Heavenly Jewel Change Volume 7 (Chapter 157-Chapter 207)

The difference in equipment alone was just too huge. The final result of the fight was might be slightly surprising, but the true surprise was in the sheer gap and disparity between both sides… that was something that was truly unexpected. Perhaps the gap in power alone was not too huge, but it was the addition of power and equipment that made the true distinction.

Besides Zhou Weiqing, who would actually be willing to splurge so much money on a single troop of soldiers? To use titanium like ordinary metals? Let alone that terrifying cost of those heavy cavalry soldiers… every time any of them struck out, it was like a blow of over a thousand jin!

In the time after both sides actually clashed into each other… the entire battle ended in a mere five minutes.

An outright absolute victory, with no suspense or doubt about the result at all.

In terms of close combat, the Peerless Battalion soldiers would never try and snatch a fight away from the heavy cavalry soldiers. These fellows were all ruffian soldiers, and their observation skills were just too deadly. Naturally, they could see that these personal guards of Ming Yu’s were not easy to deal with, especially since they had so many Jewel Masters. If they were not careful, they might even sustain some injuries.

As a result, these shameless fellows only did what was required of them, to prevent their opponents from breaking free of their encirclement. As for the actual fighting, they left it to the two tribe’s Heavy Cavalry, whom they now called affectionately as ‘Tin Cans’.

This was the first time that the Heavy Cavalry had ventured upon the battlefield since they had been fully outfitted. Indeed, this first appearance did not disappoint Zhou Weiqing at all. Their combat prowess on the battlefield, along with that terrifying armour, even if they were to clash against the elite Mammoth Regiment, he was confident they could hold their own.

What kind of existence was the Gold Crow Tribe? Their average weight alone was more than six hundred jin, their bones weighing as heavy as gold but much tougher. Their strength was as herculean as their weight.

What about the Berserker Tribe? They were also nicknamed the ‘Titan’ Tribe. In terms of height, figure and stature, they were even more terrifying than the Gold Crow Tribe, with their average height an astonishing two point one metres, with the tallest here even reaching two point seven metres! Their weight was not comparable to the Gold Crow Tribe, but was not to be scoffed at as well. Perhaps the most monstrous thing was that their pure physical strength was even greater than that of the Gold Crow Tribe, and even more so when they used their innate Berserk skill!

In summary, both Tribes had their own strengths and advantages, but the most common point was physical strength. Pure, unadulterated strength.

When Zhou Weiqing had outfitted them with that heavy armour, they could be considered absolute killing machines on the battlefield. Even if their weapons were all bound with thick cloths, by the time the battle ended, all seven hundred of Ming Yu’s personal guard, including Ming Yu himself, were injured.

Ming Yu’s current look was rather miserable and wretched. When Zhou Weiqing appeared grinning in front of the Fei Li God General, he saw his armour was in shambles, even the Heart Mirror at his chest had disappeared, looking shabby and disconcerted. Even his helmet had disappeared, and half of his face was swollen and bruised. Without question, he must have been ‘nudged’ by one of the ‘tin cans’.

Luckily, he did not seem to have any serious injuries. In truth, Ming Yu was a six Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, and if he were to fight with any of the ordinary Gold Crow or Berserker Tribe members on a one versus one fight, he would likely still be able to win. Of course, that was if he did not face any of their rare Heavenly Jewel Masters, who were even more terrifying.

After all, Ming Yu had many other Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills.

Alas, on the battlefield, it was just too different. When two hundred heavy cavalry soldiers charged together as one, it was like a small mountain bearing down upon them, not something that a single person could influence. The sheer imposing momentum and unyielding force was such that the strength of a single person was just a token trifle. Zhou Weiqing’s strength was just as tyrannical and overbearing as any of the Gold Crow or Berserker Tribe members, perhaps even more. However, even if it were him, he would not be willing to face the charge of fifty of his own Heavy Cavalry soldiers easily. That was a terrifying momentum and impact of over tens of thousands of jin! Even if he had the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Legendary Set, there was a limit to how much his personal Heavenly Energy and strength could do. If fifty of them smashed into him, it would not be an easy thing to take.

At last, the fight had ended, and the Peerless Battalion soldiers reformed into their usual tidy formation, standing behind Zhou Weiqing once more. At this point, the entire drilling ground was filled with an eerie silence, and the scene in front of them was a horrifying sight.

‘Horrifying misery’ was a pretty apt phrase to use to describe the current Personal Guard Battalion of Ming Yu’s. Although with the bound cloth and Zhou Weiqing’s orders for them to hold back and ensure no casualties, none of the Personal Guards had died, they had all sustained some form of injuries, and none of them were in full gear anymore. All their fine looking equipment, how could they compare with the Peerless Battalion’s, instead seeming more like paper. Most of the gear had been broken or ruined in the clash. As for injuries, no one knew how many broken bones there were, or perhaps more accurately, no one knew how many broken bones there weren’t! Less than a third of the personal guard could stand, and even with the Ghost Demon Horses’ strong defenses, many of them were lying on the ground. Who knew how much medical expenses they would have to spend before they could be used as warhorses again.

This was not the only thing. Currently, Ming Yu was right in front of Zhou Weiqing. This time, he was walking on his on feet. More accurately, he had been captured… on his shoulders there were still two large spiked maces resting there. Ma Qun was looking at this Fei Li God General with a wicked smirk on his face.

Zhou Weiqing jumped off his mount, landing right beside Ming Yu, grinning as he said: “Heh heh, how is it? Sir God General, my Peerless Legion isn’t too bad right?”

To Zhou Weiqing’s surprise, Ming Yu did not seem at all depressed by this loss. Instead, he was looking at the Peerless Battalion warriors like a pervert looking at beauties, swallowing his saliva as he did so. When he heard Zhou Weiqing’s words, he did not hesitate to nod eagerly. “They are not bad indeed! What kind of equipment are those? What material did you use? How come their defense is so strong? Did you create them yourself? How much money did you spend! No wonder you little rascal, were so bold as to challenge Princess Cai Cai, you had such an ace up your sleeve. Not bad indeed… in front of absolute strength, any dominance that good strategy and tactics grant is greatly weakened. However, this is after all still on the drilling grounds, not an actual battlefield. If it were on an actual battlefield, and I had sufficient time and information to prepare, I would still be able to defeat these warriors of yours. After all… they only number seven hundred…”

As Ming Yu was rambling on, Zhou Weiqing suddenly laughed heartily and said: “Did I say that they only number seven hundred? Furthermore… do you really think that you have seen all the power that they have?”