Live Me

Those words enraged me. They belonged to someone else. I pushed against him, whispering harshly through gritted teeth, “Damon, I fucking swear. Keep your hands off me, or I’ll tell them. I swear to God, I’ll tell them how you like to touch little girls. How you tricked me.” I wasn’t kidding. I’d open up my shame to the world if it meant I never had to deal with him again. I was done with this. “Now back. The fuck. Off me.”

He laughed again, and my blood boiled. Finally he released me and crossed his arms over his chest, a confident smirk on his face. “They won’t believe you. They love me.”

And there was the truth we both knew. The reason why this had gone on as long as it had.

Another slice to my heart.

But, true or not, I needed to move on from this. I couldn’t wash the last few months down the drain. “I don’t care what they believe. It’s over. Now get the fuck out of my way before someone comes looking for us, you asshole.” I shoved past him, my hands visibly shaking, and took the stairs to my bedroom two at a time.

I sent a quick text to Jace.

Come here. Now.

I opened my window and stuck my head out into the freezing, snowy air, dragging giant gulps into my lungs. I needed to compose myself or Blake would know. My family was oblivious, but he’d be able to see right through me.

When my breathing returned to slow, even beats, I descended the stairs, smoothing back my hair, reveling in the fact that I’d just stood up for myself for the first time in my life. I felt invigorated and empowered.

Feeling saucy, I winked at Abby who was talking to Blake. I grabbed the wine bottle from the floor and threw my head back, pouring a good amount down my throat, then I pushed Blake back on the couch and straddled his lap. “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

Blake held me by my shoulders and pushed back, his cheekbones tinged a rosy pink. “Whoa, Angel. I’m glad too, but time and place. Remember?”

“I know. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you.”

His face softened. “I love you too, babe.”

My parents walked back in the room. My dad’s eyes went wide over the platter of cookies he was carrying. “Okay, ladybug. Put the bottle down. I don’t need any grandchildren just yet.”

I blushed, scooting next to Blake and throwing my legs over his lap.

Damon returned with a scowl on his face as he sat next to Abby, who hadn’t taken her eyes off of me and Blake. She stared straight ahead as if she were somewhere else.

Suddenly, the front door bounced off the wall, and Jace stumbled across the threshold. “Merry Christmas Eve, bitches.” He wore a huge smile as he sashayed over to my parents, kissing each of them and then Abby. He put his finger to his chin. “Damon, have you gained weight?” He slapped the back of his hand across Damon’s gut. “Got a little pudge in the tub?”

“Nice to see you too, Jace,” Damon ground out.

“I know it is.” He squinted his eyes at him before spinning on his heel to face me. “Eva, come get me some alcohol. My throat’s dry.” He curled his hand around mine and tugged, dragging me alongside him. In the kitchen, he opened the freezer and dug around the bottom, revealing a half-filled bottle of Grey Goose.

“Hey. How’d you know that was there? I’ve been drinking crappy wine.”

“Sweetie, I always know where to find the vodka. Now spill. What happened?”

I let out a big breath. “He cornered me in the hall and told me I’m his and that I’d pay for bringing Blake here with me, but I told him where to shove it. I did it, Jace!” I quietly squealed.

“That fuck!” He looked back toward the other room and then lowered his voice. “Good girl. I’m proud of you. You okay?”

I expelled a trembling breath, not realizing my nerves were still bunched somewhere in my tonsils. “I am now, but that’s not something I want to do again any time soon.”

“Yeah, well, I’m sleeping here. He won’t get close enough again.”

“It’s okay. Blake’s sleeping with me.” Thankfully, since Damon and Jace had been around so many years, my parents were cool with them staying in our rooms. It was a blessing and a curse.

“Yes, I know. I’ve been dying for that sandwich and now I finally have an excuse, so back off the goods, bitch.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. “Thank you.”

Jace laced his fingers with mine and walked us back. I reclaimed Blake’s lap as my seat, snuggling into his neck.

“Mother effer!”

My head snapped up as Damon sprang to his feet, wiping down the front of his slacks.

“Oopsie. I’m so clumsy sometimes.” Jace licked the vodka that’d spilled over onto his fingers, a lopsided smirk adorning his face. “Well, now I need another drink. I just wasted that one on some tacky pants.”

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough, freak?” Damon asked, wadding up bits of napkin and dabbing at his crotch.

Abby was finally thrown from her trance. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Hey, it was an accident. Don’t talk to him like that.”

“Go get me a change of pants,” Damon barked back at her.

Celeste Grande's books