Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

And that was it, wasn’t it? Nadyah set her cup down as she considered it. No matter how much she loved Varan and no matter how much she loved Adelina, neither were her mate. The love of a mate, even the prospect of that love made everything else pale in comparison.

Those swirling emotions inside her ebbed and Nadyah looked to Ian in surprise. No wonder he was so easygoing. Things were so much simpler when the answers were logical. It was almost easy to choose when put so clearly.

“All right, Ian, but only on one condition.”

It was the first time all day she’d seen him smile and Nadyah felt a tiny reaction deep inside, uncurl like a flower after winter.

“What is the condition?” he asked.

Nadyah checked her simulcast. Adelina was moments away. “I will talk with you, send messages while on this trip, and we can spend time together as friends until the camerraleto is over and I have decided what to do, but I don’t want to tell anyone, especially Elara or Jael that we are each other’s mates. No one Ian, not even Adelina. I will simply tell Varan he is not my mate and there is no reason for him to worry.”

Ian hesitated at the mention of his mother, but he was a smart male. “Agreed.”

“One last thing,” she said, hearing footsteps in the labs outside. “There will be no monogamy before the bond is activated. I simply cannot do that, it would be physically impossible.”

Ian grabbed her arm in the style of warriors in accord. “I can work with that.” Then he pulled her forward and stole a kiss.

Chapter Seventeen


Ian’s Labs

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Nadyah stilled as Ian’s lips touched hers. He was rough, demanding, and possessive. It threw her off guard from his normal gentleness. Ian grabbed her face hard and slipped his tongue in her mouth. She felt it spark a heat between her legs and Nadyah couldn’t even react. Then the kiss changed into a soft, gentle promise and his warm, wet mouth welcomed her. Ian tasted and nibbled and licked.

Her entire body shook.

Then he pressed a feather light kiss to the corner of her mouth. “I apologize for being forward, but you are my mate Nadyah, and I am yours. Do not forget it when you feel lonely or upset. I will always be here for you, until the time is right for both of us.”

Ian stood from the couch and casually walked over to his desk, as though he hadn’t just ravaged her mouth. He pulled up some work and she straightened her dress, fixed her hair, and then picked up the cup of tea.

The A.I. announced Princess Adelina and ‘Guest’ before it slid open. Adelina no longer had the dress on Nadyah had picked out for her only a few hours ago. Both Varan and Adelina looked deathly pale and there was blood on Varan’s white shirt.

“What is that?” Nadyah demanded, pointing at the drop of red.

“Oh goddess,” Adelina whispered.

“No, it’s okay; I’ll get rid of it right now. Boyo, I need another shirt,” Varan said, using every ounce of his dominance. “Now.”

Ian didn’t question the thief. He grabbed a spare shirt that was neatly folded in his cabinet while Varan stripped the bloody one off. “Burn it,” he gritted out, tossing the white silk to Ian. Varan yanked on the black one in its place.

Every muscle was on display but she didn’t feel compelled to look. Nadyah only had eyes for Adelina who was pale and shaking as she leaned against the wall. Something had happened and she’d missed it, locked down in the laboratory with Ian. She swallowed nervously; about to open her mouth to dare ask what, but Varan shot her a look.

Whatever had happened that morning – the way he was so tender and loving with Adelina…Nadyah knew. He’d fallen for the princess whether he was aware of it or not.

Varan left his shirt unbuttoned at the top as Adelina’s shaking grew worse. He gripped her viciously by the shoulders and Nadyah took a step forward in protest. Ian’s hand stopped her and he shook his head, but there was deep concern in the depths of his violet eyes.

“Pull it together,” Varan said, shaking the princess just enough to get her attention. His tone was surprisingly gentle despite the words. “The blood is gone, like it never happened.”

“But it did.” Adelina’s horrified whisper, round eyes, and unusually pale skin set off every protective instinct Nadyah had.

“What happened?” she hissed.

Varan ignored her as he focused on the princess. “It did happen, but it’s no longer touching you. The blood is gone.”

Adelina clenched her teeth but nodded. A deep breath and the shaking began to dissipate. “I’m okay, it’s all right. I think…it’s passed.”

Varan didn’t release her and Nadyah studied the Prince of Thieves. There was fear in every line of his body, she could smell it. But he held it together for her sake, because Adelina needed that strength. The princess nodded and pushed the thief off of her.

Her legs were a bit shaky as she crossed the room, Nadyah noticed. She didn’t want to hover like a wolf with her kits so she gathered Adelina some tea instead. “Tell me what happened before I torture it out of you Varan.”

Ian leaned against his desk with his arms crossed and studied them all with a frown, but he was patient, knowing it would come out eventually. Varan collapsed into one of the armchairs and ran his hand through his blond hair until it practically stood up straight.

But it was Adelina who spoke. “Giselle brought back the traitors from Treon and Avvis. Archduchess Indra plotted with the Neprijat and Hayden knew about it. Hayden is in a cell as we speak, titles and rights stripped. Then Raena executed all three of them in front of everyone during the council meeting.” Adelina took the cup of tea from Nadyah’s lifeless hands. “Be glad you weren’t there.”

Ian jerked in shock and his arms dropped to his sides, as though he couldn’t believe the words, but they all knew Adelina didn’t lie.

“The coronation is tomorrow, and we leave to Hai three days after that. Sooner if we can somehow gather what we need and Roxy has finished the work on the starships.” Adelina then sipped her tea as though she’d simply stated the weather.

All Nadyah could think about was why the coronation would be tomorrow. She looked to Ian and his mouth was a grim line, but he didn’t look surprised.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Lina,” Ian said quietly. “It happened around dawn and I’ve been working with him until Nadyah arrived.”

The princess shook her head. “I’m not angry with you, you’ve been working yourself to death to try and save him Ian.” Adelina waved her hand to indicate the lab. “His sickness is not your fault.”

“You’re still going to leave even though Father may not make it until the end of your trip?” Ian’s words were sharper than Nadyah had ever heard them before.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books