Live Me

After shoveling abnormal amounts of food into my face, I leaned back, holding my belly. “This is my favorite part, but now I want a nap.”

“No shot,” Abby argued. “I waited long enough for my gift. Pony up, Da—” Abby’s words trapped in her throat as she turned to face her boyfriend. Damon was down on one knee, a black velvet box propped open with a shiny diamond sitting in the plush center.

I shot forward in my chair, my mouth hanging open and instantly dry as the desert. “Holy shit.”

Abby clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes dancing in a watery shimmer.

He looked up at my sister with adoration and I thought for the briefest of moments that his love might have been real. “Abigail Tracy Ricci, I’ve loved you since before I knew what love was. You’re my best friend and my soul mate. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I looked back and forth from her to him, emotions warring inside me. Part of me was ashamed I felt relief this might end my constant torture. That maybe he’d finally leave me alone. The other part was sick knowing if she said yes, I’d have to live with this scumbag for the rest of my life, and my sister, who I loved more than anything, would unknowingly be taking a rapist as a husband. I played my part in all of this, and carried around my own lot of guilt, but I was smart enough to know that that’s what he was.

I was freaking out inside, my heart racing a mile a minute. Was I supposed to finally tell her? Chance losing her? Or was I supposed to swallow it down for good as though it never happened and let her be happy? I watched her own question bounce back and forth behind her eyes as her lack of response started to make it uncomfortable.

“Abby?” Damon’s pasted grin faltered just a smidge. “Are you going to answer, sweets? I want you to be my wife.”

Her eyes left the ring and met his. Recognition of her decision showed on her face. I knew what was coming, and I hung my head, closing my eyes.

“Yes,” she said low, at first, and then it seemed to hit her. “Oh my god, yes, Damon!”

I looked up as a smile split his face. I wanted to see the old Damon behind it, but I didn’t. He slipped the ring onto her shaking finger and hugged her. Then his eyes found mine as he glanced at me over her shoulder and for the first time I thought he actually did look happy.

“Congrats, bro. That’s awesome! I’m glad I was here for it,” Blake boomed, hopping to his feet to rush to their side of the table. I sat, shocked, feeling as though I was in a bubble outside the room.

Abby examined her finger and squealed. “Mommy!”

“Baby!” My mom held her arms open. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep a secret?” They ran to each other, wrapping their arms around one another. “Oh my god, this means grandbabies!”

Grandbabies. What if they’re girls?

I swallowed hard. I couldn’t let that happen. It was time to break the news somehow. Abby’s well being was more important than anything else, more important than my betrayal, more important than the shame and guilt I’ve been carrying all these years.

But Christmas morning wasn’t the time.

My stomach caved inward, and I suddenly felt like I was about to lose my breakfast. I had to save face. I wet my napkin in my water and quickly dabbed it on the back of my neck while everyone bestowed their congratulations on the lucky couple. Finally able to string a few words together, I forced a smile. “Congrats, you two.”

Abby waved her hands in the air. “Eva, you have to be my maid of honor! Say yes!”

I rubbed my palms on my thighs and let out a shaky, nervous laugh. “Yes, of course.”

My dad clapped Damon on the back. “Congrats, son. I always knew you’d officially be part of the family one day.”

Family. He’d be an actual part of my family soon.

I’m living my worst nightmare.

“Are we almost done? My eyes are blurry.” I scrubbed my palms over my lids and blinked, then opened my eyes wide to focus back on Blake’s laptop.

“I think so. I just have to figure out where I’m sticking the law class.” Dressed in only a pair of boxers, Blake pulled the computer onto his lap. The chiseled lines of his abs were something I’d never tire of seeing.

I huffed. “Who cares? You don’t want to take it anyway. We’ve been registering for hours already. Just skip it this semester.”

Blake put the back of his hand to my forehead. “You feeling okay? I think you’ve lost your mind.”

I scowled at him, and he smiled, shaking his head. “Why do you have to give me a hard time? You know I have no choice.” He clicked the mouse and squinted at the screen.

“That. That sentence right there is why I give you a hard time. There’s always a choice. It’s your life. That man doesn’t deserve the respect you give him.”

Celeste Grande's books