Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

“I came to see you, and I got more than I could have asked for.”

My heart is racing, my skin crawling beneath the soft fabric. He saw me. That rat bastard saw me naked. I grit my teeth and swallow my embarrassment. Looking out through the doorway, he sits smugly in a chair by the fireplace. “Why do you want to see me?”

Gesturing toward the sofa, he raises an eyebrow. “Sit down, Ms. Grayson.”

“I’m not dressed.”

“Sit down anyway.” His tone leaves no room for argument and while I debate in my head if I have any say in the matter, I know deep down I don’t. I take a breath and exhale slowly. Tightening the robe over my chest, I walk to the sofa and sit. The reality is he scares me to death. I wish Alexander were here.

I don’t bother with questions. He has his own agenda, so I wait. He’s not a man to keep someone in suspense, always ready to tell exactly what’s on his mind. “I didn’t think much of you when Alex first brought you around.” Wow, thanks. My grimace can’t be restrained, but he continues, “I had dated the best society had to offer. After all, I’m not unaware of how important good looks are in life. I was gifted from both sides. My mother was a model when she met my father. He was considered a catch in looks and last name. Together they were the toast of the town.” My heart sinks as he brags of something so superficial. “Alex’s mother was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She wasn’t from around here but came here for school. I never thought she’d give me a chance. She didn’t know my family or our position, but I asked her out anyway. She told me no.” He laughs to himself, lost in the memory. “I asked her out every day for a week. She finally said yes. I won her over. Whether it was my charm, or good looks, my persistence, or maybe she found out who I was. I didn’t care. I was in love with Madeline the moment I laid eyes on her, and I loved her until the day she died.”

This man’s moods are as unpredictable as he is. “You only loved her because she was beautiful?”

Looking back at me, he says, “Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. It’s precious and rare. But above all it’s expendable.”

“So it never mattered what she looked like—”

“She was taken from me anyway.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because beauty is also a commodity. It’s bought and sold every day. Just like I knew, Alexander knows the benefits of having great genes. It will help him in business and in life. He needs someone equally his match.”

Alexander has always made me feel incredibly beautiful, but now doubt sinks in. Why did he choose me? I hope I’m reading him all wrong, but I ask, “Are you telling me, looks wise, I don’t fit?”

His eyes spark with challenge. He tilts his head in confusion and says, “Quite the opposite, as I first said. You’re stunning. I see why my son finds you so desirable.”

My head jerks back. “Please don’t talk about us in that way.” I close the gap in the robe that exposes my calves.

“I’m not hitting on you, Ms. Grayson. If I were, there’d be no question in your eyes. You’d know. Out of respect, I’ve kept my distance. Out of respect for my son.”

“You don’t respect him.”

“You have made up your mind so decidedly against me already. Let me put things to you more simply. If I wanted to fuck you, Ms. Grayson, I would have. So yes, out of respect for my son, I have kept a polite distance.”

“You’re so sure of yourself, regarding me. I would have never—”

His head is shaking. “Never say never.”

Standing, I move around to the other side of the couch. “Lines have been crossed. This is inappropriate on every level. I’m sure Alexander will not be happy to hear about this.”

He stands and buttons his gray suit jacket, a roguish grin surfacing, reminding me of Alexander when he wants to have sex. “You won’t be telling Alex anything about this meeting. My son and I have a few wrinkles to work through, but you wouldn’t want to be responsible for ruining the relationship we have built. Right, Ms. Grayson?”

Fisting my robe at the neck, I ask, “Why did you come here? To threaten me, to get me in line with whatever scheme you have going on?”

“I came here to offer you a job. I think you’d be an asset to me.”

My mouth falls open. “Doing what?”

“You have a way with people.”

“You don’t know anything about me.”

Sliding his hands into his pockets, he replies, “I know quite a bit about you. I know you’re often late to psychology on Thursdays because you stop for your weekly treat—a coffee at the campus coffeehouse. You were late paying your car insurance two months in a row recently. The teaching assistant last year in history hit on you twice, and you never told Alex. And your dad’s stroke two years ago happened after you told him you wanted to live with Alex.” He looks pleased with himself, his arrogance dripping from the corner of his devious grin. “You may stay in my house, but you don’t live here. Why is it that you and my son never followed through with that move-in plan?”

I gulp, his words, the memories hard to process. “Are you following me?”

“Follow might be too narrow of a word. Information comes my way and who am I to deny it.”

“You’re a horrible man.”

Sighing, he says, “I expected more from you.”

“If I’m such a disappointment, then why would you want me to work for you?”

“I’m glad you asked. We’ll be transitioning as we begin selling divisions of the company. Although no one should know, I understand that Alex has confided in you. Since you know, your skills could be utilized through various departments that struggle with change.”

“Nothing with you comes easy. What are you really offering?”

“A chance to be a part of this family.”

“I don’t need to be a part of this family. I only need Alexander.”

He steps closer, and by instinct, I want to move back, but I stay to hold my ground. Reaching for me, he touches my cheek. I cringe and turn away, but his fingertips stay and move slowly down my cheek until he’s grasping my neck. “So beautiful.”

My breath freezes in my throat. I can’t take it, and I move away. Hating that I give him power, I walk to the door with my head down. I open it, and with my back to him say, “Leave before Alexander finds you here.”

“I’ve made sure he’s preoccupied. You might remember Carinna? The woman from the party.”

My head whips to the left, my gaze over my shoulder hitting his. Lies. Don’t believe him. “I’ve never failed a test, Mr. Kingwood, and I don’t intend to now.”

“Carinna said the same thing. She was quite taken with my son, and he for her, and yet, I still took her from behind while she was bent over my desk, her lipstick smeared across a contract she was so sure I would sign.”

S.L. Scott's books