Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Alpha glared and crossed his arms.

“I heard you deny it,” the prince continued. “Do not try and convince me otherwise when I witnessed it myself. I am curious though, did you lie about the execution, or the fact our father is on his deathbed?”

The guard jerked as though he’d been slapped. Veri slipped her hands in the pockets of her dress and leaned back against the tree. Oh, this was going to be good. She’d never seen a royal punish someone before, and this one had betrayed his own ward. She kept that bored look on her face that Asher favored so much. What would the guard say to try and spare his honor?

“If I told her about the king she would have run off to him and the crown princess would have punished her for not attending the execution.”

Veri believed him, and the pained expression only convinced her more so. But it was not his place to make that decision for a royal.

“Do you not think my sister possesses even the smallest shred of intelligence?” Asher asked, cocking his head to the side and studying his prey. Bianca screeched from her perch and Alpha flinched.

“Princess Adelina is one of the smartest people I know,” Alpha declared.

“Then why lie to her?” Asher’s voice was sharp and his eyes narrowed. He was done playing games. Veri felt the anticipation tingling.

“I was only trying to protect her,” the guard protested.

“Funny,” Asher said, stroking Bianca. “That’s the same thing Raena said when she ripped Adelina’s marriage rights from her.”

Blood drained from the guard’s face.

“It seems you’ve stolen her choice from her in much the same way as our queen-to-be did. It’s odd; because I was under the distinct impression you loved her.”

Veri grinned.

“Which makes me wonder, what did Raena promise you for withholding this information from our little sister?” Asher never blinked, never once looked away from Alpha but his dominance was stifling and the guard had to drop to a knee.

Veri admired the prince. He was such a glory to behold.

“I’ve heard whispers from certain informants that Raena’s idea to strip Adelina of her rights was not her own.”

The scent of rosanera choked her, but still Veri stood. She was more dominant than she let on, but not as much as her prince. Alpha on the other hand went down to both knees and his head bowed.

“It’s been said it was your idea and that Raena promised you Adelina’s hand if you would do her dirty work and spy for her.”

Panic flared in Veri’s chest for a moment. No, the guard hadn’t been around her enough to hear anything damning. She tilted her head as she studied the male. This must be the one Asher had asked her about during the Hunt. She wondered what secrets of Adelina’s he’d told.

The guard’s head hit the ground and he groaned under the weight of Asher’s power. The prince’s quiet voice lashed through the clearing. “Answer me.”

“Yes, Raena promised me Adelina’s hand if I obeyed. She wanted information, control, and was angry the foreign prince didn’t want her. Please, Prince, I couldn’t disobey her. She is my future queen.”

The pleading tone disgusted her.

Asher considered his words in silence and Veri felt her heart beat faster as she wondered what he would do next. “Tell me what you’ve told Raena, and I might make the punishment quick.”

The guard’s shoulders shook and Veri could smell his fear. She wrinkled her nose.

“I told the crown princess how close Adelina and the Corinthian had become, every time they met and her promise to help him find his people. I told her when they were together after her decree and how the prince wanted to marry her, he even proposed informally – told Raena that Nash gave Adelina a diamond when he left.” Alpha gasped when the prince growled.

“What else?” Asher gritted out.

The guard choked, coughing on the thick scent of black rose and even Veri had slid to her knees when the prince’s anger was fully unleashed.

“Told her how Adelina wasn’t as submissive as we all thought; that she…would…” It became difficult for him to talk and each word was a struggle. “Sneak out of the palace to visit the taverns.”

Veri’s mouth dropped open in shock. Her admiration for the little wolf grew. She never would have guessed a sub could be so crafty. She loved it.

“Is that all?” Asher demanded. His purple eyes practically glowed with his fury.

“That is everything I told her, but Raena also had me run interference. Finding ways to isolate Princess Adelina and draw her out of her shell to expose her true self. Raena – she doesn’t want anyone to be more loved than she. Raena wants the people to see Adelina fall, to see her fail.”

Asher considered the pathetic male before them. “Thank you for your honesty, Alpha. Your punishment will be quick.” He barked an order in the Ancient tongue and Bianca launched into the air, screeching a battle cry as she gained altitude. Then she dove for the guard. Her talons raked across his scalp and she whirled around to draw them once more across the back of his neck.

The stench of blood was overpowering and Veri barely held down her breakfast. So much blood, but the prick deserved every slash. She was honestly surprised the prince didn’t just kill him and be done with it.

Bianca landed on Asher’s forearm and he offered her a treat, blood dripping from her talons and onto the ground. Asher finally looked away from the guard and gave his falcon affectionate touches.

“Now, you have two choices Alpha,” the prince said as if they were discussing the latest Game and not this guard’s fate. “You can become a double agent and inform me of Raena’s every move, every private conversation she doesn’t want known, every private thought, every person she fucks…or you can suffer the consequences when I tell Adelina the full extent of your betrayal.”

Veri stayed in the kneeling position but she looked up at Asher in adoration. He was brilliant, cunning, and protective. Asher would kill for his own and it made her insides melt to know the depth of his loyalty to those he loved.

“I will spy for you,” Alpha whispered.

“Good choice, now swear it.”

Veri barely heard the words but Asher watched the male with predatory delight. Once the oath was sworn the prince dismissed him. The guard left with his shoulders hunched and blood dripping from his wounds. When he disappeared through the trees Asher turned to see her kneeling on the ground before him.

“You are a wonder,” she breathed.

Asher gave the falcon another command and launched her into the air once more. Then he slid his hands in his pockets and fell to his knees in front of her. He was still so tall he looked down at her, but the purple flames in his eyes flickered with desire.

“I don’t frighten you?” he asked.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books