Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Veri looked from Asher to the bird. Was this a test?

She felt no fear when she studied the falcon and that alone might save her skin. But, was there a wrong answer to that question? “I’ve been dying to,” she whispered, still keeping her hands to herself.

Asher held out his wrist and waited. Veri had no glove to protect her, but it didn’t matter. She would gladly bleed for her prince. She brushed her fingers gently against those talons and the bird transferred her weight without hesitation. The talons pierced her forearm when the falcon settled and blood ran freely.

It was almost too much after the executions, but Veri was entranced with Bianca’s golden eyes. They were so keen and bright. The falcon cocked her head and then offered her neck to be touched. Veri couldn’t help the wide smile as she reached out with her other hand to scratch the feathers. Her fingertips stroked the pristine white and it was strange. They weren’t as soft as she thought they would be.

The bird made a trilling noise of pleasure and she let Veri stroke and pet those feathers where Bianca offered. Asher took her back from Veri a moment later with a small smile on his face. He tossed her a tin of salve and then launched Bianca into the sky.

Veri wiped the blood away with her handkerchief and then soothed the deep cuts with the medicine. Within moments they’d scabbed over and in a few more they’d be gone completely.

“Bianca likes you,” Asher said quietly, still looking up into the trees. Veri wondered if he could somehow still see the bird. “I’m glad she does.”

“Was that a test?” Veri asked, handing the tin back to him.

“Bianca is the best judge of character I know. She can practically smell a traitor.” Still Asher didn’t look at her. “It is something I needed to do as I feel myself getting more and more attached to you. And during these tumultuous times I cannot afford to be wrong.”

She nodded, understanding completely. As prince he had responsibilities to his people first and foremost.

“The War Council was not as informative as you think,” he admitted. “Raena took Adelina’s suggestion and set up preparations for the extra shields, and plans to request soldiers from every noble house. Then they will settle on evacuation locations. Each planet in the core has to house one or two planets, depending on which of course.”

Then Asher looked at her, and those dark eyes looked haunted, angry, and…resigned. “I am – disappointed in my sister. She trained all her life to rule and has still failed us.”

Veri knew it wasn’t how Raena ruled per se as she’d never broken a law, but how she acted, creating fear in those around her to ensure she got what she wanted with no opposition. Raena’s temper was unpredictable. Otherwise she’d done everything right. The Treon and Avvis traitors would have been executed regardless, but she had made the choice to sever their heads in front of Lucas, Masha, and everyone else on the livestream. Veri almost felt bad for all those sheep.

Raena herself didn’t frighten Veri, but her power did.

Because what she could do with that power could ruin everything Veri had worked so hard for. “What do you want to do about it?” she asked the prince. His answer could change everything and she was prepared for it.

He sighed and looked up into the trees and then crossed his arms. “Nothing yet. We will watch her and direct her. It is my job to help her rule, as it is Adelina’s and Giselle’s. I may have to fight in this war, but I have no forces to command. It will be a bloodbath after what I saw happen on Treon. The recorders caught everything, but Raena has decided to keep it from the livestream so as not to panic the people but…” he trailed off.

Veri crossed her arms over her chest as well. “But they will be unprepared and will die because of it.”

Asher nodded. “Especially those still on Seprilles, and whoever managed to survive on Treon. Prince Nash is still there per Lord Sirus’s reports and the Scyrian Army stayed to assist, but Pedranus has hardly any forces at all since they rely so heavily on Scyria, and Treon has turned. Seprilles is already stretched so thin it wouldn’t take much to batter through the front lines.”

“You can have my forces,” Veri said without thinking. Her own words shocked her, but as her head caught up with her heart she nodded. “I was to lead them, but I only ask to be your second.”

Those dark purple eyes blazed at her and Asher crossed the distance in two large steps. He gripped her arms tightly and she felt his sharp nails prick her skin. Veri was not afraid. She’d meant what she said and her parents would gladly hand over control if they did not have to deal with war.

“Why?” Asher demanded.

Veri shrugged. The prince had been hurt before at some point and he was suspicious of any kind gesture that did not come from his own siblings. “I know nothing of war, battle, and how to direct forces to their best position. You have trained for such things. I only know how to fight. As their future Marquess I have to lead as it is our way, but I can defer to you with your higher rank.” She shrugged again as all the emotions made her uncomfortable. “I trust you implicitly, prince. With everything.”

Asher kissed her. He possessed her mouth and forced it open until he devoured her whole. Veri felt her knees grow weak and she clutched onto his shoulders. The sheer power of him, the desire he instantly sparked…she would take him here if he let her.

Asher allowed her to push him against a tree, smiling at her small show of strength. He ran his hands gently up and down her bare arms. The prince was such a contrast. Hard, yet gentle, possessive, yet he allowed her independence. Veri let her hands roam until a falcon’s screech pierced the quiet forest.

“We’re about to have company,” Asher murmured against her lips. “Hopefully they will give us the answers we need.”

It took so much effort to peck Asher on the cheek and step back. Desire burned in her belly and she was already wet and ready for him. The prince made her body respond without question. Veri shivered despite the hot air as she reined back that heat.

The bulge in Asher’s pants made her grin and he adjusted with a small smile.

Bianca streaked through the trees and Asher held up his arm without a thought. The gorgeous white falcon landed just as someone broke through the line of trees into the clearing. Veri stiffened when she recognized the royal guard. He’d been one of the ones who’d beheaded the traitors.

“Alpha,” Asher said. His voice was pleasant despite the bored look on his face. “So glad you could join us.”

“What do you want, Asher?” the guard demanded, glaring.

Veri glance between the two. Asher didn’t seem to mind the break in protocol as long as the guard kept his eyes down. This must be the guard who’d been sponsored by the king then. No one else would dare challenge the dark prince.

“You lied to my sister, your ward,” Asher said mildly; the calm before the storm. “You told her you did not know what was wrong.”

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books