Live Me

Breaking the kiss, he bit down on my bottom lip and dragged his teeth along it before sucking it back into his mouth. “We’ll see who the puppet is. You’re going to do exactly what I say. Understood?” Without waiting for a response, Blake grabbed a fistful of my hair and tilted my head back, biting and sucking his way down to draw a pebbled nipple into his mouth.

I let out a whimpered moan as his hips started to move. “You like that?”

“Mm hmm.” Fuck, did I ever.

“Come for me.”

His ass hardened with each thrust, slamming my spine into the wall as he picked up the pace. He covered my mouth with his again, and then dragged his teeth along my jaw. “Come on. I want to feel you explode around me.” Blake moved quicker. His eyebrows pinched together in ecstasy as my climax heightened. “Whose * is this?” He licked his thumb and pressed it to my clit, rubbing circles.

“Yours,” I breathed into his neck.

“I didn’t hear that. Whose. Pussy. Is. This?” Blake drove into me with every word.

“Yours!” I screamed.

“Come for me, baby. Show me. Now.”

Instantly, my world split in two as my release tore through me. He cupped his hands around my shoulders and pushed himself deeper as he emptied into me. His release hit a spot inside, bringing a fresh wave of jolts, and I vibrated against him, before falling limp in his arms.

“Puppet master is what I am. See how I just did that?” He pushed into me once more for emphasis.

I nodded into his neck, too weak and euphoric to rebut him.

Still joined at the hip, Blake walked us back to his bedroom. As he laid me down, his still hard cock twitched inside me, hitting a spot that made me squirm beneath him. I cupped his ass and held him to me. “Don’t pull out yet.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Blake rocked into me slowly. “I’m gonna make love to you now. I just needed to show you who was boss first.” He slipped his tongue inside my mouth, caressing mine. Then he took his time, gliding in and out of my core, moving so slow I could feel his mushroomed tip sliding along my walls.

I kept my legs tight around his waist, using my heels to urge him on, but he kept his slow pace. My body let out random jolts and twitches, searching for its release. Blake circled his hips, sucking the rosy peak of my breast into his mouth.

“Blake . . .” I begged, my climax teetering on the edge. I clamped my walls around his shaft, massaging its length with each glide and eliciting a moan from him. Gripping the hair at the back of his head, I bore down, hoping he’d give me what I craved. “You like that?”

His eyes pinched shut as he dropped his forehead to mine. “You know I do.”

“Then fuck me. Make me come again.”

Blake growled. Cupping my ass, he squeezed to the point of pain and lifted me off the bed. His speed quickened, and I twisted the sheet at my sides. My lower back arched in the air, my shoulder blades pushing into the mattress. His thumb was back on my clit as he applied just the right amount of pressure to bring me to release.

He dragged his fingers up my back and pulled me to him so we were sitting up and my legs were wrapped around his hips. The hot spurts of his arousal poured into me while his mouth muffled the cry of his name on my lips. He lapped up each of my moans, and then buried his face in my neck, and bit down on my shoulder. I jumped at the prick to my sensitive flesh.

We stayed that way, sweaty and panting, silently petting and sucking each other until our breathing evened out.

Blake put both hands to the side of my face and kissed me softly, his fingers brushing the hair at my temples. “Mine.”

I smiled against his lips. “Yours.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid us down on our sides, scooping me in. Nestling back as far as my body would allow, I smiled as his wet hardness pressed at the back of my thighs, knowing he was drenched with me. “I don’t think I’m done. It still hurts.” His cock twitched against my legs. I pushed back on it, and he moaned. “Fuck.” He dragged his palm up my torso and cupped my breast, toying with my hardened nipple. I leaned my head into his shoulder, exposing my neck for him, and he sucked at the soft skin. His hard, round head pressed into my backside, and I hooked my leg behind me, over his hip, opening myself to him. Blake let out a hiss, pushing up and pulling my breast as he slid into my core. “God, you feel so fucking good. You’re still so wet and tight.”

Celeste Grande's books