Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

“We work with people I don’t want you around. These are the people leading us to the answers I want. You don’t realize the role you’ve played, but you being here for me has been everything. I couldn’t have done this without you, knowing I had you to come home to. You’ve given me the strength to do what I needed to do.”

“I feel betrayed, Alexander. I felt crazy before, paranoid that you were up to something behind my back, and maybe cheating.”

“I hope this gives you some relief then. I only hid it to protect you.” From what? And why . . . how could Shelly lie to me so easily?

“You always say that. Am I that fragile?”

“You have so much going on in your life—”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want you, all of you, being a part of it. I can handle more than you give me credit for.” Signaling inside to the others, I say, “I can handle this. If you have my friends involved, I should be involved.”

“Chad is a damn good programmer and hacker. I needed him because I needed information. He’s paid well. Don’t be mad at Shelly. She wanted to tell you. I kept her from doing it.”

“How?” Rubbing my temples, I lower my gaze to our shoes. “She’s my best friend, and you had her lying to my face.”

“She wanted to be with Chad. Chad works most nights because of his school load. Shelly was around enough to where she just started helping out where she could. People trust her.”

“I used to trust her,” I reply, looking him directly in the eyes.

“You still can. Don’t take the anger that should be directed at me out on Shelly. She wanted you to know. We’ve struggled with this for a while, but she doesn’t know what Cruise and I know. She’s been a good friend to you.”

“And a better one to you.” I won’t get anywhere with him or any of them if I make accusations. I’m willing to listen to learn what they do know. “What about Cruise?”

“He’s like my brother. My mission is his mission.”

“What does that mean? Is what you’re doing legal, Alexander?”

“No. For the most part.”

So matter of fact, so without care for repercussions. No beating around the bush. He just lays it out there that he, my boyfriend, is the head of some investigative syndicate, and I had no idea. Until now. “This is doing my head in.”

He steps closer, and I lower my head, letting him cage me in his arms. His voice is low, calm, reassuring, though I’m not feeling the effects. “My life is wide open for scrutiny. You’ve now seen my truths.”

“Have I?” I ask, looking up into his eyes. “Or is there another bombshell in your back pocket?”

“I started this to find out who killed my mother. I needed to know. I didn’t know this would grow, but the deeper Cruise and I searched for one murderer, more criminals were identified. Including my father. He turned a twenty-million-dollar company into a two-billion-dollar corporation. Nobody does that keeping everything legal.”

“Bill Gates did.”

“We can volley back and forth all night if you want, but I’d rather show you what we’re doing.” He tugs the belt loop of my jeans and says, “Come back inside.”

I stay still. “How much are you going to show me?”


Crossing my arms over my chest, I correct him, “Everything, Alexander.”

“Fine. I’ll show you everything.” He tugs again, and I finally relent, and we go inside. I sit down on a chair in the center, and he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge as if we’re hanging out any other night. Maybe he is, but I’m still in shock by the setup. After taking a long gulp, he leans against the counter. “Two years ago—”

“Two years ago?” I ask, my question coming out an octave higher.

“I’m sorry,” he says quickly.

Looking down, my hands twist in my lap. “You’ve kept me in the dark most of our relationship.”

Making his way over, he sits on the steel table in front of me and takes my hands in his. “I didn’t want you involved.”

“I’m involved because I love you. I thought you loved me.”

“Don’t say that. You know better because you know me.”

“I don’t know anything anymore, but here we are, so tell me the rest.”

He moves to the couch and says, “We went to where she was killed and started from there. You know the rest.”

“So you’re searching for druggies to give you answers?”

“Yes. More or less. The problem was, the more we dug the more we discovered a singular connection. Kingwood Enterprises.”

My chest burns and I release a long slow breath. I feel the crinkle in my forehead as I take in the information. “You keep saying this but I don’t understand how it comes back to him, why this woman you found will have the answers you need.”

“I don’t know. I just know I need to follow my gut and that tells me to talk to her. I have to have more information.”

“But you know this isn’t safe. That’s really why you didn’t tell me.”

“I’m not scared, Sara Jane.”

“You should be, Alexander. You don’t know what you’re walking into. This is not a caped crusader game you’re playing. These are bad people you’re dealing with, so if I have any say in the matt—”

“You don’t. You’re not going to argue with me about this. I’ve dealt with bad people. You met my friends from high school. You saw how they treated people. Sometimes people just abuse the life they’ve been given.”

“Yes, spoiled rich kids and their privileged lifestyles can lead to bad things, but it’s not the same kind of people who make their money off the pain of others.”

His eyes narrow on mine. “I can read between the lines. You think I do this because I can. It’s not that.”

“You’re going to get yourself killed, and for what? An answer to someone’s death?”

“Not someone’s death. My mother’s.”

“And then you leave me, here on earth, to avenge your death. We can continue this vicious cycle over and over. Please. Turn the information you have over to the police, and let them follow the lead.”

Standing abruptly, he turns his back to me. “I can’t. You know this. I’ve told you. Her case has been buried and bought, and they will never find the killer because they’ve been paid to drop the search.”

His pain drips into his words. She was the only person who he felt loved by. The only person who intentionally spent time with him just to love and adore him. I don’t know the pain he’s feeling, but I know it would eviscerate my heart if my mom died, though. I stand up to hug him from behind. With my cheek to his back, I say, “Okay, Alexander.”

S.L. Scott's books