Live Me

“Watch yourself, Damon.” My dad’s voice was stern for a rare moment. “Jace is just as much a part of this family as you are.”

Jace flicked his wrist at Damon. “It’s not my fault there’s not much there to absorb it. And go get your own pants. Your legs are wet, not broken.” He brushed past him, knocking him on the shoulder before bouncing onto the loveseat. He crossed one leg over the other and stared him down, daring him to counter.

A tic broke out on Damon’s flushed jaw and his nostrils flared. I had to fight a laugh when I noticed the smile tug at the corner of Blake’s lips. Something told me he wasn’t as fond of Damon as he’d originally let on.

“Now, now. I think everyone’s had enough to drink for tonight. Go to bed all of you.” My mom stood, picking up discarded wrapping paper. When no one moved, she repeated a little more forcefully, “Now.”

“Fine.” I turned to Blake. “We inherited Jace for tonight. I hope you’re not shy.”

Although I knew he loved Jace, Blake’s hard swallow told me he was a little worried. I patted his bicep. “It’s fine. I’ll sleep in the middle.”

“Be flattered, hot stuff. Not everyone gets to share a bed with all this.” Jace did a wiggle, dragging his hands over his body.

I snorted out a laugh. “Come on, trouble maker.”

After the three of us changed and washed for bed, I peeled back the purple duvet and crawled up toward the pillows, thankful my parents had handed down their queen size when they’d upgraded to king. It’d still be a tight fit, but we’d manage.

Left in only his boxers, Jace skipped over and hopped onto the bed on his knees. Blake still hadn’t budged. Knowing he usually slept just about naked, I laughed at the thick sweatpants and long sleeved shirt he wore as he stood at the foot of the bed.

“Blake, get your ass in here. I’m not diseased.” Jace slammed himself back on the pillows and wiggled onto his side.

Blake rounded the opposite corner and kissed my forehead. “It’s after twelve. Merry Christmas, Angel.”

“Merry Christmas.” I bit my smiling lip and scooted back, flipping the sheet open to invite him in.

Blake slid beneath the covers and took me in his arms, tugging me close to his chest. He wrapped his legs around mine and kissed my nose. I delighted in the fact that tonight I was sandwiched between the two guys I loved the most, and that I finally felt safe in my home. In my bed. It would be the first peaceful rest I’d had here in what felt like forever. I kissed the divot at the base of Blake’s neck and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his scent.

Blake’s body tensed beneath my touch. “Angel?”


“Any chance you grew a third hand?”

“Wha . . . uh . . . Jace?” I twisted my neck to look at my traitorous best friend.

“I’m sorry.” Jace definitely didn’t sound sorry. “I might never get this opportunity again. I needed to feel those rock hard buns for myself and woohoo does it feel as good as it looks. Congrats, doll.”

“That’s it!” Blake threw the covers off, about to spring from the bed. I jumped up, silencing him with my lips and pressing into him while trying to stifle a giggle.

After a moment, he relaxed and I whispered into his ear, “Let it go. He got his free feel. He’ll be satisfied now.”

“I’m just nervous. I kinda liked it.” Blake’s voice squeaked as he shivered.

I laughed, reaching behind me to lace my fingers with Jace’s. “Go to sleep, boys.”

“Merry Christmas, Blakey,” Jace called over my shoulder.

Warm lips pressed against my temple. My eyes blinked open, taking in the dusky light. I panicked for a moment when I realized I was in my old bed, and then I felt Blake’s warm body snaked around mine. I looked up at Jace’s soft cocoa eyes.

“Morning, baby girl,” he whispered. “Merry Christmas. I’m gonna head home before my mom sends out the troops. You good?”

“Yes. Thanks for coming. You always save me.”

“And I always will. See you tonight. Text me if you need anything. Love.”


I closed my eyes and burrowed deeper into Blake, drinking in his scent. He stirred and, without opening his eyes, tugged me even closer. The rhythmic beating of his heart and smooth rise and fall of his chest lulled me. My body felt light as a feather, as if it were floating on a cloud.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Hisssss . . . . . .

I faintly registered the bed dipping down behind me.

Fingertips dug into my ribcage, dragging me back and slamming me against a chest. A chill replaced the warmth I felt seconds before. An erection poked me in the back while a hand snaked around my neck, covering my mouth. I cringed as warm breath touched my earlobe, and I tried to tuck my ear into my shoulder to shield it.

Celeste Grande's books