Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

His hands and arms cover mine, and he releases a breath. “Thank you.” Slipping from my grasp, he walks away and looks over Cruise’s shoulder at the monitor on the desk.

I’m not sure what to do, so I sit on the couch and observe. Shelly’s quick to sit next to me, but I keep my eyes forward. She must feel terrible, and she should. We’ve never had secrets. Never. Not even when Tuck Bennice groped my ass under my skirt in the library in ninth grade. The second I saw Shelly at lunch, she cornered me in the girls’ bathroom, seeing I was not my normal self, and gave me a look. The expression on her face was both intimidating and reassuring if that’s even possible. But I told her what happened because I knew I could trust her. No one ever found out about the groping just as I planned, but Tuck took a nosedive in the school parking lot two days later, breaking his nose on the curb. She deserved an Oscar for that performance. To this day she claims he fell, but I know better because I know her and what our friendship means to her. Or did . . .

She says, “Please don’t be mad.”

My gaze slides over to her. “How can I not be?”

She sighs and leans back. “I haven’t been involved for very long, which I know is no excuse. Would you believe me if I told you that it may seem illegal—”

“Not seem. Is. What you guys are doing is illegal. If it wasn’t, there would have been no need to hide it or ‘protect’ me.”

“Fine. You say potato. But I look at it like the show Dexter. He’s doing it for the greater good.”

“Don’t be fooled, Shelly. The benefits to society aren’t as great as you think.”

“Why are you being so hard on him?”

Pushing off the soft, gray leather, I reply, “Because it’s a house of cards. When it falls, he does. And there will be nothing I can do to stop it.”

“I don’t want you to stop it,” Alexander says brusquely. “I don’t want you anywhere near this. What I want is for you to go to school, get the job you want, and be happy.”

“With you?”

“Yes, because I’m not doing this bullshit back-and-forth dance with you anymore, Sara Jane. This is it for both of us. We made promises, and we’re going to keep them.”

“I won’t be part of anything illegal.”

“I don’t want you a part of anything illegal either.”

Cruise’s eyes are set on me. He says, “He didn’t want you to know. I don’t know what happened to change his mind or why he brought you here tonight. You know I like you, Sara Jane. As Alexander’s woman, I’ll give you the respect you deserve. But you’re not cut out for this. I’m just wondering if you can keep this to yourself, because if you can’t, we all go down.”

“Careful, Cruise,” Alexander cautions.

Cruise is not one for soliloquies, but when he stands, he speaks as if I’m not here at all. “She’s a liability, which is why you kept her in the dark.” His arms rise. “What the fuck were you thinking? Let me guess, your dick made this decision?”

He’s grabbed so fast that I’m startled. Alexander pushes him backward by the chest and has him pinned to a wall, holding him eye level in seconds flat. “Don’t. Don’t ever fucking talk about her like that again.” His voice is a growl, violence in his words. “Or I will end you.”

Cruise shoves Alexander off, and then straightens his shirt while eyeing him. “Fuck you, King.”

“King,” Alexander snarls. “Remember that.”

Walking away, Cruise knocks a lamp off a table as he passes, heading down a dark hall. A door slams, and my gaze is directed back to Alexander. His anger is flared through harsh breaths. His eyes hardened as he stares at the hallway.

I stand but stay, worried I’ve caused them to fight. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Firefly,” Alexander snaps. “You don’t owe anyone an apology.”

Twisting my fingers together, I whisper, “I don’t want you fighting because of me.”

“We’re not. We’re fighting because he’s forgotten what affords him his life. And to be clear, I do.”

I glance to Shelly who’s sitting quietly in the corner. Chad’s eyes return to the screen in front of him. Pretending everything is normal seems like a good plan right now. He has a luxury I don’t. Moving closer to Alexander, I place my palms gently on his chest. Standing toe to toe, I say, “You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

Grasping my face in his hands, he sighs heavily. “When are you going to figure it out? This is for you, for us. Cruise will be fine. He’s tired. He’ll be fine.”

“Will your friendship?”

“I only need you.”

Holding him by the middle, my fingers pressing into him, I plead, “I can be your safe place to land each night. But you need your friends, too. You need more than me, Alexander. Don’t throw away what’s important to hold on to me. I’ll be here. No matter what.” His lips press to my forehead, and he lingers there. My eyes close as I savor the gentle touch. “I don’t want you fighting with him or anyone over me.”

Pulling back, he says, “Without you, I have nothing left to fight for.”

“Fight for your future. Fight for your mother. Fight for your family’s company. I can take care of myself.”

Cruise returns and stands at the other side around the couch, away from us. “I’m on your side.” His eyes flicker between us. “Remember that.”

Alexander stands tall, power strengthening his spine. He turns away from me and heads for the balcony. One nod tells Cruise to follow him, and he does without a word.

When they’re out of earshot, Shelly says, “His temper is going to be his downfall.” When I look at her, she’s watching them through the window. Turning back to me, she whispers, “You’ll either save him, or he’ll take you down with him.”

“That’s ominous.” Sarcasm . . . not the best choice.

“The truth is ugly, but you still wanted it.” This is not the Shelly I’ve known for more than half my life standing next to me. “I’ve lied to you. I’m sorry about that. Now that you know everything, I won’t do it again, not even if the lie is easier to tell.”

“What do I do?”

Chad looks up when I ask the dreaded question. “Sara Jane, I’m working for Alexander because I believe in his pursuit of justice. But also, I’m angered by the corruption and obscene crimes we continue to uncover. You’ve known and trusted me for a long time. And I trust him.” I nod my head. Part of me feels chastised by both Shelly and Chad, but I also feel justified in my anger and hurt.

The truth is ugly, but you still wanted it.

And I trust him.

I look to Shelly who says, “Follow your heart.”

“That’s what got me here.”

Alexander and Cruise catch our attention when they shake hands, then bring it in bumping chests. With no smile in sight, Alexander says something and they both glance at me. He’s biting his lip when he comes back then releases it with my name rolling off his tongue, “Sara Jane, I need to head out for a while.” I feel instant panic. “I’m taking you back to the manor.”

“Wait. No. You brought me here for a reason.” I hate the plea in my tone.

S.L. Scott's books