Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“What did you steal from me?” she demanded. The spark of anger cleared away more of the terror and panic.

Varan turned with a few items in his arms. “Nothing you missed, obviously.” That charming smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he selected a comfortable pair of boots and then started rifling through her jewels.

Thankfully her hair was still intact and the nila would make quick work of the makeup streaking down her cheeks, the kohl running like her tears had.

“If it makes you feel any better, it was before I knew who you were,” Varan shrugged. Not even a tiny bit apologetic.

Adelina twirled her finger and Varan turned his back to her. It only took a few seconds to slip the black pants and boots on. “I want it back.” He’d selected an elegant black shirt to pair with the more serious pants and shoes. An interesting choice.

“Of course, darling. But first you have to tell me what I stole,” he teased, trying to create some tiny sense of normalcy.

His words almost made her smile. Adelina wiped her face clean with a cloth and redid her makeup. “You may turn around,” she said, staring at him through her mirror.

When Varan faced her their eyes met and there was genuine concern there. He hid it when he caught her watching and then strode forward, snatching the necklace he’d selected. The Prince of Thieves draped her diamonds around her throat with ease and familiarity, as if he was her lady-in-waiting. The mundane task didn’t seem to bother him at all.

“I could have managed,” she whispered, knowing without him she’d still be crumpled on the floor in her sitting room, no doubt scratching through layers and layers of skin until the pool of blood around her was her own. “I meant to say…I believe I can manage now.”

He only nodded. “Do you want me to kill her?”

Somehow the question didn’t surprise her. Varan didn’t ask lightly.

Adelina shook her head. “We don’t know that Raena will harm the people. Yes, she’s frightening and dramatic, but she didn’t hurt anyone who hadn’t deserved it. She served justice. She’s aiding our people in the outer rim; she’s listening to my advice and counsel. Asher will be able to temper her as well while I’m gone…” she trailed off. It was all true, but an unpredictable ruler was dangerous. It was all fine until Raena decided she didn’t need anyone’s advice or counsel any longer.

Then there was Giselle. The fight on the border had changed her and Adelina didn’t know how. Would she push Raena into the more violent choices?

“The offer doesn’t expire. All you have to do is say the word.”

Varan didn’t look at her as he finished with the necklace and then leaned against her vanity. His fingers trailed over the pieces in the top drawer, trinkets and gems she favored. They lay in the black velvet like treasured friends. “You’re truly as bad as the dragons.” His rueful smile was affectionate though, skillfully changing the subject.

Adelina would never forget the offer; never forget she had the power to do something about Raena if the need arose. The thought made her sick and she had to place her hands flat on her vanity to keep the bile down, pressing into the black-wood. Would executing Raena without a fair trial make Adelina any better than Raena? Goddess, she was her sister. How could she even have such thoughts?

“Family and the Crown are not always easy to balance,” Varan murmured. “I see that now. Everything that happened in there…the way you handled it…” He raked his fingers through his hair and sighed. “I used to think Princess Adelina was the most na?ve, stupid female in the universe. I thought she was a pawn and useless. You’ve played the game so well for so many cycles you’ve fooled a master player. I’ve been kicking myself, wondering how I’ve missed it all this time; how I didn’t connect the dots, or see the games you were playing.”

Varan looked at her then, and she held still. Adelina was too afraid to interrupt his train of thought and this was…important.

“Even when I found out the Princess Adelina was my good friend and fellow thief Lina, I thought you were just playing a game that bored, rich nobles liked to play. But you always kept my secrets; you always paid your dues to the Thieves’ Court. When the attack on the Royal Palace happened, I watched you on the livestream, I watched you walk those streets and help those who needed help, those mothers you mentioned in the Ladrole. You actually cried on the livestream when those babes were found lifeless and you held females you didn’t even know as they grieved.”

Tears pricked Adelina’s eyes but she didn’t look away.

Varan was still as death as he stared at her, stared into her. “That’s how I knew it was you that night. You nearly ripped a man to shreds. I’d never seen that side of Lina before. You were always so careful. Then you spoke of the mothers and I knew. Nadyah’s presence helped confirm the guess, but there was no one else out there pulling children from the rubble aside from Asher. It had to be you.”

Adelina blinked and the tears fell. Varan wiped one away with such gentleness. He took one of her hands in his and it didn’t feel strained at all. It made her feel – grounded.

“Watching the livestream over the cycles was something I did to stay on top of things,” Varan said. “But when I found out who you were I watched them far more closely. Still, it wasn’t until you asked me for help that I started to see past the royal mask. Then the party…Goddess,” he muttered, rubbing his forehead. “Those bloody spiders…”

She picked up one of her favorite rubies, the color so deep and dark it was nearly black. It reminded her of blood.

“What happened in that meeting today, how you held it together, watching you slip on that cula’ting stupid smile I hated so much, and then the way you played with her Lina and still got what you wanted…I was terrified for you. I almost stood and pulled you from the ground when you knelt in front of her where those people had died, in that red pool.” He shuddered at the memory and slid off her vanity. “How you’ve done this for so many cycles, how’ve you managed to fool everyone…” Varan shook his head.

Adelina set the ruby on the vanity and tapped it. “This has a twin. I want it back.”

Varan’s bark of laughter surprised her. “Yes, it does. I’ll make sure to return it.”

“The same exact one.”

She didn’t know what to say in response to his declaration. Everything he said was true, but it meant something to him to see beyond the games.

Varan was putting her back together after she’d shattered. With Nadyah’s love, and Varan’s attention, loyalty, and dedication she was starting to feel whole again – no longer broken despite all Raena had threatened her with.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books