Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

Adelina stared her brother down and didn’t flinch or shy away from the silent accusation. “I spoke to him moments ago. He asked me to go when I offered to stay. It is not likely he will even live long enough to see me off.” There was a shimmer in her eyes, but tears didn’t fall.

Nadyah felt her own tears line her eyes, and when she looked at her hands they dropped to splatter on her fingers. Ian made to move toward her, but she shook her head. She didn’t want the others to guess. “I’m sorry about your father,” she said to both Ian and Adelina. “King Orion was truly an honorable and kind ruler. We will all miss him when he leaves this world.”

The coronation was tomorrow. Nadyah’s mind scrambled as she tried to rearrange the events in her head, the schedules, the work to be done, and their stupid dresses. How would they manage it all?

Nadyah hadn’t realized how life at the palace would test her. She didn’t know when she left the House of Kismet there would be war. The coronation had been expected, but Nadyah didn’t think even Jael could have guessed how Raena would react to the stress and pressure of becoming Queen so young during a war.

“What needs to be done?” Nadyah asked. She would have to speak with Jael but the Spider would have to come to the palace or be satisfied with a messenger. There was simply no way Nadyah could manage everything including a trip to visit her Mistress.

There was silence instead of answers. When Nadyah looked up, her eyes were dry, Adelina stared off into nothingness and Varan watched the princess. She’d missed too much hiding away in the labs and didn’t like being out of the loop.

Ian was the one who broke the silence. “Varan, Nadyah is not your mate. So there is no need for that concern as well as everything else.”

Adelina looked sharply at Nadyah but didn’t say a word. She knew though, Adelina knew how hard it was for her to find out. Nadyah turned to Varan and his face was blank. There was that at least. He was a good enough male to know not to react.

“Courtesans always end up with their mates?” Varan asked, glancing at Adelina. His words were careful and Nadyah couldn’t figure out what he was trying to get at.

Ian crossed his arms again. “If they end up mated they do, and if they know who their mate is the prospect of another is not a possibility.”

Nadyah whipped her head to Ian. Those words were far too defensive and possessive for her liking. If he opened his mouth again she would shut it herself. The only reason Adelina hadn’t caught onto it was because she was still lost in some deep part of herself.

“If we are leaving in three days we need to make a plan now,” Nadyah reminded them all, glaring at Ian. “If Roxy can finish in the timeframe that would be wonderful, but we still need the armor, we need food and various sundries, weapons, ammunition, and the warriors.” Nadyah looked to Varan, as he was the one who was supposed to gather those who would fight and die for Adelina’s protection.

Adelina sipped her tea and then made a face when she found it cold after having forgotten about it. She set the glass down and pulled out her shreve and simulcast. “We will visit Roxy today, now even. We will go out into the city in broad daylight as princess and courtesan. Unless you need to stay here Nadyah, and gather whatever supplies Caspian has set aside for you. Taj will need to know as well.”

Nadyah was impressed how focused Adelina could be despite her obvious shock. She wondered what had happened after the meeting. She glanced between the princess and Varan. Something had occurred between them. Adelina’s anxious personality would have succumbed, and there was a reason she no longer wore the same dress. She would have to watch the recording of the council meeting later in privacy. There would be clues from there if Adelina wouldn’t confide in her.

The thought caused a pang, but Nadyah was also withholding information. She wanted to tell Adelina more than anything, but she wasn’t ready. She could hardly come to terms with Ian being her mate herself.

“No, I can come with you. I do not need to stay.” Nadyah didn’t know if she wanted to stay in the palace alone after an execution. No doubt the staff and nobles would be rattled. The poor citizens visiting from off planet who were here only to enjoy the festivities had to be utterly panicked.

“Good,” Adelina said. Her smile was also small and strained. “Varan can check on the warriors and weapons. Yes, I’m adding that to the list. Raena will only allow me certain weapons and a certain amount as it’s supposed to be a peace mission. After certain…enlightenments I would like a fully stocked armory. We will keep it off the record of course. Make them into warships, Prince.”

Varan nodded. His face was grave. He kept flicking his gaze between Adelina and Nadyah, no doubt rattled to know he was not a potential mate. It didn’t matter the outcome, such knowledge was unsettling regardless which was why the courtesans usually kept it to themselves.

“How can we hide all this from Raena?” Nadyah asked.

Adelina glanced to Ian, who frowned at them all. “I have my ways. Do you plan to rat me out, brother?”

Ian didn’t answer. He looked to Nadyah instead who didn’t dare influence his decision. Ian was loyal to the Crown and it had to be testing his honor to say nothing about their plans, but…Raena had publicly executed three people in a spectacle.

“I won’t say anything, now all of you get out of my lab before I change my mind. I have work to do.”

Adelina stood and crossed the room. She hugged her brother hard. “Thank you, I’m so sorry.”

Ian shook his head. “Come back here before you leave, I want to give you some things, and inspect the medic bays on the ships even if I have to go into the city myself.” He shooed her away, but the grim frown was gone and he almost smiled at his little sister. “Send me the files on the medical personnel and I will help you choose the best.”

The princess kissed his cheek and then strode out of his lab, her shoulders back and her head high now that she had purpose once again. Varan nodded to both of them and then followed Adelina.

Nadyah hesitated, lingering in Ian’s lab when she shouldn’t.

“Be safe,” was all Ian said before he turned his back on her and powered up his various programs.

A tiny part of her was disappointed but Nadyah didn’t know why. She left his lab and went to catch up with Adelina and Varan. Her simulcast chirped and she pulled it out. A small smile tugged on her lips when she read the cast.

What’s your favorite color?

It was so idiotic and ridiculous, but Ian had kept his promise. Blue, she wrote back. The blue of the night sky. She tucked her simulcast in her pocket and followed Adelina to the capitol city, Stella di Draga.

Chapter Eighteen


Royal Forest

Planet Draga Terra

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books