Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“I can be there after breakfast, say the seventh hour?” What would he need to finish up to be there so early?

Adelina shook her head. “Be at the palace by five thirty and eat with me, attend the council meeting, and then once I’m done with the spider farms you can leave to attend to your own affairs. It would be a good way to see what life as a Draga is like.” She shrugged but those amethyst eyes regarded him in a way that made Varan feel like she wasn’t sure he could handle it as a true royal.

“Princess, we have training in the morning,” Nadyah said quietly.

It was uncomfortable to think about Adelina and Nadyah training with them in his office, but Varan said nothing. The thought of the princess and the courtesan in bed together wouldn’t leave him though and his pants started to get a bit tight.

“We’ll have to postpone it,” Adelina said. “Once everything is in motion we can focus on the training.”

“I’ll be there at five thirty,” Varan said. He would have agreed to almost anything to get the two of them out of his office before they noticed his reaction.

“Good, we will see you then.” The princess stood and set down her empty glass. “Do not be late, Varan.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went for her cloak.

Nadyah said, “Don’t forget that sample.”

Then the two of them were gone, but their scents lingered in the room.

He breathed long and slow, letting the tension out of his body a small bit at a time. It was going to be a very long night.

Chapter Twelve


Draga Royal Palace

Planet Draga Terra

Adelina was tired, and after the adrenaline high yesterday she’d crashed. Waking up in time to get ready and meet Varan had been more of an effort than she had anticipated. She brushed her hair and stared at the bags under her eyes. The midday rest might have to be skipped again as well.

There was the sensation that at any second something terrible was about to happen. Adelina wasn’t sure where it came from or why she felt so on edge, but it pushed her to get as much done as possible in the shortest period of time. The armor for the soldiers, the food and supplies for the border, the supplies for her ships, gathering the gold she needed from all her various different accounts, paying for the parts list she’d received from Roxy at the crack of dawn…and that was just what she could remember without the assistance of her simulcast and shreve.

The makeup device covered the dark purple smudges under her eyes expertly. The thick black eyeliner and golden eyeshadow enhanced the stark contrast of the amethyst against the golden tone of her skin and her black hair. Adelina sighed when Nadyah appeared at the threshold to her closet.

“Can I help with your hair?” she asked, back in her usual sultry gowns.

Adelina nodded, watching her courtesan closely. She was concerned as Nadyah was quieter than normal. It had to be because of Varan. What he’d said the night before was due to fear, but that didn’t excuse the disgusting words.

Nadyah had Adelina’s hair up and done in a matter of seconds. Her eyes swept over Adelina’s outfit and she nodded in approval. It was rather simple, a dark red gown that dipped in the back and tied behind her neck. The sun had only been up for an hour and it was already warm.

The floating timepiece announced the fifth hour of the day. Adelina rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on as she ran through all she had to do. Her simulcast chimed and Roxy’s grumpy face popped up.

“She let you take a pic of her?” Nadyah asked wryly.

The tone in her courtesan’s voice made Adelina snort. The red-headed female irked her to no end, but she was also highly amusing. “To say she ‘let me’ would be a gross over-estimation. I waited until she wasn’t paying attention and took it.”

The cast from Roxy was an update. “Apparently more than half of her inquiries were fruitful. Varan just delivered the two starships and she’s going to start tearing them down today.” Adelina slipped on comfortable shoes and then wondered if there would be any coffee so early or if she would have to go down to the kitchens.

“He is efficient, that one,” Nadyah murmured.

She slid a glance to her courtesan and friend. “He is. And today we will know whether he is your mate or not.” Adelina picked up a few books and then they walked out of her rooms and down the hall together. “Are you nervous?” she asked.

The sun filtered through all the trees, casting golden patterns on the hallway floor. They stopped outside a massive painting of the royal family from four generations ago and she placed her golden palm on the bottom right corner.

“A little.”

The painting slid to the side and Nadyah waited in the hall while Adelina quickly put the books back on the table where her father usually sat in the royal library and then grabbed the new pile he’d made for her. Nadyah and Adelina walked back to her rooms as quickly as they could. The early morning silence was almost eerie.

Only servants rushed back and forth in the halls, but they said nothing. The only place really alive at such an early hour was the kitchens. “Do you think they have anything in the dining room?” she whispered.

Nadyah shook her head. “No, the earliest they put food out is the sixth hour. We’ll have to brave Taj.”

Adelina hesitated. “It’ll be okay. We’ll just grab some coffee and then be out of the way.”

“We’ve been there three days in a row,” Nadyah reminded her. “You think he’s expecting us?”

“I’m not sure.” They stopped at the top of the stairs that led down into the bowels of the palace. The kitchens were right above the labs where it was the coolest. “Let’s go, we have to be ready to receive Varan soon.” Adelina pulled Nadyah down with her, and they kept out of the way, making themselves as small as possible.

When they reached the floor of the kitchens they pressed against the wall, making sure to keep out of everyone’s path as they ran around, bustling as they prepared breakfast for the entire palace, not just the royal family.

“Again?” Taj demanded when he spotted them.

Adelina smiled and spread her hands in apology. “I prefer your company to those above.”

Taj snorted but pointed at a small table with his knife. It was in the corner, completely out of the way and set with coffee and scones. “I figured you’d be back when I heard about the upcoming trip.”

Adelina was relieved Taj wasn’t angry. The first time she’d gone down there after Nash had left – not being able to sleep – the head chef had yelled and cursed her name while he’d set up an early morning snack with coffee. The only reason she’d come back was the small pat on her hand he’d given her despite all the yelling. She was a nuisance, but one Taj didn’t seem to mind overly much.

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books