Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

The hold on my wrist loosens, and her hand rests against her chest. I pull the sheets up and cover us to our necks. Though my thoughts weigh heavily, my heart is light just from being near her.

The alarm rings too early. Sara Jane ends the torture, but she begins a sweeter hands-on one when she rubs my cock. Her breath blows across my skin when she whispers, “You want me.” Not a question. A fact. Tender lips kiss my face and down my neck before she goes lower, under the sheet, dragging her nails along the inside of my thigh while taking my boxer briefs with her.

Her lips embrace me, her tongue caressing, the whole of her engulfing me. “Fuck,” I moan, my eyes squeezing closed as my head presses back into the pillow. I find the top of her head and steady her as she pulls me into her warmth.

The pressure intensifies, and her hair is wrapped around my fingers. With each suck, lick, bite the tension is twisted tighter and tighter. I don’t make announcements. She can tell when I’m going to come. Her mouth grips, her hand covering the gap, and the speed picks up as my body jolts beneath her.

Both my hands hold her as she takes me, swallowing around my dick until she’s drunk me down. My body gives in, and my muscles relax. Sara Jane lifts and crawls up my body. Her lips are swollen with desire, red tainting them like I’ve tainted her. She kisses me, and I kiss her back twice as hard.

When she falls to the side, and lets out a sigh, I say, “Oh no, baby. My turn.”

I don’t bother with the sheet and let it fall to the bottom of the bed. I like seeing her naked and exposed, sexy and squirming just for me. Her body is open, her pussy delectable as it glistens for me. With two fingers, I spread her open and dip down to taste.

“You’re fucking incredible.”

“You like to tease.”

“No, baby, I like to savor.” I don’t bother with fingers. I fuck her with my tongue. Her body wiggles in reaction, so I pin her down by her hips.

“Alexander,” she moans, her back arching off the bed.

I can’t handle it when she sounds so taken, when my name rolls off her tongue in so much pleasure. When her legs trap me in place. I do this to her. I. Alone.


My pleasure from power overcomes me and I lift her leg up and rest it on my shoulder. I’m not able to resist the calling of her body to mine and drop down to kiss her tits and collarbone. Pressing into her core, even deeper, I look up, and into her eyes. The depth of trust found in her gentle blues pushes my pride down while I press into her. I’m overwhelmed by the privilege that she’s mine and she only wants me. “Fucking hell you feel amazing, Sara Jane.”

“Say it again,” she pleads. “Say my name like it’s the only name that matters.”

I stop thrusting, my body stopping from her request. My breath comes harsh, but I look at her, making sure she’s looking me in the eyes. “You are all that matters, Sara Jane. All. Everything. The only thing.” The only good thing.

Her hands slide up over my shoulders and neck until she’s holding me by the face. “Will you give up this search? For me?”

Searching the flecks in her eyes, the wings of her words as they fly like a whisper to my ears, my gut reaction responds, “I can’t.”

She lets me remain in my unrequited stance. “Will I ever be enough?”

I drop to the side and roll onto my back. My arm drapes over my eyes, and I release a long, deep breath. “You and my need for answers aren’t one and the same.”

“But we’re equal.”

“No, but it’s parallel.”

Lying back, she sighs. I’ve disappointed her . . . or hurt her feelings. I could smooth the crinkle in her emotions I’ve caused, but that damn promise about no lies needs to be kept. She needs to know where my loyalty lies and that’s in two places—in the past with my mother and the present with my firefly. “What are you thinking?” I dare to ask.

“I’m thinking if you can’t give this search up, then I’ll just have to help you.”


“By supporting you.” Lifting up, she strokes my cheek. When I move my arm, I cover her hand, and she adds, “I may not be able to help find who killed her, but I can be here for you.” Her kisses come and I devour her, just like I consume her each and every time I’m with her.

She’s the sky.

I’m the earth.

Together we make up our own universe.

Capturing her orgasm, I kiss her lips and fuck her until I lose myself to the blackness and bright flashing lights. Sitting up abruptly, I hold her even closer by wrapping my arms around her back, and kiss her so hard she never has to wonder what she means to me again.

Our union brings a deep blush to her cheeks. Lying back, I bring her with me. She’s wrapped around my body, her heart pounding against my side. I chuckle at how much she enjoys sex. Takes control even. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

She sits up, her hand against my chest. Not laughing, but instead, determination owning that glint in her eyes, she says, “You didn’t create a monster, Alexander. You created a queen.”


Sara Jane

I could lounge here for hours longer, content in body and mind, smiling like a loon. My relationship with Alexander has shifted, deepened. With our souls exposed in new ways, my trust in him has strengthened.

He’s shared his darkness with me, letting me carry part of his burden. His mother’s murder has always been troubling. I suspect most unsolved cases are, but it was his mother. Her death, like her life, will always stay with him. I know this. I see his pain so clearly even when he tries so hard to hide it from me. I can be there for him. I can help however he needs. I will do anything to ease his anger and help him find the peace he’s so desperately seeking, the peace he deserves.

Unfortunately, I have class. I flip the covers from my body and sit up, glancing to the empty spot beside me. Alexander left for the office an hour ago, leaving me with a kiss and bones of jelly from our morning activities. Making my way into the bathroom, I start the shower and then head for the mirror. He’s right about me. I’ve changed. I see it in my face and how it’s slimmed. I see it in my body—my breasts are fuller, my hips wider, my waist tapered in. I like what I see, but I like that Alexander sees the real me too.

Grabbing a fresh towel, I hang it on the hook and step under the shower spray.

I feel rejuvenated after days of discourse. We’ve broken down walls between us and he’s shown me his secrets. I’m not willing to lose him over his need to find the truth, so I’m here to stay.

I dry my hair with the towel and hang it up before walking out of the bathroom.

“You’ve become a beautiful woman.”

I jump when I hear the male voice, the timbre sending shivers down my bare spine. My eyes meet his, and I cover myself and run for the bathroom. “What are you doing here?” I yell with the safety of a wall between us. I grab Alexander’s robe from the hook and swing it around me, tightening the belt.

S.L. Scott's books