldiers even started spending money to hire some of the Heavy Infantry soldiers to wash their clothes!

As gossip spread amongst the Heavy Infantry soldiers, and changes occurred, even Shen Ji was almost on the verge of looking for Hua Feng to speak to him. However, at that point, the WanShou Empire armies finally launched their attack…


In an entire day, this was the time that most humans were at their most vulnerable state. The drowsiness of dawn meant that their alertness level was usually at its lowest. Right at this moment, the WanShou Empire armies started bearing down upon their enemies. Of the seventeen Regiments, seven of them charged towards the ZhongTian Northwest Army Camp.

The shrill, urgent cries of the alarms broke the silence of the Northwest Camp, ringing through the various Legions and Regiments as the emergency bells rang.

After all these days of tightly strung nerves, the ZhongTian Empire soldiers were undoubtedly tired and weary. However, they had no choice but to clamber out of their beddings, getting into their armour with weapons in hand. Their enemies had finally come.

At the first moment, Oni readied his troops and rallied them for battle. Getting into their armour was one of the most troublesome things for the Heavy Infantry soldiers, as they needed time to wear their heavy and cumbersome armour.

To Oni’s surprise, the Peerless Battalion did not seem to have any differing actions than usual. It was early in the morning, and the scent of firewood smoke mixed with sweet scent of milk already rose from the Peerless Battalion camp, causing anyone who smelled it to feel refreshed and relaxed.