Live Me

Unfortunately, he couldn’t.

I shook my head. “Oh no, you’re not. Time and place, remember? I’m working and my whole family is here. Cool your jets. You can’t go all caveman every time someone gets under my skin.”

“Like hell, I can’t.” His eyes were cool, his tone impermeable.

“What happened to polite?”

“Polite goes out the window the second someone disrespects you.”

I had to change the mood. I could see this going down a bad road if I didn’t. “Well, he didn’t. So come on, let’s do a shot. On me.”

Blake rolled his shoulders in an obvious attempt to rein himself in. He dragged his eyes back to mine and slowly moved them down my body, licking his lips. “Which part?”

My cheeks flushed. “Such a naughty boy. What am I gonna do with you?”

He winked. “Anything you’d like. Twice if I’m lucky.”

Eric waved his hands back and forth. “Hello, I’m still here!”

I stayed and did two rounds of shots with them to be sure Blake’s mind was far from Damon, and then answered the calls of the rest of the bar for the next couple hours. When things calmed down a little, I left Jasmine to tend bar and went in search of my sister. My dad was between sets and she, Damon, and my mom were talking to him over his drums.

“Good job, Daddy.” I placed a peck on his sweaty cheek, then turned to Abby. “Come to the bathroom with me.” I didn’t give her a chance to respond as I took her hand and dragged her away. I was scared for her and needed to find a way to tell her the truth, but now was not the time and the way she was acting was only going to create more of a problem.

I pushed open the door and leaned into the mirror, wiping the mess accumulating under my lower lashes as I waited impatiently for the other occupant to exit the stall. She washed quickly, then scooted out.

Once the door closed behind her, I narrowed my eyes at my sister. “What’re you trying to do, Abby? Your boyfriend’s getting all territorial watching you stare at Eric.” Logically, I knew I had no right to be mad at her, but I couldn’t help it. The fucker had me shaking and Blake was moments away from figuring it all out.

She pulled her hair over her shoulder. “I’m trying, all right? It’s not easy. This is the first time I’ve seen him since that night, and I keep feeling his eyes on me. I can’t help myself. I want to talk to him so bad.”

“Well, help yourself. You just got engaged, you nutcase. He’ll go crazy if he finds out you have feelings for someone else. I just can’t understand why the hell you would say yes to him?”

Her posture slackened. “Because I know this is what I want.” Sadness filled her eyes, and they drifted from her fingers straight to the floor. “He’s what’s best for me.”

Gag. Fucking hell.

I touched her shoulders. “Look, I have no idea what’s best for you. I just know tonight’s not the night to figure it out. Capisce?”

She shook her head in agreement, but I could tell her mind was miles away.

My eyebrows knitted together and any selfish thought I harbored flitted from my mind. This was my sister. All I was concerned about was making her feel better. Fixing the mess she’d found herself in. The words fell out of my mouth without thought. “I’m worried about you, Abby and there’s so much to say, but not now. Not here.” I smoothed a comforting hand down her arm. “I’ll come by tomorrow and we can talk. Deal?” Wait. What?

She picked at the label on her beer. “Yeah, you’re right. I just . . . forget it.” The somber look on her face broke my heart. I didn’t understand why she didn’t see the writing on the wall. She wasn’t happy. Probably realizing the same thing, she changed the topic. “Hey, when are you singing? You do it every shift, right?”

I exhaled, pushing all thoughts of this conversation and the one I had in store for me as far from my mind as I could. “I have no clue how Rick maneuvered it, but yes, I do. It’ll be the first time I’m singing with Daddy in public, too. Speaking of which, I’m gonna need another shot. Liquid courage all the way.” I winked, trying to lighten the mood. “Want one?”

“Sure do. Can we invite Eric to join?” A teasing smile split her face.

“Abby,” I moaned.

“I know, I know. Come on. Let’s make Mom do one, too.” She looped her arm through mine.

A little while later, the sound of my dad’s voice in the mic sent butterflies knocking around my stomach. “This night will go down in history for me, ladies and gentlemen. For years, I’ve been trying to get my daughter to sing with me and, thanks to that fine gentleman behind the bar, it’s finally going to happen.” He pointed his drumstick at Rick who smiled and nodded back at him. “So, Eva, get your butt up here and sing with your daddy.” The catch of emotion in his voice couldn’t be ignored.

Celeste Grande's books