Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“Whatever you need,” Varan said. “I’m here to help.”

The canines in her mouth felt sharper and she ran her tongue along them as the door opened. “I have a feeling I’ll need it,” Adelina murmured.

Chapter Fourteen


Council Room

Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Adelina smiled wide enough to hide the fearful anticipation, to look innocent and na?ve enough Raena wouldn’t think twice about Varan. Adelina made sure the smile wasn’t too wide or too na?ve as the tone in those around her was enough to warn anyone. Then she let it fill her eyes, completing her mask. She could feel Varan’s gaze on her and knew pieces clicked into place at the transformation.

“Escort me to my chair,” she whispered, nodding at a few nobles who turned to watch her enter. Hayden she ignored completely.

Varan did exactly as she instructed, bowing when she sat with her gown flaring around her knees, and then he disappeared behind the black-wood chair. She could feel him listening and watching, could feel everyone else in the room listening, watching, and waiting. They flicked small glances and looks at her, wondering if they would see more of her wolf today. Adelina knew they would always be looking at her now and she stared ahead at nothing, ignoring them all.

Giselle, Raena, and Ian were missing as well as their parents. It was odd to see so many royal thrones empty. Soon Giselle would be home…and then Adelina would be leaving. They would have such little time together before they were separated again and her heart ached.

The doors crashed open and Raena came into the council room like a tropical storm off the sea. She held up her skirts delicately as she gracefully made her way up the stairs and then sat in the king’s throne. The gold spidersilk fluttered, but her sister did not look as radiant as she had during breakfast, there was a tightness around her eyes that worried Adelina.

Caspian rang the bells and the council meeting commenced.

So many lives had been affected and changed in such a short period of time.

Adelina saw Masha quietly sitting next to her brother Hayden and could only thank the goddess the ball and coronation had brought so many of the noble families to Draga Terra.

But their people were still on the planets, vulnerable and exposed until the shield was closed – in a matter of days now. Those people would be the first to die if the Neprijat attacked, if they managed to break through their shield. Something had to be done, perhaps an evacuation to the core. Her studies had presented a few strategies, but there weren’t many invasions to use as a reference.

“Princess Giselle has made it back from the border,” Raena announced.

Every single muscle in Adelina’s body tightened. Why hadn’t her sister come to see her? When did she even arrive? She’d received no word at all.

Giselle came through those doors a second later with Lord Sirus slightly behind her. She dropped to one knee in front of Raena and Sirus followed suit. Adelina inspected her sister for injuries, scars; something that told her how things had gone on the border.

“Crown Princess,” Giselle said, rising from her knee with one hand on her pistol. “The Neprijat were ready and waiting for us. They engaged us on Treon and the casualties were nearly insurmountable. We did manage to beat them back and secure our prey. Also we were able to bring back one of their ships to study. Someone leaked information to the enemy. We received intel with proof from Prince Asher during our return on who ratted to the Neprijat and gathered what was requested as such.”

Something about the careful wording sent Adelina’s heart into her throat.

“The Archduchess Indra,” Giselle said, stepping to the side.

Adelina gripped the arms of her chair so hard the wood creaked. The archduchess was brought into the council room, shackled with plasma cuffs. The soldiers threw her to the ground in front of Raena and the recorders zoomed in like flies on a carcass.

“Indra,” Raena said loud and clear.

No one in the council room moved as they stared at the archduchess in shock.

“Do you deny any of this?” Raena asked, waving her hand.

Data flooded the livestream and pinged everyone’s simulcast with the messages between Avvis and the Neprijat, the damning proof for all to see.

“No,” Indra said, her chin lifting in defiance. “I deny nothing. Avvis should rule Draga, not someone as spineless and worthless as you.” She spat on the floor, practically snarling as the soldiers held her back.

Raena simply looked bored and waved her hand. “Your crime is treason and you are sentenced to death. No Justice Keeper would dare deny the damning proof.”

At her signal Darius, her royal guard, stepped forward.

“The punishment for traitors, as we all know, is beheading,” Raena declared.

Without hesitation Darius unsheathed his sword and swung. The motion was so quick and so precise a second of silent shock filled the room and even Indra looked surprised. Then her head slid from her neck and fell to the floor with a meaty smack.

Adelina flinched at the sound and smell of blood, but she kept her eyes on the ground as she usually did. The horrified gasps and murmurs were drowned out by Masha’s sobbing. Adelina was too shocked to comprehend what she’d just seen.

The body was removed within moments.

“Bring Hayden and Masha forward,” Raena ordered, waving at the son and daughter of Avvis.

Guards rushed to do her bidding. Adelina felt hot and sick, sweat beaded on her hairline and the back of her neck as she watched the girl she’d grown to like tremble in front of her sister.

“Place the truth device on Hayden.”

More movement, but Adelina could hardly focus. The ringing in her ears was too loud and the panic started to rise up from deep within her as the smell of blood permeated the room. Some poor soul opened a door, but the salty ocean breeze did nothing to eradicate it, if anything it enhanced the coppery tang.

Soldiers placed the device around Hayden’s throat. It flickered to life and the sound of his heartbeat was fast and loud. A Justice Keeper stood next to him, reading the device’s output.

“Hayden d’Avvis, did you know of your mother’s plans?” Raena asked.

“I did your majesty.” At least he didn’t try to lie and insult them all.

Raena looked like she sucked on a lemon when the device didn’t react. “You are stripped of all titles and lands,” she said with vicious efficiency. “Send him to the prison. I’ll decide what to do with him later.”

Giselle watched him dragged off by more guards with a nasty satisfaction on her face. Adelina knew the treason had nearly cost her sister her life but – she hardly recognized Giselle.

“Now Masha,” Raena instructed.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books