Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Veri checked the cast from Asher one more time as she tried not to run through the halls. There was a lot she had seen on Priea that curdled her blood, but those executions managed to top even that. Despite the heat of Draga Terra she had chills on her arms and legs, goose-pimples marring her perfect skin. She shivered and then stepped out onto the terrace.

The heat crackled and her poor skin was starved for the moisture of her home planet. Veri took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Thank the three-faced goddess she would not have to evacuate Priea. She felt sympathy for those who would have to uproot their entire lives. There was room on Priea for the refugees; she only hoped there would be a plan in place for everyone to help. She would not let her father or mother bleed their own people dry.

No, she would accept them, but they would all have to do their part. Veri took the steps down the terrace and walked through the grass fields toward the galina stables. She grimaced and hoped everyone who was assigned her world would all be strong enough to survive.

Death was an everyday occurrence and one had to fight to survive. Even her castle was constantly under attack from the wildlife she shared the planet with. They crawled out of the water and ate the ones they found and ravaged those who tried to fight back.

Veri went left instead of right and walked into the forest. There was a building there, just beyond the tree line where they kept the birds of prey for hunting and falconry. She placed her palm on the door and it granted her access just as Asher had said it would.

The last few weeks with the prince were everything she’d always wished it had been with Hayden. They didn’t have to hide or meet in secret. Asher was by her side, always touching her, always near for all to see. Veri loved the way he’d place a possessive hand on her waist any time another male looked like he was about to approach her.

Whenever Hayden had been near the prince would find a reason to kiss her. Sometimes it was sweet and sometimes it was sultry enough to make her toes curl. Veri would drag him to an empty room and beg him to take her.

Asher never left her feeling unsatisfied or disappointed.

The sound of flapping wings and scrabbling reached her ears as she walked down the hall and passed the cages. Asher was on his way from the War Council and her belly flip-flopped as she considered what had transpired during that meeting.

All the way at the back was the bird Asher said was his. He’d raised the pure white falcon from a newly hatched babe, trained it, and hunted with it during the winter months. Veri stared at the bird of prey, cocking her head as it studied her right back with a startling level of intelligence.

They didn’t have falcons on Priea. The birds were scaled and reptilian, but no less dangerous. Those gorgeous white feathers begged to be stroked. Veri wondered what they would feel like against her fingertips.

Arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her against a body she’d grown extremely familiar with over the last few weeks. She sighed and leaned against Asher, placing her hands over his. Instantly her nerves settled and she knew there was nothing and no one who could harm her with the prince at her side.

“What do you think of Bianca?” Asher asked. His warm breath tickled her ear.

“She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Veri admitted.

Asher turned her around and stared down into her face. He studied her as a frown formed. “I’d have to disagree. You, Lady Veri, are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

The words hit her deep and Veri wrapped her arms around his neck, content to just be close to him. “What are we going to do?” She didn’t have to be specific. The two of them had talked about their growing concern over Raena the last few days. Asher had even confided in her about what the crown princess had done to her own sister.

It had been part of the reason why Veri had nominated Adelina. She’d looked so lonely and sad on the dais with the queen. That she could not choose who she wanted to marry because she’d done the right thing, keeping a promise her family had made…it was disgusting. Veri would gladly slit Raena’s throat for Adelina, just for that.

But after today…Veri knew her prince had to be scheming. No one felt safe with Raena as Queen, and she would hold all the power after tomorrow.

“First we are going to take Bianca hunting, and then we will talk.” Asher opened the door of the cage and Veri stepped back.

She may like the bird, but Bianca was still a predator and Veri was a stranger.

The white falcon flew to Asher’s covered wrist and he walked out with her. Veri was not far behind him. It was strange how after a week of spending time with the prince she’d become so familiar with him and his ways. Asher liked when she submitted to him, and Veri would never have guessed she could stand being a submissive to anyone only a few weeks ago.

They’d spent every moment together they could after the coming-of-age party. Veri would find an excuse to be where he was, running into him, and then Asher had started doing the same. He liked her company, and she knew he felt something for her, but it was all still so new. Then with everything else going on around them, Veri knew Asher was distracted at times.

She made sure he knew she was there to support him, no matter how or what he needed.

Once under the cover of the forest Asher took a device out of his pocket and tapped it. A strange sensation tickled her skin, but Veri saw nothing. The only reason she knew it wasn’t her imagination was the falcon rustled uncomfortably and screeched in protest. Asher soothed Bianca and then slipped the mysterious device back in his pocket.

“There are no recorders nearby and they’ve been redirected from the area. No spy tech on you or me, or the bird, and none in the area per the device. It should be safe to talk, but keep on the lookout,” Asher warned. “I shouldn’t be telling you any of this.”

Veri nodded and placed her hand in his much larger one as they walked silently through the forest together. She still thought Asher would have been the best choice for a ruler, but it no longer mattered to her if he became king or not. His title as prince would still advance her position and make her into a princess if he ever proposed.

It was strange, but her feelings for him had altered her desire to become queen. It was no longer something she needed. Veri thought she’d be quite happy just as his princess and that felt strange. It was difficult to come to terms with, but thankfully she didn’t have to think about it too much.

There was a war, an evacuation, refugees, and she had to pledge soldiers. Her warriors were ruthless and probably more prepared to deal with the Neprijat than any others. After their constant fight to stay alive and hunting those monsters endlessly each man, woman, and child on Priea was taught to defend themselves and to defend others.

Without such strict rules they’d all have died out long ago.

Asher stopped in a seemingly random location and turned to Veri. Those deep, dark purple eyes were nearly black as he looked at her. “Would you like to touch her?” he asked.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books