Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“Well, both. With the tech he gave us, my spy watched the two ships become nothing more than blackness against the stars, and then he tracked it to the border where all three touch. Nash jumped into Khara space, and then slipped into the Hai galaxy. Nothing stopped him, and then even the tracking was unable to follow him into Drakesthai space.”

Adelina tapped the diamond again and rested her chin in her hand. She looked out at the beautiful view, but saw nothing. Her prince had found his fellow princess and then disappeared. Nash was gone into a place she wasn’t even sure she’d be able to reach. Nothing but hope kept them together.

Adelina wanted the truth, she wanted answers. “Why are you requesting my hand, Varan? Is it because you have feelings for me, or is it because it would advance your position?”

A strange look came over his face. Those fingers touched her hair and then he hesitated before tracing her bottom lip, as if trying to find the answer to her question. Varan threaded his fingers in her hair and then pulled her closer.

Adelina’s breathing quickened in response to the nearness, the nerves, and anticipation. Was he going to kiss her?

“Honestly,” he murmured. “I’m not sure. A bit of both I believe.”

Adelina said nothing. She held still, so incredibly still while her mind raced.

“I’ve known you for five cycles as Lina. Do you know how many times I’d considered taking you to my bed? I tried to get you to join my inner circle, and never understood why you refused me when we had such amazing chemistry – until a few weeks ago. I’ll never forget the fear I had, knowing you could have died under my watch, or even by my own hand. I’ve always been loyal to the royal family, Adelina. It would have killed me to know I’d hurt you.”

Still Adelina remained silent. She studied those beautiful eyes of his, noted how tall he was – though not as tall as Nash, and considered her body’s reaction to his scent. Adelina had always kept her distance from Varan because she didn’t want to complicate matters with a male she occasionally worked for and vice versa.

Now…so much was different now.

“I believe in honesty,” she said slowly. “Especially between spouses.”

Varan nodded, then realized how close they were and took a step back.

The diamond in her hand felt heavy. “Had Nash proposed to me with Raena’s blessing a week ago, I would have said yes. Now he’s off gathering his people as he should be and I am stuck here doing what little I can as one of the lowest ranking royals. Raena will choose my husband and I have no feelings towards any of those I danced with at my party, except Nash. And you.”

Varan’s grip on the railing tightened, but Adelina wasn’t sure what it meant.

“I’d most definitely call us friends,” she continued, closing the box. “I do love you as my friend, and maybe even say you are one of my best friends. There is attraction yes, I do have eyes.” Adelina openly assessed Varan from head to toe.

Some of the tension in him eased at her words.

“If we were to be married…I do not think marrying my best friend would be a bad thing. Romantic love would grow.” Adelina took his hand and placed the box with the diamond in it. “The prospect of a mate terrifies me and I doubt I’ll ever want to know who it is. My parents did have that foresight, thank the goddess. Just consider, if you married me, would you want to know if we were mates first?”

Varan tucked the box back in his pocket and assessed her. His eyes dragged over the dress hugging her curves, the hair up and off her neck, and the jewelry tinkling at her ears. “I see Lina in you, even now,” he admitted. “Because of that I believe it would be very easy to fall in love with you. And no, I wouldn’t want to know if I was your mate or not.”

Adelina held her breath and hoped against hope Varan was the male she thought he was. “There is something else, and I would like to know your thoughts on the matter.” Adelina turned to face Varan, studying him. He was a male of Draga, he knew better than anyone how fluid love could be. “What if I were to marry you, and then marry Nash as well when the time came? Would you be opposed to that?”

Varan’s emerald eyes glittered and he yanked her forward into his arms, staring into her soul. “Do you believe the Corinthian would accept me as the higher ranking male?”

Adelina enjoyed the way Varan held her, the possessiveness, and the desire she could see in his eyes whether he knew it was there or not. After so many cycles Adelina was surprised they’d never acted on the attraction she could feel between them. Perhaps there was more than she thought as she felt her heart beat faster.

“He will accept it or move on,” Adelina whispered. She couldn’t stop staring at Varan’s lips. “I love him, but I will not sacrifice my life or who I am for him. It would be between you two to figure out the rest. You would both end up as Prince, but yes as my first husband you would rank higher. So, make him obey.”

“Is this what you want?” Varan asked; head cocked to the side. “You would want us both?”

She knew his real question. “Yes, I want you.” Adelina had known it might come down to this, down to two males she had feelings for, but if she didn’t have to choose… “I think you would be an excellent husband.”

The way he stared at her – it was difficult to breathe.

“You want me?” Varan asked, hands resting softly on her waist.

Adelina nodded, never once breaking his gaze. Nash was passionate and wild. Varan was just as passionate, but he had this way about him that had always charmed her, teased her, and protected her. She had never seen him submit to anyone the way he did for her. He was utterly hers in every way; she just hadn’t truly seen it until now.

Varan nodded. “Then I will gladly give my diamond for you.”

The smile that broke across her face was real. A thousand metric tons lifted off her shoulders and Adelina held her hand out. “Then we will wait for news from Ian, and I hope you enjoy your day with me.”

Varan chucked her under the chin with a grin and escorted her with feline grace to the royal dining room.

Chapter Thirteen


Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Varan did surprisingly well during breakfast with the royal family. Raena didn’t seem to care he was there. She only smiled and winked at Adelina. Her eldest sister made sure to remind her not to be late to the council meeting and asked if Varan would attend. When Adelina admitted he would, that wolfish grin had crossed Raena’s face.

Varan’s hand found hers under the table and she squeezed it in reassurance, though he probably meant it to reassure her. No doubt Raena would test him in front of all the nobles and courtiers.

After breakfast she had to practically drag Varan under the Obsidian Mountains where her spiders were. He pressed so close throughout the trip she’d almost fallen, more than a few times. “Varan,” she hissed as the head farmer left them. “If you do not get off my gown I will stab you.”

He stepped away but she knew in a few seconds he would be back, pressing into her side.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books