Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

There was something else. Another piece was in play and Adelina couldn’t guess what it was, not while she couldn’t stop thinking about the blood as servants came to mop it up. The pungent tang of copper was heavy on her tongue and she was acutely aware of the hot wet drops that slowly cooled on her arms and face.

“Caspian set up the evacuation and coordinate with the ruling nobility of all core planets to take the refugees,” Raena ordered. “Then we will set up the second shield immediately. We will also build a third around Draga Terra.”

In case there was a final stand.

Adelina wanted to run away as far as she could, but this was her life and there was nowhere to go.

“Set up a meeting with the Generals,” Raena instructed.

Then she stared at everyone as if daring them to bring up another matter. Raena was about to pounce, Adelina could feel it. Slowly she released her nails from the wood and leaned forward ever so slightly. Instinct told her to get ready, for what though was the question.

“King Orion has taken a turn for the worst,” Raena said with real regret. “The physicians said he only has days, perhaps a week. As such the coronation will be moved up to tomorrow.”

Holy goddess…

Adelina couldn’t breathe.

Murmurs, but no one outright questioned her, not after that carefully planned display of power. The blood on the floor was difficult to ignore. There was so much of it the servants struggled to get it up and smeared it across the white marble instead.

The thought nearly made Adelina lose what little control she had left. She didn’t dare pierce her palms with her nails; the scent of royal blood on the air would only make things worse. There was only one way she could leave, could run away to re-gather her thoughts and she had to take advantage, no matter how much she wanted to lose herself in the panic raging inside, waiting for one small slip up to take her down.

With a small hand signal she asked Raena if she could make a request and her sister waved her forward, leaning back against her throne casually, as though their father wasn’t on his deathbed and blood wasn’t still on the floor.

Alpha had outright lied to Adelina’s face about it too. He’d known.

Adelina stood as she had only a day ago – only a day. Then stepped, eyes facing forward instead of down, and when she hit the marble floor she couldn’t avoid the blood. It was placed right in front of Raena for a reason, for any who dared make a request. They would have to kneel in it.

Would she curtsey instead? That was the question all those eyes were asking as they stared at her.

Giselle had kneeled.

Rank and protocol dictated she didn’t have to, but Raena watched her with a sparkle in her eyes that Adelina didn’t want to test. She went to one knee and bowed her head in proper deference to the difference in their rank and dominance. The blood on the floor was ice cold against her skin and her balance grew shaky when she nearly slipped. Then Adelina stood.

“I would like to request my trip to the Hai galaxy be moved. It would be prudent I leave after the coronation. The sooner we can gather allies, the sooner we can attack the Neprijat and eradicate their threat.”

Standing before her brothers and sisters this way allowed Adelina to see William’s face which was practically green, and Asher’s. Asher frowned at her, but it wasn’t because of her words. His eyes were fixated on the blood staining her knee, spreading through the fabric. Raena gave Adelina a soft smile and a nod of approval.

“Excellent idea, Adelina. I approve this request. Will you have everything ready in time?”

Another test; another game.

Adelina dared a look to Varan, the only person in that room other than Asher she felt like she could trust, she could rely on. There was something dark in those emerald eyes, but the thief dipped his chin in the tiniest nod. He would help her make it happen no matter what. She’d given Roxy five days…

“I can have everything ready to leave three days after the coronation, Crown Princess.”

Raena’s smile widened, she was pleased with Adelina’s new backbone…so far. “I’ve been looking over your reports, I’m glad to see you were able to work within the budget.”

It took effort not to swallow, to fold her hands in front of her instead of curl them into fists and press her nails to her palms, piercing deep enough to focus. “Yes, it was difficult, but I’ve managed.” If Raena knew about the mercenaries, the two other ships – she didn’t show it, didn’t show on her face if she was aware that Adelina had claimed her starship from the royal fleet.

“Thank you, Princess. Do you have the necklace for the coronation ready?”

Fear ate at her insides and she dared a look at Joslynn. The Countess refused to meet her gaze. “My apologies, Crown Princess, it is not ready.” Adelina would never give her sister that necklace in a million cycles, not anymore. It would be a disgrace to the jewels.

“It’s no matter. I have something else to wear. You may be seated.” Adelina moved toward her chair. The sharp smell of the blood on the floor was thick and her instincts roared at her to run, the spots on her knee wet and the gown stuck to her legs awkwardly. Instead she sat gracefully on her small throne as if she wasn’t covered in gore.

She would have to burn the dress.

“Caspian, call the War Council immediately. Anyone who is not a part of this meeting leaves. Any other issues on the docket will be addressed tomorrow.” Raena glared at everyone in the room as they silently – so, so silently filed out of the council room.

Asher and William stayed, as did Giselle and Sirus. Raena glanced at Adelina and smiled wide. “I appreciate your advice, it’s going to help tremendously, but I don’t think you’re quite ready for the details of the War Council.”

Another show of her power.

Adelina bowed her head and stood. Asher gave her a nod; he would do what he could for their people.

Without having to be told Varan appeared at her side, bowed and offered Adelina his arm. Gratefully she took it, fingers trembling. Nobles and courtiers stepped aside so she could pass, their eyes on the blood staining her once beautiful gown, the drops congealing on her face and arms.

Adelina could barely think. She could barely put one foot in front of the other.

Varan was steady as a rock beside her. He never once let her stumble or fall, and he was close enough to shield her from any questions that could be asked – as if she’d somehow known all that horror was going to happen.

She stopped before Masha and took her hand gently. Adelina said nothing as she kissed the girl’s cheek. Masha was no longer a girl, she was an archduchess and she’d lost a mother and a brother that day.

“Send me a cast and I will do what I can,” Adelina whispered before she pulled away.

Then she went to Lucas. The male didn’t look angry or sad, he simply looked – vacant. Adelina kissed both of his cheeks in consolation. It was all she could give him. More families would be torn apart before the end; she only hoped they could all recover.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books