Live Me

“Nah, not just yet. She might have to get a slap if she has another. She keeps staring at your boy’s pretty little friend over there.” His eyes dripped with malice as he nodded in Eric’s direction.

The inside of my skin grew hot. Damon was progressing. He’d gone from the nice boy next door, to someone who connived to get his way, to a rapist, and was now making physical threats. Watching it unfold was frightening, and the thought of my sister spending the rest of her life with him made me nauseous.

I leaned over the bar and stared him in the eye, swallowing down the bitter taste at the back of my throat. “You better not mean that, asshole.”

Damon cocked his head to the side, analyzing me, no doubt surprised by my newfound strength. He expelled an appraising humph and leaned closer to me. He had to raise his voice because of the noise around us, but because of our proximity, it was done in a way only I could hear. “I’m not sure I’m digging the way you’re acting lately. We might have to have a chat about that next time we’re alone.”

I refused to back down from his glower. “We’re not going to be alone.”

“Right, I forgot.”

His narrowed eyes glittered with an unkind amusement, and I could tell my words held no weight with him. He reached across the bar and covered my hand with his. My fingertips hardened into the wood, but despite my racing heart I didn’t move them, not wanting it to seem unnatural. His smile turned bright so he wouldn’t attract attention, and I matched it with my own.

“I’m not going to say it again, Angel, is it? Watch your fucking mouth.” Then he straightened, releasing my hand, and I took in a large gulp of air, not realizing I’d been holding my breath. “And I don’t plan on touching your sister. It was a figure of speech. Just make sure your boy keeps to himself.”

“Aren’t you all ‘boys’?” I air quoted, still trying to act surly despite the race in my heart.

His eyes narrowed and his face dropped its smile. “Not when my girl’s drooling over one of them, we aren’t.”

“She’s just having a good time. Stop acting like you’re a saint.” I tried to drive my hidden meaning into his brain through my eyes.

“What’d you say?” He cocked a brow.

“Nothing.” Losing a bit of my nerve, I shook my head, twisting the cap off the fresh drink and sliding it toward him.

Pushing back off the bar, he watched me over his bottle as he took a swig. “Don’t forget to mind your manners now, beautiful. We wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to happen.”

I swallowed hard as he walked away. Glancing to my right, I caught Blake’s cool eyes. I gave him a small smile, waving my fingers, trying to hide my unease, but something seemed off in his stare. His eyebrows were pulled inward, and his back was straight as a tack. He curled a finger, calling me over.

Oh man. I fumbled with my fingers, hoping I hadn’t given anything away, and tried to think of a cover-up. “What’s up?”

“What’d that asshole say to you? You look upset.” His hand was fisted on the bar as his eyes bore into mine, daring me not to tell him the truth.

“Asshole? I thought you liked him.”

“I don’t like him. I was being polite. Now tell me.”

I toyed with my nail beds for a second, and then dropped them, knowing it was a tell of mine. “I didn’t get upset. He was just being a dick because my dumbass sister can’t keep her eyes off your friend here.” I fought a smile as I motioned to Eric.

With a grin, Eric’s chest swelled. “She knows where it’s at, that’s all.” Then, in a rare moment, Eric grew serious. “Come on, Eva, admit it, I’m so much better than that douche bag. Tell her to move on. And what’s with the ring? She’s seriously going to marry him? That guy’s trouble.” He looked longingly in their direction.

Damon turned, catching Eric’s eyes once again. He shook his head and slid a possessive arm around Abby’s shoulders. She laid her cheek on his chest, then his lips curled in a cocky smile, and he kissed the top of her hair, still staring at Eric.

I pulled his attention back to me. “Trust me, I have. But that douche bag’s a thorn in my side, so do me a favor and hold your horses while he’s around. And what do you mean he’s trouble?”

“We’ve known him a long time,” Eric explained. “Let’s just say if I had a sister, that’s not who I’d let her marry. He’s not exactly the monogamous type.” He relaxed back in his chair and spread his legs.

My body stiffened and I swallowed hard. Of course, I knew that. But what did Eric know? Unease settled deep inside and I clutched the rolls in my stomach trying to tamp them down. How many more were there? I never thought of the prospect of more until this moment. I’d always assumed I was the only one. I pressed harder into the nerves coiling in my belly as I thought of Abby. What else had he done behind her back?

Blake scowled in Damon’s direction. “I still don’t like the way you looked. I’m ready to put him in his place already.”

I so wish you could, Blake.

Celeste Grande's books